How to Reverse the

Environment’s Impact

on your Body

Ep. 174 with Lesley & Brad

“It’s not all just like in your mind, it could also be in your blood.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

Your genes determine a lot, and they are continually affecting how you feel, react, and live your life. Tune in for an episode to discover how you can eat your way to your best life.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • 40% for Lesley’s 40th birthday celebrations!
  • Changing your health path for life-changing results
  • How your genes express and communicate.
  • Three things to keep your genes healthy
  • Reverse the environment’s impact on your body
  • Why you need to start your morning with salt
  • Make sure your routine is set for you

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the restorative convo I have with Jessica in our last episode. If you haven’t yet listened to that one, feel free to pause this now, go back and come back and join us. Listen to this and listen to that and see what we got, right. Whatever you want to do.

Brad Crowell
A little bit of this. A little bit of that.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, something like that. Maybe listen to the whole of both, though.

Brad Crowell
I listen to this. I listen to that.

Lesley Logan
Because otherwise it doesn’t make sense. If you listen to like one half of this and then one half of that. I mean, maybe … (Brad: Maybe you just mash them up.) I guess you could do like the last half of this and the last half of that and the first, no, it’d be boring. You would know anything to just do it, just do it. Listen on both. Anyway, okay, y’all.

Brad Crowell
Happy Birthday Lesley! The big 40!

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Oh my goodness, I finally get to wear my Bee in the Fox. It took me ’40 years to look this good’ shirt.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, today is the day.

Lesley Logan
Today is the day. Yes, I am an Aquarius. And I know that you probably should know that if you didn’t know that already. Some people already can tell and some people know because I think I’m pretty good at not sounding like an Aquarius and then I don’t know my keys are but I can tell you where I put your keys. Sometimes. Anyways, it is my birthday. Thank you all so very much. It is also what probably started the big controversy my parents marriage of why my name is my name and my my mother sometimes still suggest I can change it if I want to.

Brad Crowell
Oh, I like your name. I’m glad your name is your name.

Lesley Logan
Thank you. (Brad: You’re welcome.) That’s a good one. Everyone, you know what I will say about my name is my clients when they wrote checks because that’s how long I’ve been teaching Pilates. But back in the day before I took checks. In my studio, I had these clients like, “I just love writing your name while writing this check.” I’m like, “That’s great.” You …

Brad Crowell
You keep loving doing that.

Lesley Logan
You keep loving writing my name on that check. Anyways, um, so yeah, so um, you know, it’s my birthday. But more importantly, there’s some fun things happening over OPC.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we’re celebrating over there. We got a big 40% off a whole bunch of things for the big 40 …

Lesley Logan
That’s so cool. That’s amazing. (Brad: Yeah.) So go do that.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, just go over to And it’ll be right there on the homepage.

Lesley Logan
Wonderful. Well, and also listen to some ads, because there was one other thing I was hoping we’re also doing for my birthday. But you didn’t mention it. So now I don’t know. (Brad: Uh-oh.) Okay. Are we doing 40 days for $40?

Brad Crowell
Oh, yeah, it’s just the whole 40s. (Lesley: Oh, there’s a whole …) … everything (Lesley: Oh, okay.) 40

Lesley Logan
So there’s a lot of things happening with your … (Brad: These things available.) Yeah, most little things available with with 40 somewhere with a percent or $ sign next to it. So go have fun. Over it Okay, then. This is like actually, there’s like, literally three days not even. If you are listening to the day it drops, Hi. I love that you’re like you’re on top of it. (Brad: Yeah. Pay attention.) But get on over to If you have not done it with us before, and you would like us to coach you on your business because we kick off on Sunday. (Brad: Yep.) The door is closed. We don’t let you in. Do not beg me on Monday. It’ll be it’ll just feel overwhelmed. We don’t do it. You gotta sign up.,

Brad Crowell
Get in. Don’t wait today just go over to If you don’t have any idea what we’re talking about, Lesley and I run a coaching program. This is a week long experience of our ongoing coaching program. We’re going to help you clarify your business offerings and it’s going to change the way you look at your business. It is going to make things so much more fun. (Lesley: Yeah) You’re gonna have permission to say, “Sorry, I don’t … you know maybe I’m not the right teacher for you. You know, but I can introduce you to someone else who is because you know who you’re for, why you’re doing what you’re doing, what you should be charging, all the things.”

