Losing a 7-Figure Business
Can Be Good For You

Ep. 13 ft. Susanne Puerschel

Give yourself permission that whatever you decide can change tomorrow in a heartbeat. And that it’s okay. It doesn’t make you less of a person.

Susanne Puerschel

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Susanne Puerschel is a leading expert in the field of Elite Performance Dance Coaching, mindfulness, and self-love.She has grown multiple businesses as a successful entrepreneur.Throughout her career, Susanne has regularly appeared on the stages across Europe and the USA.After struggling with her lack of value for years, she attended a mastermind with 500+ women that forever changed her life’s direction.This monumental shift has allowed Susanne to fully help untold amounts of women reach their clarity through her passion for human potential and createdPointe To Rise, a community that empowers dancers & is changing the trajectory of the performing arts.She is also the host of the Pointe To Rise Podcast and is currently working on creating an organization that will fundamentally change the way the arts are operating.

Show Notes

Ballet took Susanne Puerschel at a very young age from a normal childhood into the spotlight, before it all came crashing down. After moving from Germany to New York she started a family, her own ballet company, climbed the corporate ladder and started a 7-figure business. Together, she and Lesley cover hitting rock bottom, putting yourself first and breaking the generational cycle, and how you can create anything that you want in this life.

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In this episode you will learn about:

    • Starting the conversation in the middle
    • Living life with certainty
    • Following, instead of exploring for yourself
    • Self sabotage
    • Hitting rock bottom
    • Giving yourself permission
    • Is “this” going to serve you
    • You don’t always have to say, “Yes.”
    • We do exactly as we’ve always done, unless…
    • Breaking the cycle, changing the legacy
    • Unparenting ourselves, our kids
    • You can create anything that you want to
    • Manifestation
    • Prioritization of self
    • Things are happening for us




Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and business fitness coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to out yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Susanne Puerschel  0:01  

I had one episode not record. Yes.


Lesley Logan  0:05  

Oh, that would be tragic. It’s okay. I like when conversations start in the middle. Welcome to the middle of a conversation, Suzanne and I were just talking about how like, our biggest fear is like not recording the episode. Like that’s the biggest fear. And she just mentioned that one didn’t. I actually, to keep going with this conversation that we’re in the middle of, I just posted the other day on my, my Instagram, my personal Instagram is like if you ever have to do something twice, it’s because the second one was the one that was supposed to be born. That doesn’t mean you don’t cry over the first one, right? You still have to grieve it. But whatever it was on that second one was the magic that was meant to be out in the world. So it doesn’t make it better. It still means more time when you have to do it, but just know that it was the right thing.


Susanne Puerschel  0:58  

Thank you for that. Thank you for the refrain because that sure did not feel like it. Or I did not feel like looking at it in the moment. It took a few swear words and a lot of persuasion. 


Lesley Logan  1:16  

Hello, everyone, welcome to the be a podcast I have my dear friend Suzanne here. And I’m gonna butcher her last name. So I’m gonna let her say it.


Susanne Puerschel  1:25  

You give it a shot. There’s no butchering that name. 


Lesley Logan  1:28  

Susanne Puerschel.


Susanne Puerschel  1:30  

You got it!


Lesley Logan  1:34  

And did you all hear how, like I said, it was such certainty because that’s also how you “be it” in this world. Like you go in as certain as possible. And if it’s wrong, you just go, “Okay. Thank you for that.” I met this beautiful woman, we just all ended up happening to be in the same room together. And you know, you’re gonna fall in love with her as much as I did. But she, she holds so much space, like you hold like, the space around you is so calming. And like I for one, I’m new to the podcasting world and so very nervous before every episode, every interview, and then I saw your name and I was like, Oh, it’s gonna be the most calm, chill, like she does just… you just bring that and… you’re a wonderful mom, I got to meet your kids. I mean, it’s just been such a wonderful time to get to know you more. And I’m really happy for us to talk to you today. And actually have you share your story because I really do think there’s so many women in this world – especially listeners here – I know a lot of my Pilates lovers have followed me here and, and most of them have come from the dance world. And so I think that your story will resonate with them so much. But even if you’re not a dancer, Hello, it’s me. Um, there is there’s so much in your story that I think we all can resonate with, like we all have been in those places where we’re trying so hard for something. And so I really am excited to bring you on. Suzanne, thank you for being here. Will you tell everyone a little bit about your background?


