The Entrepreneurship

Evolution and Gaining

Customer Trust

Ep. 147 with Lindy Nowak

“Be patient, be confident, and know your worth.”

Lindy Nowak

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Lesley Logan - Author, Mindset Coach, and Fitness Guru Google Play
Lesley Logan - Author, Mindset Coach, and Fitness Guru Apples Podcasts
Lesley Logan - Author, Mindset Coach, and Fitness Guru Spotify account

I left corporate about five years ago in New York City where I was the creative director at Women’s Health Mag, Entertainment Weekly, and L’Oréal amongst other large companies. Today, I am the founder of Up in a Day, a new-to-market website agency whose purpose is to help small business owners and entrepreneurs get great websites that their business deserves built and launched quickly with little effort from them.

Show Notes

An honest conversation with an entrepreneur who has began the journey of launching a web development company. Lindy shares her insight into the process that it takes to officially begin and the important tie between marketing yourself with your business.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • The journey through of starting something new
  • How to get your name out there
  • Learn how to talk about yourself and your business
  • How to teach people to trust your biz or product
  • Grace through the evolution
  • Defining and using the Pomodoro Method for productivity
  • Tips for starting something new

Episode References/Links:



Lesley Logan
Hey, Be It babe. Okay, I am really excited about this. I did not know today’s guests before, she’s really like got on a Zoom call, like I really didn’t and that’s pretty rare for me, usually I have some relationship to them or through somebody else. And so I was like nervous, like a first date nervous. And I fell in love with this person. She is really incredible. And what I’m excited for you to hear her name is Lindy Nowak, she started Up in a Day. And I’m excited for you to hear is that first of all, she is vulnerable as fuck and like tells you, she’s really just telling you her story. And I think that we all need to know what the behind the scenes. I know that social media makes everything look beautiful and pretty and perfect. And the reality is it that’s that’s what sells on social media. And also, I think I’ve said to you before, in another interview, when you’re in the ish of it, it’s pretty hard to make a post about that. You’re like, “I’m busy trying to like spin all the plates. So I don’t have time to make a post until I’m in celebration mode.” But what I love that and Lindy, Lindy shares is like, she shares the hard times and she shares like the she shares where she’s at right now. And she shared that journey. And she did with so much authenticity and honesty, and I’m just really thrilled. I’m really thrilled. She didn’t sugarcoat anything, and not in a way that like it just makes it sound harsh, but just like, you can do this too. You can do this too. And I know it’s so, so easy to to see other people and think, “Oh, that’s great for them, but it won’t happen for me.” And I really truly hope that as you listen to Lindy and you listen to her story that you actually go, “Oh, this is so for me and I can totally do this and yes, it’s gonna be hard and I’m gonna be kind and gracious to myself.” And of course, those BE IT action items, you know, I friggin love them. There’s a few of you I already know are going to take these and use them and so I can’t wait to see your posts on Instagram. Make sure you tag @upinaday and make sure you tag the @be_it_pod so we can share what you’re doing and share what’s moving you and help you be it till you see it. Here’s Lindy.


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.



Lesley Logan
All right, Be It babes. I’m really excited. I have a badass woman for you all to listen to. And I find that when I am working on doing a new project, doing new things I really need examples of people who’ve done that to like almost be like a spirit animal or a spirit guide, sort of compass because it can feel like you’re the only person doing it. So Lindy Nowak, thank you for being here. Can you share everyone with who you are and what you’re up to?

Lindy Nowak
Sure. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here. So I am the founder of a website company called Up in a Day. And we are two years young and I started it because previously I had a Digital Marketing firm. And we’re doing a lot of branding a lot of 360 campaigns for big clients. But what was happening is we were getting a lot of entrepreneurs or new businesses coming to us and saying, “Look, I’ve had this website. I’m not happy with it, we’re not found on Google, the messaging is off, or it’s half done or I’ve spent $10,000. And I don’t know, I don’t even know who built it anymore. And it’s so old.” And it was really heartbreaking actually. And I just didn’t have it in our margins to help these people quickly, because they obviously were coming to us in a panic, they needed a great website fixed or redone and on a budget. So eventually, I was like, “Yeah, there has got to be a better way for these entrepreneurs to get a website their business deserves.” And that’s how Up in a Day was born. I have always wanted to …