Lesley Logan
We had one of our pro members, share a win today. It said, I had my boundaries tested three times this week. (Brad: Wow!) Each time got harder and harder to uphold them. But I have held them and I’m so grateful because I cannot teach that late. I cannot teach that early and I cannot teach on my day off. (Brad: Amazing.) And you know like that and she can do that because she knows and trust that she’s training her clients how to treat her, (Brad: Yeah.) when to show up, how to treat themselves, how to protect their own schedule.

Brad Crowell
She knows her numbers. (Lesley: Yeah.) Or not she actually needs to take those sessions or if it’s just like that big question mark of, “Am I making enough money? I don’t know.” So, yeah. (Lesley: Yeah.) That’s amazing.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So and if you’re not a fitness instructor, share it with a fitness instructor, you know, because they could use some help.

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
Okay, before we get into Jessica Brothers. What is our audience question?

Brad Crowell
I love this question asked this anytime. When is your next retreat?

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So I got this question from someone who was visiting our friend Joel, actually. (Brad: Oh cool.) Yeah. And so yeah, our retreat came up. And like, “When is it?” And I said, “It is actually coming up.” I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, October 8 through the 13th of 2023. That is this year, October 8 through the 13th. I am so excited. (Brad: Yeah.) It’s gonna be a lot of fun. We’re only doing one Cambodia retreat this year. We’re not doing any other retreats this year. This is the only retreat we’re doing.

Brad Crowell
We’re not doing a business retreat in Vegas. We did a two of those last year. We are usually we do two trips to Cambodia. But this year, we are only doing one. (Lesley: Yeah.) And so you can you’re more than welcome to join us. We, there is limited room. So you know, don’t wait on this. But the, yeah

Lesley Logan
The doors are open. You can sign up now.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, just go to (Lesley: Yeah.) And you can see all about it, you can see that the rates and all this stuff. If you are like, always have always wanted to go, but it’s going to take your family vacation time. We are we have had many spouses join who don’t do Pilates, they just want to go for the experience, we are offering that as well. So there’s like all things you can totally come with your partner and have an amazing time and enjoy the experience. And you can do the workshops and the blogs and the meditation and things like that, where if that’s not their jam, that’s okay.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, we’ve got we got an option for them, and they can go off and do a cooking class or get a massage or something like that. So (Brad: Yeah) it’s a lot of fun. So you’ll definitely if you if you’re like, “I’m gonna wait for the next one.” You’re waiting till 2024.

Brad Crowell
Right. So don’t wait,

Okay, now let’s talk about Jessica Brothers. On a mission to heal, help heal the world. Jessica is an epigenetics specialist. And I looked that up because I was like, “What is that word?” She’s a best selling author, and a business owner working to reverse chronic diseases. She’s passionate advocate that, that through food and fueling your body correctly, you can change your health path. And it will literally create life changing results.

Lesley Logan
I love bringing in different health experts. And because the reality is, is that like if your hormones are off, you can’t feel awesome. You might not like there are reasons why you could feel depressed or unmotivated or literally not be able to believe in yourself. Like it’s not all just like in your mind, it could also be in your blood. So so it’s really important to me, that we don’t just give you stories of inspiration or strategies for like making more money or achieving your goals. But also like you only have this one body. And for you to do those things, you got to take it with you and has to be optimal. So I’m excited for for the, I’m so glad to get to this interview.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, so let’s dig into epigenetics. So epigenetics or epi gene etics, genes, it’s all about your genes, epigenetics. Specifically, is how your genes express and communicate. And if they are not communicating inside of your body properly, things begin to break down, right. And then we get symptoms, right. So like, think of it that this is a great example, I grew up what my mentor when I was in my teens was a chiropractor. And he specifically focused on the spinal column, and mostly on the neck. And his, what he said over and over again, was, it’s very simple, your brain is sending messages to your body. And if the messages are blocked, because your spine is not allowing them to flow, because it’s out of whack. You need to get the spine back in in the correct place so that the nerves aren’t pinched, the messages are able to send properly, and it’ll send these messages to your body where it’s supposed to be. And this is also basically in that same vein, you’re, you know, when your body is functioning properly, it allows you to stay healthy, stay at peak performance, all of these kinds of things. And she was talking about big and small stuff. I mean, everything from like, why is your hand itching or hurting maybe or your shoulder or whatever, all the way to like Parkinson’s disease, you know, and it all comes down to epigenetics and how your genes are communicating and what they’re expressing, you know, if your body if your brain is sending signals, but those signals are being blocked, somewhere is supposed to receive a signal. And if that signal isn’t being received there, what’s that part of your body going to do? Who knows. And that’s why we end up with weird things.