Susanne Puerschel  2:59  

Oh, can I just say I think that was the most warm, warmest welcome I’ve ever heard. And my heart is bubbling. So thank you and everything you said right back at you. I’m so grateful for having you in my life and your beautiful energy. So I always know that. I have a spot in Vegas I can escape to. 


Lesley Logan  3:18  

Yes, you do. Yes, you do. We now have room. We now can say yes. Come stay with us.


Susanne Puerschel  3:26  

Okay, my story. Oh, goodness, how much time have we done? Yeah, so I’m gonna make it’s 11:11 By the way, now, this is a fine numbers right now. So let’s get into it. I could not think of anything else to do when I was a little girl than to be a classical ballet dancer. I wanted to be a ballerina that stands in the spotlight and twirls in front of millions of people and brings them joy and takes them out of their life and just, you know, share shares for heart with theirs. So that was my intention. And I was just “being it” until my parents finally put me into ballet school. And I went through all the nooks and crannies and left home when I was 10 and went through eight years of strong Russian training in East Germany and had my first job in my dream company at 18. And then I was so lost, because I didn’t know what else there it is… besides, you know, standing in the middle and at this age like 18 to 20 if you didn’t have really like a childhood or a youth like you always just followed you never explored for yourself. That whole exploration thing, like others have in their teenage years started when I had my first job and I ditch so many opportunities that I had in terms of really rising to the top and then manipulated them flat. And after seven years, I just said, Okay, this is not for me, I’m just gonna leave the big company and I’m gonna move to the US. I always knew I did not… Germany was not the country for me to be in. And conveniently, my boyfriend at that time moved back to the US and I’m with you, I want to go to a small company, where I will be seen, where I don’t have to play the political games. And little did I know, being a professional dancer in Europe was like, the be-all end-all because we were looked after so beautifully, where it was different. Over on the other side of the Atlantic, so after two years, I completely stopped dancing. Like I hit rock bottom, to the point where I couldn’t move anymore. I couldn’t keep anything down. I was just crazily crying. And that was my journey into… from the beginning to the end of like, the professional world. And I escaped into running our own company. And I escaped to into Oh, gosh, ten years of Corporate America climbing the ladder, you know, going for the gold, going for the title, going for the money. And there’s nothing wrong with money. Like  No, no, no, I love it. Like, it’s, it was. 


Lesley Logan  5:45  

It was just not you.


Susanne Puerschel  6:35  

Yeah, no, no, not at all. And I learned that, like, I had just recreated it, my entire childhood or my past experience in my career. And yet another break down. Rock Bottom, and I yeah, I just stepped out from one day to another and said, no more. I can’t do it anymore. I’m risking my family and risking my marriage. This is it. Founded our own Airbnb slash cleaning company that grew to what seven figures in two years. Amazing. You know what, and I just actually really, I spoke it out and I realized how ashamed I actually was. I had yet again recreated the hustle, the, the unworthiness, the craving other people’s attention, being good enough, with that kind of the day to day, like, eat me up. Like, I couldn’t do it anymore. I was so tired of it. After you and I heard it in in La 2019. At the end of the year, I fell into this hole, like almost like something had to had to die in order for the new to rise. And that that does really hurt. But for the first time in my life, I knew this was a good one. Again, I’m just going to stay with it. And I’m going to just be here sad with my ice cream. And, and get through this because and I’m just keep doing what I what I learned – how to take care of myself and I will get through this, and so I did then covid hit and I’m like okay, this is my permission, I can now let go of this what’s not serving me anymore. So close the business. It doesn’t matter not an income. I really don’t care. But for me, I’m so free and happy. And that’s really when Pointe To Rise and my, my step back into my roots into my passion that my love was reborn.