Lesley Logan
I think that is really cool. I’m so sorry, I’m interrupting you. Because (Lindy: No, it’s okay.) I want to just like, highlight here, it’s like, same, like we meet a lot of people who either they spend too much money on the wrong thing so they somebody sells them on, like some $15,000 website that has supposedly, like gonna be optimized for Google. First of all, they should all be optimized for Google, this is not a thing anymore. Like, (Lindy: Yeah.) that’s how they’re all built. (Lindy and Lesley laughs) They’re all (Lindy: I love it.) they’re all built like that now. Okay. So like, if you go to Squarespace, it’s going to be built for Google … (Lindy: Exactly.) Right. So, so don’t let them put that as a price tag on there. And then also, like, they often don’t know how to work the site. So then every time they want to make something different, any changes, and then the person who put the copy in there, it’s just like, some standard, like boring words that don’t actually resonate with anybody. And then they because they’re the I person with the idea. They don’t know what they’re supposed to do. So then they’re screwed, because they just spent their last dollar all their savings have this amazing idea. That is heartbreaking. And I, I understand that.

Lindy Nowak
Oh, it happens so often. And it is heartbreaking. When I started the company, I was like, “Okay, what are the real real problems that these people are currently having? Like, what have they gone through that we can completely change and fix.” So that speed, so they don’t have to wait weeks and months? It’s getting on Google. So we partner with Squarespace. It’s … and do all their SEO. So all the nuts and bolts are ready to go. And then what happens after it’s built out? What if they just want to make like minor adjustments, and they don’t know how, and they don’t want to wait weeks for further web developer to make it. So another cool thing about Squarespace and why we use it is because we’ll send everybody with a video showing them exactly how to make updates, billing all that stuff, and the backend of their site so that they have true ownership of their websites. I just feel like, you know, like in a day, in a day of Instagram, social media in general, we’re always scrolling, we’re skimming, we’re going fast. The things we want Amazon, we want it now. And we want it quick, which is, you know, for better for worse. We’re just starting to really become that culture, in society, in Western society where everything is at our fingertips. So yeah, so I guess I interupted.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So people like have, people have to move faster. And it is true. Like, it can be so scary when you’re not someone who consider yourself tech savvy, but your business has to be online. And then you have to make these changes. I love that you’re, I love what you’ve created because there is absolutely people who want to just pay someone to do it for them. And that is a different level of person. But when you’re brand new at the business, at your business, I personally don’t believe in throwing money at a problem because you actually don’t know if it solves itself. If the money solved it, like you don’t know these things. And there’s actually an amazing book called The Power of Broke like, most most companies start off with, like, very little money. So you have to really do your research, you have to really figure out how to listen to people, and then solve that problem. When you when you don’t, when you don’t have the problem of having no money for your business. You’re like, “This is the idea I want to do and I’m just gonna roll with it.” So I wonder though, like, what with so you were working for another company and you were doing all this stuff? And they were having these issues and then you started you’re own? Was that something that like came easy for you? Was it scary for you to like, start up with something new like, and also how’d you get people to hear that you exist?

Lindy Nowak
Oh, my gosh. I, okay, let me preface this by saying I had many sleepless nights, but it was so worth it. I actually spent 15 years in corporate, I was working in New York City. And actually the when I then I moved to Miami where I’m at now. And the digital marketing company was like was mine but it was like all referrals. We never had to go reach an audience because that we had big clients from New York City that were referring others to us. So you know, it was like, you know, when I started it, I was like, I thought by starting a website company that was built for millions and millions of people who are struggling for their online for a great online presence, we were just going to get customers coming at us left and right. And we’re going to reach everyone’s going to know about us. And it’s going to be amazing where I’m going to make so much money. And it’s going to be so fulfilling. Oh, you I may, I remember the first month I started it first, it took six months just to develop the business model. And the processes because the whole point was like to make my life easy as well, like very turnkey, very solution oriented, very streamline. And to have it very transactional, so that was a lot of work. So that’s where the sleepless nights came in.

Lesley Logan
Six months. I want to just like that, like six months, y’all, I think it’s really easy even if you just tuned in the beginning, you’re like, “Oh, she went from that to this. And now she’s got this great thing.” Six months just to get it to where the processes would allow you to actually help the people who wanted to help and the number of people you wanted to help, and a price point they could afford, but also at a price point that would allow you to have a business, not a charity, which is really hard to do. And yes, they don’t just come rolling in even if you’ve amazing SEO, they don’t come rolling in because the Field of Dreams will told us a lie in the 80s. Like, if you build it, they don’t come you have to build it and then talk about it all the freakin time to the right people.