Lesley Logan
The conditions. I mean, like, that’s just what happens, it’s like, it’s like, a simple thing is like, if you always have it outside of your foot, (Brad: Yeah.) the muscles on the other side are not actually getting worked. And that changes how you walk, which changes how you work with your knees, it changes how you work with your hips, it changes how things feel in your back. And then that (Brad: Yeah.) changes how much you move eventually over time, which that you know, so like, it just that’s on a physical level, and she’s on a genetic level. So it’s the exact same thing that’s happening.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. She said, also, how we feel stress, how we respond, react to stress also depends on how on how healthy our genes are. And then she said, very three specific things on how can we keep our genes healthy?

So there are three main things. Right. There’s internal, external and environmental. Internal is like the food, what are you putting in to your body? Right. So obviously, eating healthy. Secondly is the external like the the skincare, creams, sprays, dyes, anything that has to do with what we’re putting on our body. And then the third thing is environmental choices. And typically, my understanding from the conversation is your environment creates stress. So, and then she said …

Lesley Logan
Well, aslo like, I mean, there’s just if your walls have mold. (Brad: Oh, sure.) You know what I mean? Like there’s also those kinds of things. (Brad: Yeah.) And the externals, I think that I want to just like jump in real quick, because I think it can be really easy to go, “Okay, well, I don’t actually do a lot of these things.” Your shampoo could be fucking you up, like (Brad: Yeah.) your lotions. And that’s why like, one, we have like a very vegan. Thank you, Australia for this amazing non chemical deodorant that we actually it’s not even a deodorant. It just like keeps us from smelling. But my friends and so I was like I need to and they like we actually went through the whole thing to find one because we need to … (Brad: It’s a deodorant, not an antiperspirant.) Yes, that’s right. And then, but when I started going down in my health thing, Chris Talley, who I worked with, he actually worked with whole teams whose like entire performance was, they were still great players, but they were actually not doing what they were expecting them to do. (Brad: Yeah.) And he looked at all their blood and goes, “Yeah, y’all have something going on in that locker room.” And so went into the environment for which they work, and found all these shampoos and all these soaps and all these lotions that were literally causing them to have too much estrogen in their body, which was slowing them down and changing their coordination. (Brad: pretty crazy.) Yeah, yeah. So like …

Brad Crowell
So there are a lot of things that you can’t control in this. But also, just like we were talking about in our last conversation, you know, space and grace here, you cannot control everything. Okay? So you want to, you know, but just to be conscious and intentional about the things that you’re putting into your body, the things you’re putting on your body, the environments that you’re in.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, this is where you if you become too perfectionist about this, you are going to be living in a cave. Like, I know, it’s like I, as someone who’s been on …

Brad Crowell
A cave that gets lots of sunlight.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Well, I mean like I think you it’s easy to go too extreme with this and you end up not being able to eat out with friends (Brad: Yeah, or just enjoy life.) or go to people … or just enjoy life. So I loved that she pointed out like, I am drinking out of this water bottle, but I don’t do these other things. And like that’s, that’s just like what we have to to give ourselves some space and grace on for sure.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. So what was one of the I mean, now that we’ve kind of covered epigenetics, like what’s (Lesley: Yeah.) one of the things that you love about what she said?