Lesley Logan  8:53  

Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh, I want to I want to unpack so much because there’s just as you were speaking, I was like, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh, my I we have talked about that. We’ll definitely have talked about Pointe To Rise so y’all can hear more about what she’s doing. But I want to go back to first of all, like as a 10 year old going off to a school like being away from your family and and doing the thing right I think, I think there’s a lot of people who may have been jealous of the fact that they didn’t do that right. They’re like Oh, I missed out on all this time. Where I wasn’t I wasn’t you know, I didn’t I like if I think of like gymnast and other dancers who whose parents made them go to school and made them have a childhood. And you know, I think it’s really easy to see the grass is greener on the other side and we can look back and have regrets over time. But what we don’t we don’t see is that like what you what you missed out on my actually have been the things that would have kept you from hitting repeating the same patterns three times before you figured out what you’re here to do whereas other people who are like oh and i missed on this time i could do it like no actually all those experiences all of them help you actually figure out what it is that you’re here to be on this planet what you’re here to do and and and i think that is thank you for sharing that because i really do think a lot of people have regret and they say they they think they can’t do the thing they want to do because of the time they lost but it doesn’t have anything to do with it it’s all the energy we put into it so and then and then i had just laugh because it’s so funny what we can do here in the U.S. it’s really easy we just take anyone and we get them on a corporate ladder climbing like we’re super good at that and and also so how easy it was for you to do that when you really didn’t have an idea of what it is that you were wanting to do yet like that i am so thank you for sharing that you went into this hole so to speak because you you do have to break down to build up in a way you had to get rid, shed all those experiences otherwise it would have been so easy for you with Pointe To Rise just repeat the same patterns like you’re really good at that, you know?


Susanne Puerschel  11:16  

And I didn’t want that and I’m actually still in the process of every day like going deeper and deeper and deeper okay when I create this what is my everyday going to look like and is this going to serve me or is this something that in three years I’m going to hate again? I don’t want to get to that point because what I’m creating right now is so deeply rooted in me as as a deep deep love for not myself but for the arts, that I don’t want to hate him like I don’t want to grow out of doing it I want to grow with it you know? Yeah.


Lesley Logan  11:59  

Yeah, oh yeah, yeah. Same. I definitely can resonate with that it’s so my first, my first job in college I started as a cashier, right? And I didn’t actually know what I wanted to do… I’d gone to college with a specific dream in mind, and I was doing it, I was doing it… y’all I was “being it” because I was like as a high school like i’m going to do this athletic trainer thing for the football team and I was doing it for the high schools and I was trying to I was figuring out how I could do it you know when I wasn’t in school for it and then I lost feeling that my fingers. And I couldn’t… noone could figure out what was wrong, no one could figure out why I couldn’t touch anything… I’m like, “Well I can’t be an athletic trainer if I can’t tear tape, can’t feel the muscles, like I can’t do it!” And so I switched majors and started working at the jewelry store and you know I was raised that like promotions are like a good thing right like, “Oh you’re getting promoted. You’re in a raise.” Right? Like people people somehow understand that and so I would get promoted and I would get a raise and I got promoted again I get a raise and I kept getting promoted…. I was running the store and I was like, “What am I doing? Why am I running the store? I don’t even like to manage people.” So then when I became a Pilates instructor, guess who got promoted to manager right away? That would be me… and then I get promoted again and I got promoted again, and I was like I keep, I keep doing these patterns and I think I was, I was just like, I am not… i’ve never been a dancer but i could picture your repeat behavior because I think – even the listeners listening right now – just think back. We, we go through we have these grooves in our brain and we just repeat the pattern until we learn the lesson and I was like, “You need to learn the lesson that, like, just because somebody is giving you an opportunity doesn’t mean you have to say yes.”


Susanne Puerschel  13:54  

Yes! Amen to that. And I just want to add there because it is so when we think one thing isn’t serving us anymore and we dive right into the next one wanting to find something better I always forgot that one tiny but yet so big of a difference making detail and that is we always take ourselves with us. Like, if we don’t change who we are and how we believe and what we think and how we feel and our perspective we most likely will find exactly the same circumstances… just in another outfit or another spin or another suit.


Lesley Logan  14:39  

Oh my God, that is the best sentence, the best advice. I really hope everyone heard that because it doesn’t matter if you’re dating or it’s a business thing or it’s your workout or insert whatever you’re wanting to work on here, you always take yourself with you. And I remember when people were worried I was, you know, over time listeners will learn the whole story, but I was I was without address for several months. I try not to say “homeless” because I never actually had a sleep in my car, but I definitely didn’t have the same place all the time for a while. It took about, it took a bit before I found someone’s guest room for a bit, but the point of that was, people are like, “Why aren’t you finding an apartment?” I’m like, “Why am i looking?” It’s just that before I make a decision… I’ve always like found an apartment right away. I’ve always figured out the thing the next thing right away. I’m just an action taker – do the thing. And, before I do that, because this is… what I’d decided is this is the last apartment that I’m gonna live in until I can buy something or I move somewhere amazing. This is the last apartment I live in. I just need to make sure that I have figured out who I want to be, what I want to be, like my “be it”, before I pick that address. Because that address is going to be the home the birthplace of “being it” for the next thing. And so I really did take my time… scared a lot of people, but you know, I had to learn like, why do I keep dating the same person? That’s like, that… I’m… this common denominator is me… what’s happening? You know? Why do I keep overworking myself? Why do I keep getting stressed out? Oh! And so I really spent three months, like, figuring out who I was and what I wanted, so that like the first step, which would be the address I was going to live in, would be the “be it” of the birthplace. And so, thank you for sharing that and reminding people, because it’s so true – we will just take ourselves into the next situation, do it the exact way we’ve always done, because our brain wants and our body wants to do the easiest thing, which is the thing it already knows.