Lindy Nowak
Oh my gosh, that is one of I remember I was in, I was lucky enough that one of my good friends started her own PR firm. And so we get (Lesley: Oh, my God. Amazing.) to trade oh, I got so lucky. So anyway, she got me this really great interview on And that was one of the things that I I said is like, you know, when you are starting a company, it’s all about getting out of your comfort zone and talking about what you’re doing to everybody. And I wasn’t like I was very much an introvert at the time, I even had to have a coach that taught me how to talk about the business, to be confident, to to be short and concise about exactly what we offer and who it’s for. Because as a business owner, we’re always kind of like blob like around. Like, we don’t get to the point of exactly what we’re offering and the solution we’re offering. It’s always like, and then we do this and then we do that. No, no, no. So …

Lesley Logan
Yeah, people are like, I got so many words. And I didn’t hear my name in there. And I didn’t hear my problem. So (Lindy: Right.) I’m not even listening anymore.

Lindy Nowak
Yeah, yeah exactly. And I had to learn how to talk about myself, as a woman, business owner, as an entrepreneur, but really talk about the business and what’s going on, because it’s all about exposure. And I didn’t start up in a day with like a ton of savings or anything like I was just still on my own with a digital marketing firm. And so I was I’ve been you know, I started as a bootstrapping, if you will. And it’s I, the one lesson I learned, one of the many lessons I learned is that you can’t just like go all in with high expectation of sales. It’s actually a slow game, especially when it’s a service industry. And you have a company that even though you are very unique in your niche, and you offer something that nobody else does, that there are million other web agencies out there that are also vying for customer attention. And so it is a long game, and you just have to be patient, but you have to be confident and know your worth. Know that if you’re going to succeed, that you have to be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself. I had to learn the hard way with that, too, when I was mentioning that had sleepless nights, because I put so much pressure on myself to like, perform and to have this million dollar company. But even then we’re not even there yet. And …

Lesley Logan
Well, and also like I think we look at businesses, even women owned businesses that are being you know, getting getting more and more attention. And we like, “Oh my God, these multimillion dollar business, these women built these things.” And then you find out like I was listening to another podcast about some water, some type of water. And the host was like, “Oh my God, I love your water …” Like it’s like one I don’t know, it, like made seven figures and the woman’s like, “Yeah, it’s just like, so when did you start?” She’s like, “10 years ago.” 10 years ago. And yes, she’s getting a lot of press now and yes, people are talking about it. And yes, we all know about it now but we didn’t know about it for the nine years and six months before that, you know, like and I think it’s easy to see these people go, “Okay, they did it. I should be able to do it.” And yes, but you have like you said I love that. Be kind and patient with yourself. Because what we don’t know is how long were they doing it before we heard about it? How many how many sleepless nights did they have? And you know, I think it’s I love that you said and I think this is really key especially in service based industries, I even think product based industries, because the your expectations to the sales, you think I definitely did this every time the very beginnings of our businesses, we put something up on the website, and I was like, we’re gonna get so many people to do this. And I was like, put so much pressure on myself and my husband and like our web person, get it up, we’re gonna get it up, it’s gonna make some money, we need money right now. And then like, the email would go out and like not know nothing … And it’s like, because I’m reading, Seth Godin is Purple Cow book again. And it’s, again, a really great reminder. And he’s like, “Yeah, because you have to hit the right people whose problem it solves at the exact time. They’re looking for that problems solve.”

Lindy Nowak
Just like us. I also that took a while for me to learn to I’m like, “Oh, yeah, not everybody knows that they need a website, and not everybody’s in the market for a website.” (Lesley: Mm-hmm. Yeah.) Actually, you know, I came up with a little strategy about that, or how to get around that I don’t know if it will help you or your listeners. Offering I, obviously, a lot of people do this, but offering something for free. So one of the, you know, it’s kind of like marketing channel for us now. So we offer a free website review. And it allows us to not only give back to people who you know, need help with their website, maybe they have their own designer or developer, or they did on their own. But also, like, at some point, you know, they’re like, “Oh, my gosh, she’s right like, look at all the like, the marketing, you know, tips and tricks that she’s wanting us to do and shit that she suggested.” And then eventually, they’re like, “Oh, my gosh, just forget it, can you just get on a call with us and do it for us.” So it’s actually like, I, that’s been a really good thing for us, because it’s actually fulfilling, (Lesley: Yeah.) outside of, you know, designing great websites for the business owners and having them be so happy and relieved. But also like, just, you know, it’s almost like pro bono work with a little bit of give at the end, like ROI.