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I mean, what I’m what I’m really excited about with her and what she does, and like the other people we’ve had, like Dr. Bender on and things like that is like, there are other ways, like there are ways to help take care of like what, like, you don’t have to go, “Oh, I’m unhealthy.” So that’s my lot in life like we can actually support this and change course, and one of the easiest ways is to use supplements to assist. And she likes to do this because you can make it ea… an easy catalyst for making your body want to make better choices. And like, Chris, had me do this. And so I totally understood what she was talking about, which is like, I’m not on all the supplements that he put me on the first time I had to go work with him. But he said, “Go on these now. So your body can actually start to make these things or you crave these things.” And so what’s really cool is like, if you work with, with Jessica, or someone similar to her, it’s not like you not every single supplement is for life, like, “Oh my God, I’m taking these for life.” Ideally, it’s to help you experience change quickly. So that you can start to live more optimally, start to have more energy, start to feel good. And then you start to make better changes because of that.

Brad Crowell
Well also, it’s also can be what like, in your specific case, to effectively restart your body producing those things. (Lesley: Yeah.) Because it it stopped, it forgot how and because, you know, for whatever reason, I know, like 10 years of trial and error of all the things I mean, I think something that everybody’s heard about is like, if you stop drinking milk after a while, you’re gonna have a hard time processing milk. If you stop eating meat for after a while, you’ll have a hard time processing meat. It’s the same thing. But like it can be in some pretty vital things like the digestion, right? The amount of stress that was happening in your body was actually blocking your body from producing enzymes that would break down food. (Lesley: Yeah.) So taking supplements helps your body remember, “Oh, yeah, I gotta do this.” (Lesley: Yeah.) Right. And so you don’t need to remind your body for the rest of your life. You just have to kickstart everything to get it back and going again. And that kickstart took a couple years to be honest.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I mean, and that’s to be like, to be expected. It’s like any, in any change, you know, even income, like recovering from a relationship, however long you’re in that relationship, just so you know, you don’t just recover in three days, if it was like a (Brad: Right) 10 year relationship. So like, it’s the same thing with your body, they work the same way. And and I think what and the guessing game is what you don’t want to do, you definitely want to work with someone like Jessica. And that was her whole thing is like educate yourself. Find someone you trust, find someone who aligns with you who gets results, ask like for testimonials, and then like, and then go down the course and and Amy says this all the time, try not to have seven people that you’re getting advice from because you’re not going to know what’s working and what’s not working and like, (Brad: Right.) really, truly do the research and then stay the course and it might and then advocate for yourself. Like we’ve talked about in other episodes. Like if it’s not working or you don’t feel like it’s working, ask questions, but you all like if you’ve ever felt sick, do you make the best choices for your day that day? Like not really. You’re like, well. Like …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, probably not.

Lesley Logan
Like you know, I’ll tell you if I was hungover. When I was hungover at 23 I wasn’t exactly picking the most healthy salad for that day. I was like, “Let’s bring on the Del Taco.” Actually Taco Bell, crunchwrap supreme and cinnamon twist. That was like, “But I can’t eat gluten and dairy anymore.”

Brad Crowell
Well, I think you said something that’s really important is with Chris, and also with Jessica, the way they approach this is scientific. (Lesley: Yeah.) From a genetic, like, she’s specifically talking about genes. I know Chris really focuses on the bloodwork as well. And, you know, she, you know, so Jessica said, your journey to a healthier life begins with a cheek swab. You just swab, drop it into the mail off and then you know, the lab brings back these results. And then she can analyze the results and help you understand what your body needs and how it can you know how to put yourself back onto this path of optimal health. And that really does take away the guesswork. (Lesley: Yeah.) It’s not this like, I don’t know, maybe I’ll do a FODMAP diet now, maybe I’ll do the elimination diet now. Maybe I’ll I don’t know. Like I mean, we were guessing for fucking years. It was it was it was like it made my mind blown.

Lesley Logan
Well, the doctors were guessing too. And so it literally we were going crazy. It was a really stressful like it was just anyone asked me what I wanted to eat caused so much stress. (Brad: Yeah.) And that was just making things worse and exacerbating the problem. And so, you know, once we actually use science, thank God for that. It was like, “Oh, I can have all of these things. (Brad: Right.) We can cook with that? Oh, I just have to take these seven pills so that I can break down the food and then it became six and five and four.” And so you guys don’t have it’s not, don’t guess with this. (Brad: Yeah.) Yes, it’s an investment so maybe have to spend some time like saving up but like your body is not something you want to guess at … (Brad: Yeah.) to guess that in life.