Susanne Puerschel  16:40  

Exactly that’s just how we are and how we’re wired, right? Like it’s, it’s, that’s our default that’s yeah it’s in our brains. However, if you’re not aware of it you can spend your entire life without even realizing that. I mean, look at me it took me what, three rounds, round about to figure it out?


Lesley Logan  17:02  

But I still think you’re winning because a lot of people probably don’t even learn…


Susanne Puerschel  17:07  

No, you know I didn’t, like I did not mean that as in even if that happens later in life you’re still 10,000 steps ahead, because you actually have gained the awareness. And just getting to that point is I believe everything.


Lesley Logan  17:24  



Susanne Puerschel  17:24  

I would not like to go back to who I was two years ago, three years ago.


Lesley Logan  17:32  

Yeah and I… thank you. I just think that it’s… I think that it’s – that those are the tough conversations we have to have with ourselves and they’re the ones that we don’t want to have, because those are going to be the tears that don’t stop and you’re like, “Why am I still crying?” And, and we think because we’re not we’re not really taught… I don’t know, I don’t know… Maybe other people were, but you know, it was like, I… there wasn’t really opportunities when my parents were like, “Yeah, keep crying. It is sad.” You know you see babies are crying like, “It’s okay, you’re okay,” and it’s like, “No, they’re not okay.” It’s okay to tell them, “I know, you’re sad. This is sad.” And, I really think it’s like the more we can just be okay with not being okay and sitting in that… I think it scares people, because you know you don’t know how long you’ll be in that. But I promise you you’ll get there a lot less often you do it one time, because your body will go, “Thank you for listening to me, I’m really upset right now. I don’t feel comfortable in this.” 


Susanne Puerschel  18:37  

Yeah, oh gosh. And thank you for bringing that up with kids. I have to say that I definitely was mother guilty of, “Just stop crying,” but it was all about me, it was not about the child. It was how it made me feel. It made me feel inadequate. It made me feel like I’m a bad mother because I can’t make my child happy right now. And coming to that realization really, really hurt… really, a lot.


Lesley Logan  19:08  



Susanne Puerschel  19:09  



Lesley Logan  19:10  

That that I mean like, I’m not, I’m not an actual not a parent of any children… but I feel for parents so much, because you can only do like, you can only do the best you can with what you know. You were only with your parents until you were 10, so, I mean, your, your, your… the rest of the time you were with adults. They were teaching you be a proper ballet dancer, one that like every single dancer looks up to. You were… there wasn’t… you weren’t given the tool bag, right? And like, the tools in the tool bag. And my parents, you know, my, my mom was raised by teenagers and my dad was raised by… yeah, totally, which is its own thing, right? And then, so whenever I think about my childhood I’m like, I mean imagine… she was 21 when she had me, so just imagine a 21 year old with a grandmother… My grandmother was 36! Do you know? How… what was the… They did the best they could, you know? What were the…


Susanne Puerschel  20:13  

Way to break the cycle though! Look at you, you changed the legacy. 


Lesley Logan  20:18  

Oh, thank you. Thank you. I know it’s a big joke when people are like, “Oh my God, are you guys… Are you and Brad going to have kids?” and I’m like, “So in my household I’m too old to be a grandmom now!”


Susanne Puerschel  20:28  

Your train has long passed.


Lesley Logan  20:32  

It’s gone. But, uh, you know, and then and my dad was raised. You know, interestingly enough, he was born in the 50s. And his parents were in their 30s when they had them, which was very odd. So they had very interesting childhoods. And so they did the best that they could and, and every parent out there with at the time in the 80s, was telling kids like, “Suck it up,” like, “You’re not bleeding,” like, “You’re fine, don’t cry.” And so, you know, I think that if we can all just like, recognize that, like, the people who raised us did the best they can and it’s our job to like, kind of unparent ourselves, and then give yourself permission, like you’ve learned, you figured it out at some point. And you can still, you can still work with your boys in a way to like, help them figure it out sooner, you know? 