Lesley Logan
I think what I love about that is and you know, everyone, you can try to see yourself in this in this situation that she’s saying, it’s like, you’re basically showing your expertise to someone because it’s, this is very hard, like, I’m a Pilates instructor and like, of course, I would love someone to come in and just buy my ten pack or buy my annual membership. But if they haven’t actually taken a class with me, or they actually haven’t seen that I know what I’m talking about, or that I can solve their problem, they’re probably not likely to drop that kind of money. Like, it’s just just the truth. You know, like, I worked in retail, and even it was the random day when someone walk in and go that purse. That’s the purse, (Lindy: Right.) I’m buying. And typically, they already looked at that purse. And I just happen to be standing there the moment that like, “That purse.” Right. So so but you’re basically saying, like, you’re taking part of your expertise, you’re making it available for free, even though it’s highly valuable for them to see a) they have a problem. And b) you know how to solve that problem. And then it allows them to build trust with you before they’re forking over their money, because nowadays, it’s not that people don’t have money. I mean, even though where people are thinking the economy, the recession, the truth is that actually people have money, more people are working and have ever worked before. It’s just that they’re like, before I give you this money, how do I know that you’re not going to run away with my money?

Lindy Nowak
Yes, exactly. Especially when you’re buying stuff online. It’s like, it’s a service. Right? (Lesley: Yeah. Yeah.) You question. (Lesley: Yeah.) A lot of our customers come to us with cold feet already, because they have a website that they’re unhappy with, for whatever reason. And they with that being said, they had bad experience. And it’s, I’m actually acting as the onboarding salesperson because I don’t, at first I was like, I’m not going to be the face of the brand is just going to be more like SAS products. So I don’t have to, like, you know, talk to anyone and because they’re just going to buy the websites online, and, and then we’re gonna customize it for them. We totally changed that. It’s because I learned that people do have cold feet, that they are questioning you, they don’t know what they’re gonna get. And they don’t know where you’re from. And so I’ve had to put myself in the, as the face of the company. And it was really hard for me to do at first, I didn’t like putting my face all over social media, never have before and I started doing it. And I got more confident about our offering and myself. And the more people I talk to, like, you and I are talking right now, that’s how we, you know, bring customers on. I just, you know, I have trusted myself and our product. So when I talk to people now, you know, after two years of doing this, I can tell them, “You know, I’m not quite sure up in a day is for you. Maybe you don’t need to redesign your website like I don’t want to see you putting $4,000 behind a brand new website.”

Lesley Logan
Right. Some people think that if I just put money at the problem, then the problem is fix but it’s like but that might not be the problem that …

Lindy Nowak
Espe… oh my gosh, totally. Especially and you mentioned it earlier. Like if they don’t know who their market is, that’s one of the questions we always ask because all of our websites are built for their marketing and sales goals. If they don’t know who they’re going after, it’s really difficult for us to, to execute, (Lesley: Yeah.) in a way that works for their business. And we’re like a very honest company and very communicative about the scope and what we offer. And …

Lesley Logan
It’s almost like you need a quiz for those people like you. So (Lindy: Yeah.) in case you want to create something more for yourself, I think a quiz for people might be helpful. But you know, I want to go back to something because you’re telling that I hope everyone’s hearing this, she’s telling this amazing journey. She was like, “This is the idea I have, I’m not going to be the face of it.” And then you quickly realize you had to pivot. And I think I know everyone hates up frickin word pivot. But like, let’s let me just tell you, that word wasn’t invented in 2020. And it ain’t going away. Like, very, very rarely is an idea that is successful at the end, the same thing that it started at the beginning, very rarely. Most, everything has to evolve, has to change, has to grow, has to react to what people are saying to them when they do it. Because you’re like, “Okay, when we say this, this is what I mean.” And then people go, “Oh, are you talking about, you know, my, my iPhone watch?” And you’re like, “No, what made you think that. Okay, now I have to change that because that’s not actually like a made people think of the wrong thing.” And so, you know, I’ve had to change with a change the boxes on our flashcards. So we had flashcards I had one box, and then quickly realized, “Oh, actually, if we want to get them in stores, we want to get them in places, we have to make them more commercial with and make them look more like this.” So to change everything, and it’s like, I think we get hung up on. “But I said I was gonna be like this. So it has to be like this.” And actually, we we need to be a little bit more malleable. And going back to what you said, the beginning, patience and grace with yourself. Because being malleable means changing what you said you were going to do, and not like your lying, not like you’re going back on your promises, but just that you’re going, “Oh, people need a face of accompany before they give money, because most likely, the reason they’re here is because they gave the wrong person money. And now (Lindy: Yeah.) they’re not sure if I can trust someone.”