Brad Crowell
I mean, Jessica talks about that too, you know, she said, “Okay, eating healthy is expensive. Try being sick.” (Lesley: Yeah.) You know, like, like, seriously, the way that we …

Lesley Logan
Especially if you’re in the States, you’re paying for that.

Brad Crowell
You’re paying for out of your own pocket most likely, you know, this, this kind of thing, unless you have like disease. It’s probably this is more considered, quote unquote, “preventative,” and like something that your insurance company would cover, you know, so, you know, if you get sick. Anyway, this, it is so important to focus on the stuff before you need it. (Lesley: Yeah.) You know, I guess, let me read, let me go back and say that, again. I have no idea whatever the insurance companies will and will cover. We just know that health care is more expensive here in the United States, for sure. But while this may feel expensive, upfront, it is going to save you a lot of time and money down the road. You know, because you’re able to get ahead of stuff like this. I mean, some of the stuff is is like we don’t even we don’t even question the idea of a prostate exam or a mammogram. Like, why would we not like we can do something that is relatively innocuous now, to prevent something happening down the road? Well, this is no different. This is just what you’re eating, what you should be consuming. And it may be as simple as, “Hey, let’s get you on some of these supplements today. So that your body has the balance that it needs as you go.”

Lesley Logan
Well and also just like one final thought on this. Y’all, I have made more money in my life. Now that I’m not sick. It was so hard for me to say yes to things, to create programs, to agree to take on projects, I knew I would need energy for that I didn’t have. Like, I could not entertain extra stuff on my plate. Because every everything I was like, “How am I going to feel? I don’t feel very good. I can’t do that.” Like my life liter… like if I kept going the way I was going, you would not be listening this podcast, we would not have OPC, Profitable Pilates probably would not be celebrating Agency’s fifth birthday, which somehow we definitely missed an episode 168 celebrating. (Brad: Oh right.) So Agency is fucking five and it would not even exist. (Brad: Yeah.) Because five years ago, I definitely wasn’t feeling able to to lead others in that capacity. I wanted to, (Brad: I mean …) that I couldn’t leave them in a mass.

Brad Crowell
The thing that was jaw dropping to me was when you sat down with, you know, the doc, Chris. He said, “You have no, you have almost no vitamin B, you according to the science, you should be suicidal.” And that was like, “I’m sorry, what?”

Lesley Logan
Yeah, no vitamin D, and then vitamin B. So I had nothing that would make like, make someone happy or have energy at all. And, and also he said, I he surprised that I was actually like, able to even work out. (Brad: Right) So I was definitely just taxing my body trying to make it do what my job was. Which was to teach people and train people and workout.

Brad Crowell
Well also, I think the the forcing yourself to work out was kicking in the endorphins that were keeping you, you know, in a positive place (Lesley: Yeah.) for the most part (Lesley: Yeah) you know, but you know …

Lesley Logan
The other there was damage from that as well because I was just really taxing them. There was stuff wrong with myself.

Brad Crowell
But there’s also sustainable to have to do (Lesley: No, no.) that. Like, you know, you can only do that for so long until you can’t work out that way anymore.

Lesley Logan
I forget what one of the things was, but improve the next year, which was like, like, literally my veins were showing signs of like, aging. (Brad: Oh, right.) Yeah, because I like so the guessing game doesn’t work. If you whether you reach out to Jessica or you find someone like her, y’all please like advocate for yourself. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. And this is not, I know that this can sound indulgent or luxurious and like trust me when we paid for my first test that was on a that was a credit card. (Brad: Yeah.) Like that was not money I had in the bank. But I’m telling you and then the supplements also on a credit card. But what ends up happening is I was able to actually take this one massive issue off my plate and have energy where I can go, “Oh, oh, I have actually I can actually take on two more clients.” And that is $1,000 extra a month. (Brad: Yep.) So within six months, I paid all of that off and I was making profit and then I was able to think about Agency and OPC (Brad: Yeah.) and all those things. I was like, “I’m unstoppable now.” So anyways, (Brad: Yes, you are Babe.) get yourself checked out. Stop asking your friends what they’re eating. Just find out what you’re supposed to eat.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, yeah. Amazing. All right. Well, yeah, I mean that I I just to wrap this up from my perspective. I’m so fucking glad we did that. And it was a lot of money, but it was, it was so worth it in every possible way. And, you know, I, I’m because I know that you are in a way better place physically and mentally because it took away the fear, it took away the guessing game, it took away the, like, just the stigma of the I’m going to be sick and defining your entire life by that and all of that, all that mess. We you know, like, some of that stuff still comes up every once in a while, of course, but, you know, there’s no longer living in fear. (Lesley: Yeah.) So wow.