Susanne Puerschel  21:15  

Yeah. So that’s what we’re going through right now. It’s like, unparenting our kids basically. And I say that with pride, actually, because I’m breaking legacy as well. You know, I was raised, my father was born in 1909. And I’m not old, and shrink-ily, like, I’m in my 40s. They had me really, really, really late. My mother was born just before the Second World War started in 1932. So imagine the baggage that I had been given. And I didn’t even realize. But I have to say that I always knew that I didn’t want to feel that way. I didn’t want to act that way. My dad left really early, like he passed away when I was six. But I did not want it to be that woman. My mother was under any circumstances. Like, I knew that, but I didn’t know how to be there. If that makes sense.


Lesley Logan  22:19  

Yeah. That’s, that’s interesting. And I think like people listening to like, you know, what, like, what is… What are some things we can talk about with this whole idea? Like, how do you be the thing that you’ve never seen? Right, like, or you didn’t experience? And I think, you know, that could also be a good excuse. Like, “I can’t do it, can’t go be it, Lesley. Can’t go be it, Suzanne, because I’ve never seen it. So don’t know what to do.” But somehow you managed to figure out a possibility, a pathway, you found that, you never, like, stopped looking for that. And so what is what what would you say to the person who’s like, why I didn’t, I didn’t get that upbringing, so – that I wanted to have… and how do I be that for others when I didn’t have it myself?


Susanne Puerschel  23:09  

That is such a layered, great question. That’s that…


Lesley Logan  23:14  

I know, maybe if we can solve that maybe we could, yeah, we can get another million dollars. We can write the parenting book on that for adults, how to parent yourself.


Susanne Puerschel  23:23  

Um, you know, what I realized is that I thought, things have to be a certain way. Things have to be the way I have been taught they have to be. And when I realized that, that is completely bogus, that I can create anything that I want to. And that was literally undone that belief of me having to follow everything. And when I say follow I, I was never like a follower, follower, in that sense. Like, I always wanted to be a leader. I just didn’t know leadership is going that, that I can choose my own beliefs that I can choose my own thoughts, I can choose who who and what they want to be, I can choose all of these things, all the way down to, you know, how I want to feel today, at or at any given point. And when that switch flipped for me, that was my my moment where I, I started to recreate everything in my life. And I don’t know, I love that question. Because…


Lesley Logan  24:34  

It totally does. It answers it in a different way than I would and I love that because I think that that there that’s why there’s so many amazing people on this planet because you’re going to learn from someone, right? Like, I love that you… I love the honesty in there and also that like you, that perfection is what you were following. But then you discovered that you could do it your own way and I think that giving yourself permission… If you don’t, if you didn’t see the example when you’re growing up or in your life of what it is that you want to be, then knowing that it’s okay to not follow a plan and to find your own path to doing that – that is permission. It’s, it’s not going to be easy, but it’s actually like amazing permission to go, “Oh, there, there… it doesn’t have to be the path to find the leader that I’m going to be.” Like, “I can actually make my own way.” And I think that’s really beautiful and I hope that, I hope that someone listening lets us know if that helped them today or not, because I, you know, I, I think it’s also easy to pretend to not to know.


Susanne Puerschel  25:44  

It’s the beautiful big piece of rock you can hide behind and use it as an excuse, which I have, for many, many years, quite honestly. And that’s, that literally is just a choice away. Like, you either choose to stay where you’re at and you hide behind that rock and say, “Well, I didn’t know any better.” This is what I’m seeing in the arts right now. Like they just say, “Oh, yeah, well this is all we got. We just, we don’t know.” Well, go find out. Go ask questions. And I, I have to say that I never grew up in like in a bubble where it was okay to ask questions, like when you ask questions you were labeled stupid. I still struggle with asking questions because I have this innate fear, like almost anxiety, to be labeled stupid, because I was so… like that is so, I have yet to figure it out how to let go.


Lesley Logan  26:43  



Susanne Puerschel  26:43  

Well, we don’t… 


Lesley Logan  26:44  

I don’t think you’re alone there. I think that so many people can resonate with that. Like, I, I mean, you weren’t, you know, you were there when I was like, “I just, I hate asking the question,” and it wasn’t because like I hate asking questions… I google everything. It’s because I didn’t, I didn’t, I was afraid of wasting people’s time asking a dumb question that I probably could figure out, or I could google. And, and so yeah, I think that so that… thank you for, for sharing that, because I really do think that so many people get stuck on the asking of the question because of whatever they think asking questions represents.