Lindy Nowak
Also … also, with that being said, being graceful, right? With grace with yourself. And having that compassion for yourself. It’s okay. Let me give you an example. When I had to pivot, I was like, I felt like I was I had failed, like I had lost all these months doing one thing, and that was so much revenue that I that I lost, and I should have been doing this all along. And so now oh my gosh, the thought of having to do all that work to like, you know, change everything, change the website, copy … It’s okay, you have to tell yourself, it’s okay, just start with what is the most important thing you need to do right now and then divide up your day your week, and make the change and go slow. And it doesn’t happen overnight. But sounds so easy. Now, because I’ve been through it and it wasn’t easy, but you know, to be to be okay with the fact that it’s, it’s good to evolve and I wouldn’t you know, I won’t even say pivot or change. I would say evolve. If you (Lesley: Yeah.) change your mindset and the words that you you tell yourself and you are you You know when you’re thinking, when you’re journaling, like try not to say stuff like, I haven’t yet, so it’s almost like I have yet to or like negative words like not change not that change is negative but if it’s in a negative connotation, use the word evolve because you are evolving every day. You are growing whether you work for yourself, you work for someone else, you don’t work, maybe you’re you’re a stay at home mom that is evolving like everything you’re doing day to day is is really amazing. (Lesley: Yeah.) Even if you are home sick and watching TV, you’re resting I think that’s amazing.

Lesley Logan
I really love this. I love the idea of like watching that negative words and then like giving them even a reframe to like a sick day is like I’m actually resting and giving my body some rest. Because I think the pressure that goes back to that pressure we put on ourselves especially as women like I really there’s so much pressure and it’s like yes, like I’m not gonna I’m sitting here and like one of the questions I have for you and you don’t have to answer because it is personal I didn’t tell you beforehand but like (Lindy: Oh) how the fuck do you afford to grow something when you like your business relies on you… Do you know what I mean? (Lindy: Oh yeah.) Like I think a lot of people listening are like, “Okay ladies, this is really nice. It must be nice for you but like I actually have to make money right away from the thing that I have an idea because I can’t …” Do you know what I mean? Like was did you have your other business as you’re starting this? Did you completely pivot? Like, what was the bridge? Because I think that that’s information that I knew I needed to know, when I was trying to grow my business.

Lindy Nowak
That’s such a good question. And it’s so important to know, because we’re going back to like, that seven figure woman who’s like on the podcast, right? It’s like … (Lesley and Lindy laughs) Yeah, well, I was, without giving, like, I was definitely under six figures when I started up in a day, I would, you know, because I just had a small digital marketing company that I wasn’t really pushing, and I was just kind of comfortable, but not happy. And let’s see what did happen. I mean, to be completely honest, I got lucky. I started the company. And the transition was, I was I still had my retainer clients that were paying, I don’t know what she was she paying anywhere from, like, 1500 to 2000 a month, that was so helpful. So there’s like rent, right? And then I had the one off clients that would come in and out for like, a project fee. And then I would have the retainer that retainer clients, but the kind of ones that like are all like, he’s kind of with you, for a long time. And then, but they don’t always have a project for you. But the projects are usually big. And then we had one big client, which was not fun, but it was a good chunk of money. But you know money goes fast.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So well (Lindy: And then …) also because you, you know, you live in like I, I knew also, it depends on where you live, right? You live in a big city, like, even if you said, like, you know, unshot, like low, like under six figure like in a in a big city, that is not enough money. But now I want everyone to hear this. You didn’t just completely turn off one business to turn on another business, you had to straddle (Lindy: Yeah.) for a while. And I think that that is really key to hear. Because I think it’s really easy for people to like, look at you or I and listen to us and look, listen to other guests I’ve had, and think, oh, they just did that. And I don’t have the time, I need time to do that. And the reality is, unfortunately, when you are trying to start something new, it’s not unless you have some sort of trust, or investment for someone, or maybe have support from a person who lives with you, you might likely have to be doing two things at once. And (Lindy: Totally.) that was hard to do. And prioritization of time is really difficult, because I remember I would be working for a corporate company. And they were definitely paying my bills. And then I had that I had this other thing where I can make more in the in less time. But I just need more time to make that more so I could get rid of the thing. And I had to do both for about who I want to say about six months of like, just like, I just have to keep going and putting this away putting this away and doing these things. And so those, you’d be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes, you’re like, “I only have 15 minutes to work on my business today. I’m going to work very hard. What is the thing that moves the needle forward?” So was that was were you bridging for a year, two years, when were you able to do still have that other company work both like, were you able to just go completely up and Up in a Day?