All right. So finally, let’s talk about those BE IT action items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items, can we take away from your convo with Jessica Brothers? She gave us two. And I’m going to jump into one that is is actually just like something straight up you can be doing right away. She talked about briefly about the importance of sea salt in your diet or actually she said she does it. She didn’t actually explain why. But obviously your body needs salt. She said sea salt in the morning in your 20 to 24 ounces of water. Grab one of those like pink Himalayan sea salt little ginder thingies, and she said 20 turns of the Himalayan sea salt or, you know, roughly a teaspoon and a half and then shake the water and the salt together and you know, get your morning going. And that will that’s a positive thing that you can be putting into.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, if that applies to you. What if that’s the cheapest thing you could actually do. Like we drink ag one in the morning, this would be like literally pennies, like a half a penny. (Brad: Yeah.) But um, and here’s the thing, cuz I was sort of into the same with my dad was salt when he you know, he’s 70. So obviously things apply to different people at different stages in their life. So, but y’all hear how much water you’re supposed to drink or you drink you’re like, so focused on drinking water, electrolytes is actually salt, and and really, it’s really what it is like, it’s if you drink too much water without having salt in your diet, you drown your brain called hyponatremia. I wrote a paper on it. So because that was like a whole thing. I’m like, what’s too much of a good thing and …

Brad Crowell
Super impressed by you right now.

Lesley Logan
I know. And they talked about like cyclists, like if they were just to drink water, when they’re out, right, like riding their bike or runners, if you’re only just to drink water, you would actually end up getting sick, and possibly drying your brain. And the reason is, is because you’re sweating. (Brad: Right.) And so you need to replace, and if you’ve ever tasted your sweat is salty. So you have to, you have to replace that so that you don’t end up with like this saturating yourself without having anything that balances out.

Brad Crowell
Well, I always am a fan of the why behind the what. So (Lesley: Yeah) thanks for that. (Lesley: Yeah) What did you love?

Lesley Logan
Here for the fun facts. Okay, so my favorite action item is to create a morning routine for you. And she has begun with salt water, but you can have like fill your own cup. Do what you are doing, do what you’re doing for you, not anyone else, it must make you happy. These are three points with that. So here, this kind of goes back into like the morning routine from Alan’s episode 168. But like, has to like make sure that what’s in your morning routine filter … It’s really important that whatever is in your routine, you’re not doing to impress anybody else. And I think that especially in the month of January, people have a lot of goals for the new year. And it’s like, here’s all the things that I’m I’m, you know, wanting to do. And if they’re to keep up with your friends or because your friends did it and they look a certain way or they act a certain way or they have some you want to have. (Brad: Right) If it doesn’t fit with the science of what you need, and you’re not doing it for you. It’s not sustainable. That is the that is a big reason why people don’t achieve their goals is that often the goals they set are not for themselves. So make sure that part of your morning routine is for you and not for anyone else.

Yeah, yeah. Awesome. Well, I think I think you nailed that there. So (Lesley: Thank you.) I got nothing to add.

Well, thank you, Jessica, for being here. I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell
And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
How are you going to use these tips in your life? What are they inspiring you to do? Once again, we’re so grateful for you. Thank you so much for being here, for being part of this community, for your amazing questions. You can keep sending them into the@be_it_pod on Instagram or you can email us at beitpod. What did they email us? beitpod

At Well, this is why have a team. And I hope to hear from you all soon.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘Bloom Podcast Network’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell. Our Associate Producer is Amanda Frattarelli.

Lesley Logan
Kevin Perez at Disenyo handles all of our audio editing.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Mesh Herico for creating all of our visuals, (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week, so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Angelina Herico for transcribing each episode, so you can find it on our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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