Susanne Puerschel  27:19  

Yes, exactly. And where was I? Oh, yeah, I just really, really understood how important it is to ask questions. Like, in any kind of scenario, you know? Even as, when I was smaller and we were exactly given, “Okay, this is who you have to be. This is what you have to do on a daily basis in order to be successful.” But looking at it right now and asking the question, “What if there is another way? What if we would do it this way? What would it look like? Could this actually be joy?” And that opens up so many more possibilities that nobody ever looked at and with with new questions come new answers right and this is where I would say you have the choice to hide between behind a rock and just to shut down and take the easy path and say, “Okay, this is what I know and I’m not even going to go google it,” or, “I’m gonna put myself out there knowing that I am not stupid. I am here to grow and this is what growing looks like.”


Lesley Logan  28:30  

Again amazing permission that it’s… asking questions is part of the growth. It’s like, it’s almost like if you’re a plant than the water is like the question, right? And like, when we ask a question your right we get better answers, and you also get different answers, right? Like, if you are not liking how you wake up every day and you go through the day and you’re like, “Oh.” Like, you have to ask yourself the question, you have to ask, “What if I do this? What if I go a different route? What if I, what if I change the work schedule? What if I…” you know, and, and try it on. It’s all, it’s all trial and error anyways, right? Like a big experiment. Yeah that is, that is the key, and I think that’s the hardest thing. And so, you know, I think a lot of people… they want to know for certain, “Okay, this is, this is gonna be it for me,” and I mean, I think you said earlier, like you want Pointe To Rise to be the thing that grows with you, and that has been something that I’ve also, like I really like, I really feel and understand because it’s so easy even when I was a Pilates tea… well, I am a Pilates teacher, but even when I was becoming a Pilates teacher it’s like, “Okay, now I’m a teacher trainer, now I’m a studio manager, now I have on-demand stuff…” Like, period, period, like, put a period on it. But like, it, every time I did that it felt harder to do the next level, because I’m like, “Well, I’m changing,” but all this stuff, all these things that I have, all my clients are used to this, right? And so it’s, I, I was like… when we moved, when COVID happened, I’m like, “No, from now on everything grows with us.” Because if it cannot grow with us, it’s just, I don’t want to be held to like, this is how it is, like, it’s exactly this way all of the time. And it’s been this passion of mine to really help people go, “It’s okay, your schedule can just change next month. It can change next week!” Like, you can change how you operate your business. You can change how you operate your life, because you are ever changing, like, we’re always growing. And so I feel like the sooner someone can learn that…. the better, right?


Susanne Puerschel  30:35  

Yes, giving yourself permission that whatever you decide can change tomorrow in a heartbeat. And that’s okay. It doesn’t make you less of a person or less of something. Like, it’s okay.


Lesley Logan  30:49  

Right? Because also you can, you can hear it right? You can be watching a commercial or listening to a podcast, you’re like, “Oh my God, that’s the thing, that’s exactly what I want to do.” And then with action comes clarity. Might be like…


Susanne Puerschel  31:05  

Oh, and being okay, that you know, okay, now I have clarity that this is not what I meant to do. Or this is not the next step. Being okay with that, I have to admit is super hard for me, because I grew up in this, well, everything you do has to be perfect. There’s no trying out. It’s like you have one shot deals, right? It just needs to be okay. And my family to this point looks at me, it’s like, “What are you doing? Hey you, why do you keep trying?” But because that’s the path I need to take this until I figure out what it really is. And this is the first time… I had to be in my 40s to come to the point where, “Okay, let’s do this,” Well, if not now, then when? Yeah, and yeah, I feel the sooner you can learn that the easier it will be for you down the road to just do.


Lesley Logan  32:04  

And, yeah, I want to, I want to chat a little bit about like, there’s, there’s a fun story that I feel like it might be a fun story. So I want to I want to hear more about it. But, but when I read this about you, I was like, “Oh my God, I’ve so done that.” So you used to pretend to live in a neighborhood. And I want to chat about this because this is like… if you’re not into vision boarding or you’re not into, like, goal setting, I feel like this could be something that someone does to kind of manifest, picture, be it till you see it. So can you tell us a little bit about that?