Lindy Nowak
It was a bridge for four for about, I’d say eight months. So almost a year. (Lesley: Yeah.) And you, the hardest part was actually letting go of my clients because as soon as you let go of those retainer clients, you are off and running, and you have committed yourself to your new company. But I was ready. I remember the first website that I did it because I was like testing it. It was for my CPA. And he had a really terrible website. And he had mentioned it. I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I would you know, can I just redesign that for you? And you give me a review.” I did. And it was awesome. And then that’s when I gained the confidence to be like, “Okay, we’re going now.” But yeah, it was a good eight months for sure. And I will say that during the time for me, I remember being like kind of like really anxious, like, I tend to move really fast. Like I’m just, “I want to get it done.” And that’s how I was I was like, “Why isn’t this done yet? Oh my God, why aren’t we launching it. Like, this is so annoying. I just want it done. And I just want to have up in a day because I know it’s going to be great, but it’s taking so long. And there’s so much to do on a daily basis. And it’s not ready yet and I just wish so bad it could be ready.” And I was just like putting on myself that way that’s not a good thing to do. Just (Lesley laughs) you definitely want to have a mindset of those Pomodoro moments, if you will, where you’re like, “Okay, I’m gonna put 15 minutes straight. And I’m going to get a ton of work done and then we’re going to go back to the day job and then I’m going to do it again in two hours and then go back to the day job.” That’s what, if I could go back that’s what I would have done. I also work a million hours.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, can you can you explain the Pomodoro method? Because people I know it, I love it. It’s, I need to implement it more. But can you explain that to people might not know it.

Lindy Nowak
I also need to implement it more. (Lindy and Lesley laughs) I’m not doing it right now. It is a method and it’s a work method in which you are structuring your time as time management, provide a system, and you worked, you set a timer for 25 minutes, and you work only on that project, you shut everything off, put your phone away, put your messages with all that stuff, your email, and you only work on that one project for 25 minutes, and then you take a break. And however long that break is, I can’t really remember, maybe it’s an hour and then you go, and then …

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I don’t remember that, I don’t remember that have a break either by now you just do that. And it’s like, it’s like proven that people get a ton done. They’re super (Lindy: Yes.) focused. And like, we don’t really actually like, yes, if you are working on you have a regular job, and then you’re working on your business, you might have eight to 10 hour days. But the truth is, is that when you implement this method, and we’ll we’ll find a link to it, y’all put it in the show notes. But Amanda is like, “We will?” Yes, we will, Amanda. Thank you so much, Amanda. But like, but what you would be surprised is if you actually don’t just have this open block of time, like, “Okay, I’ve got six hours on my day off to work on my business.” But if you actually like break it off into chunks, you can get more done in less time. And it’s really amazing. And, and maybe we’ll put that in our BE IT action items will both work on the Pomodoro method implementation a little bit more. Okay, Lindy, what are you excited about right now? Like, what is it that you’re working towards right now with your business, with your life? Like what’s, what’s the next thing to come?