Susanne Puerschel  32:44  

I’m so glad you asked that question because it actually made me think, “Oh my gosh, that’s my entire life.” Actually, just, I wasn’t aware of it. And I for the first time actually realized, “Oh, my gosh, I am so powerful.” You know, we all are. But I always thought, “Everybody else, not me.” So when we moved in to Victoria in 2006, with like nothing and one child and another child on the way, I was like, “One day I’m going to live in this particular neighborhood. That should be nice, you know, upper class neighborhood.” Like, “I’m just going to live there.” And, I would find myself working in the neighborhood. I would find myself driving here, going shopping here. I would find myself just driving around and pretending how it would feel if I would be walking here. I would take strolls on the weekends here. I would take my kids here for 15/14 years, I would do it continuously but not on purpose. Like I wasn’t conscious of what I was doing. And after 2018 Bliss Project, which was my first event that I went to in my entire life, anything that I’ve ever done self development wise started with Lori… 


Lesley Logan  34:10  

I think that was my first one. 


Susanne Puerschel  34:12  

Yeah, was it?


Lesley Logan  34:14  

I’ll have to confirm… it was that one or yeah, ’cause 2020 didn’t happen. So, yeah, 2018 was my first one. I won a ticket there.


Susanne Puerschel  34:23  

Oh my gosh, good for you. Wow! I got back and I was like, “Okay, well… Things are going to change now, right?” Well, they did. I knew that I had to move. I just knew it. Like I couldn’t stand the energy that’s coming from the four parts that were surrounding us. And when the universe was just like, “Hey, here’s your eviction notice.” Out of the blue. Like, “Oh my God, it’s summer in Victoria. How am I going to find a place? This is insane… we have a dog, kids… impossible.” Until I changed my perspective. And I said, “Well, what if? What if this is my chance to move where I want to go?” So I was driving around and postponed the eviction, the moving out. Because I knew I had to be sure that we had something figured out. And one day, I had to deliver something for a client. And I landed right here in front of this house. And I was asking him, “Hey, guys, are you renovating it? Are they selling it?” And it was like, “No, no, no, no, that the agent is inside there. They’re renting it out.” And I go inside and it is an old client of mine that I coached and served for many years when I was in corporate America. I was like, “What are you doing here?” She’s like, “Getting it ready to rent” I was like, “Okay, look no further. This is my place!” Without seeing it… and then she’s like, “Okay, cool, come by the office aqnd we’ll get everything rolling on Monday.” Yeah, four weeks later we signed a contract and moved out. So that’s how I really, and I did this, nobody else. I really treated this… get us out of the neighborhood that I wasn’t really happy in/with anymore. And we’re now living two blocks from the ocean surrounded by nature and in a really, beautiful neighborhood. Now, I still walk around every morning and every evening being just so grateful that I can’t believe I did this.


Lesley Logan  36:46  

I love this. I hope everyone listening hears this, it’s like, sometimes we’re not even conscious of when we’re “being it.” And I really do think that, there, as you’re telling several stories, I was like, “Oh, look at me. I was being it then too, and I was being it then too,” and I hope if you’re listening you are like, “Oh, I’ve done that. Oh, I’ve done…” If you’ve done that, like, look at how many times you’ve already been being it until you seen it and didn’t even know it, and like, and then imagine the power you have when it is a more conscious thing, right? And I, yeah, I love that so much… the world, I find the world a fascinating place because things are happening for us all the time but oftentimes we’re fighting them. We’re fighting them so, so, so much. And, and if you can reframe… Of course, we talked about that at the beginning of this episode, when you had to like re-record a podcast like, of course, tears, curse words… have the emotions, feel the feelings, and then ask yourself, “Well, what… What could this be helping me do? What, what, what, how could this be happening for me?” Because, you know, I mean, it’s, it’s when you reframe it like that you start, it’s better questions, and you get better answers. And I love, I love that you’re in this home in this neighborhood. And myself, Brad and I walk around our neighborhood every night together. And we’re always like, “I feel… I love this neighborhood.” And I never want to not be grateful on a walk.


Susanne Puerschel  38:08  

Right? Same here. Same here. I’m just… and quite honestly, like looking back that, that question sparked so much. From getting into the ballet school, like I wasn’t… they didn’t want to take me. I manifested that. Getting the job at the at the Opera House at 18. I manifested that. I mean, I worked for it too but I manifested it. Getting out of Germany, I started manifesting it when I was 13.