Lindy Nowak
Oh, my gosh, that’s, that’s a that’s a big question. I guess the answer would be that we are in growth phase, which is super exciting. And that means that we have, what that means is, we have found a marketing channel that is starting to bring in the leads that is working for us that we are not putting a lot of money behind paid advertising, which is amazing. And exposure and getting the word out and beginning to see people ref… in like third party like almost like third removed referrals coming to us. We’re being found on Google. When someone searches quick website or website agency quick turnaround like we’re showing up and where it’s fun to see that exposure. Because remember, I mentioned that I was like pushing it like we’re gonna make so, we’re gonna get so many customers like that. And it wasn’t like that until now. And it’s two and a half years. So and now I’m seeing it and that just like gets me so excited. I you know, you can see, here’s an analogy you’re on, you can see in front of you the hot coals on the bonfire, and they’re beating red and they’re just ready to catch fire. And we’re looking at that red hot coal. I’m getting like goosebumps thinking about it. Because the most rewarding thing about to the most rewarding things. One, what have you watched myself grow as a business owner, and a confident woman which before I was not so much. I was I was a different way. And then the second is like how happy we I see these clients of ours, once they see their website, because it’s like the big reveal. And that is so rewarding. It’s so cool to see.

Lesley Logan
Lindy, this is so fun. Okay, we’re gonna take a brief pause. I’m so excited for you, by the way, like being in that growth phase. I also love that analogy. Like I’m really just like, I like love that and I understand that. And it’s like, it’s like the word precipice is one point in my mind, but like, that also feels very scary. Like you’re on the edge of falling, but like you’re on the edge of soaring and it’s so freaking cool. Okay, we’re going to take a brief pause and find out where people can find you, follow you, get to work with Up in a Day, and you’re BE IT action items.

Okay, Lindy where can people get in touch with you? Stalk you …

Lindy Nowak
You can stalk us … you can stalk us on our Instagram. You can find us on our website. It’s

Lesley Logan
Great, love that. We’ll put all those links below and is your Instagram also Up in a Day? (Lindy: Yes.) Great. That’s amazing. Okay, so bold, executable, intrinsic, targeted steps people can take to be it till they see it. What do you think?

Lindy Nowak
I’ll give you three. The first one is be kind to yourself. And action item, take your yellow sticky notes and put them all over your bedroom or your bathroom mirror. And do little affirmations about how you love yourself or you are, “I’m rocking this” or whatever it is you can actually Google self affirmations online and like thousands come up and it’s amazing. And then the second one is have the Pomodoro method. Try it. (Lesley: Yeah.) Just try and get a little timer and get one of the little tomato timers then you’re really doing the Pomodoro method. And try it, just try it out. If you’re transitioning into a different career, you’re pivoting, or you’re or, or, you know, whatever it is try the Pomodoro. It’s awesome. And then the third thing is, I would say, you know, outside of the Pomodoro, structure your time by writing lists, even if it’s a journal, like start your morning, or at the end of the day, and list out every single thing that you need to do the next day. And then the next morning, either put it on a whiteboard, just like five or six things. And then just keep everything in a list so that you don’t feel overwhelmed because if you guys keep it all up in your heads, it gets very overwhelming, and then you aren’t focused. So just put it on paper.

Lesley Logan
I love all of those. I love all of those. I also, I already can see some of our listeners, you know who you are putting those post it notes everywhere. And we are big fans of timers around here, we have the time cube and friggin like my husband and I stop… we used to share an office and now we separated offices because it’s just we work very differently. So so that I can hear his time cube go off and my time is going off, (Lindy laughs) and the dogs are just like “What are all the beeping?” Oh Lindy, you were amazing. I’m really grateful for how authentic and vulnerable and just willing to share your journey and what you’re doing with your audience. I know that so many of them will definitely need Up In A Day for themselves and for where they’re going and what they’re being it till they see it in. But also just like hearing your story really does make people feel so seen. Because, yes, that is how growth of business looks like everyone. It just, it just takes the time it’s going to take and you have to show up every day and just thank you for sharing all of those truths with us. Everyone, how are you going to use these in your life? So tag @upinaday tag, the @be_it_pod. Screenshot this, send it to a friend who’s also trying to build their thing. Let them know like, “Hey, it takes time. Be kind to yourself.” And let us all know that we can, we can probably make the world a better place if everyone being kind to themselves. Imagine how they’re gonna be nicer to others. So, until next time my loves, Be It Till You See It.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell. Our Associate Producer is Amanda Frattarelli.

Lesley Logan
Kevin Perez at Disenyo handles all of our audio editing.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Angelina Herico for transcribing each of our episodes so you can find them on our website. And, finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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