Lesley Logan  38:39  

Yeah, and I, so I, and I think people, you know, there’s a lot of people go, “Well, you can’t just manifest, because, like, you got to do something.” But you can’t just do something without knowing where you’re going. Because then you just end up repeating the same things over and over. So I love that you’re like, “This is what I wanted to do. This is how I’m, like, this is my manifest… this is what I want to have,” and then you’re… and then you did the work for it. And I think that is absolutely being it until you see it. Like, so I came up with this title from Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk. And she talks about how they actually did a study where they had people stand in the power stance, right? Hands on hips, feet wider than hips stand up like Superwoman, Wonder Woman. I don’t know Marvel, so sorry, everyone, don’t hate me… But, but yeah, they stand in that power stance and they stood there for minutes, right? And then they had, then those people went into an interview. And then they had people sit, then they had them on another time, like sit slouchy, like small, like make themselves small. They had him sit like that and then go into an interview and they, they train people to not react in the interviews at all, ask the questions. And the people who in the power, were in the power stance… They came out feeling like they got the job. Like feeling like, that was amazing. And the people who were small, all felt like, they like, but like, we’re terrible. It was the worst thing ever, like awful, right? And so, and so it like the whole… if you… And Susanne, you talked about how like, you have to be it till you see it right? Like, you do the thing until all of a sudden you’re like, “Oh, I am, the thing is, I am the thing now.” Right? And that (Yeah.) And it’s, it doesn’t stop. It’s a cycle because it’s, there’s another thing and it doesn’t mean that you’re not satisfied, it’s just that we are ever changing. And it’s the thing that you’re going to go do you haven’t done yet. So you have to go be it till you see it. So you did that with your house and all the things you manifested, the dancing, and the Opera House job… which is amazing, you know?


Susanne Puerschel  40:35  

Yeah. And I, you know, consciously never really believed in it until I was introduced to self development and understanding. Well, wait a second. I actually am doing all of these things already. So that was that was a big aha moment for me. 


Lesley Logan  40:55  

Yeah, well, I’m that’s like, where confidence comes right? When you are, and you become aware of the things that you’re doing and how they’re actually tools helping you. It’s hard to see the label from the outside, from the inside, the inside. Easy to see the label from the outside. But we’re on the inside. I want… a couple things. First, where can everyone who’s falling in in love with you, follow you?


Susanne Puerschel  41:18  

Oh, you can find me mostly on Instagram, either under @SusannePuerschel or @Pointe_To_Rise. That’s the community and I’m barely on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, podcast, Pointe to Rise podcast. 


Lesley Logan  41:36  

Y’all go listen to the Pointe To Rise podcast. We’ll put your handles also in the notes, so it’s easy for people to find. And, absolutely, I can’t wait to hear what people’s takeaways are. Before I let you go, I have to, I have to know… I think people’s biggest problems with “being it,” being bold or executable or following that intrinsic motivation… You know, all of that comes with prioritization. Like how do you prioritize “being it” when like, the world around you is trying to get you to do things for them?


Susanne Puerschel  42:14  

Oh my gosh, this is such a good question. I actually have goosebumps on my head like inside of my skin. And I want to really precisely answer this question I never knew how to make myself and what I wanted for me a priority, because I never knew that I was worth it. And when, when you realize how much of a beautiful and worthy soul you are you will put what is important to you before pleasing somebody else, or giving from an empty cup, or please everybody before your needs, and you will realize that, that will make everything so much easier. Everything like, your life, your relationships, “being it”… what you want to be. Yeah, 


Lesley Logan  43:19  

Yeah, that’s… that gave me chills. That is so amazing. You’re, you’re absolutely a beautiful person inside and out. And, thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your story. I’m beyond inspired. I, I’m just so grateful for this conversation. I hope we get to have more. And everyone what would mean so much to me is if you could screenshot this, tag Susanne and I, and share us the take… share the takeaways. Like, what was your favorite part? What, like, really gave you goosebumps and chills and so that we can share that with others and also know what what resonated with you. Thank you Susanne, I, I can’t wait to talk to you more again and everyone listening, thank you for your time. I’ll see you soon.


Susanne Puerschel  44:07  

Thank you Les. Love you. 


Lesley Logan  44:10  

Love you.


Lesley Logan

That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast!

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Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Kevin and Bel at Disenyo handle all of our audio editing and some social media content.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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