Is Your Hustle Now

Just a Hassle?

Ep. 27 ft. Kareen Walsh

“The hustle shouldn’t turn into a hassle.”

Kareen Walsh

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CEO of Revampologist with 17+ Years entrepreneurial and executive experience leading and advising industry leaders in companies of all sizes. Clients include trillion dollar companies like BlackRock to Start Up Companies getting ready to launch and scale their business. I approach each business with a lens on People, Process, and Technology and hyper focus on Leadership to move the needle. I believe when you focus on operational optimization, leadership, and creative strategies, your company can survive any market fluctuation. When you focus on business growth mastery, you create unstoppable momentum in how you extend your reach and impact your clients. As a seasoned coach/mentor/and start up adviser, I love helping people align with their core values that allow them to thrive, leverage lessons learned, and build habits that keep them in action daily. – for more info on Kareen.
Show Notes

Kareen and Lesley take a close look at what we do, why we do it, and talk about evaluating if it’s still serving you. They ask questions about moving on, replacing yourself in the process, being in your zone of genius, following your strengths. Your hustle should never become a hassle!

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Evaluating your own role that you’re playing in your business
  • Are you in your zone of genius?
  • Annual evaluations – is this still serving you?
  • Is your hustle now just a hassle?
  • Morning routines



Lesley Logan
Hello you, thank you for being here. I’m so excited for you to listen to this interview with my friend, I’m gonna call her my friend, Kareen. She is a coach of mine as well. And she is, well, you’re gonna hear, you’re gonna hear she has a soothing voice, she has this incredible way of looking at things. She doesn’t, she doesn’t just like do anything without pausing and asking a question. And in the best way, she shares such a great such great tips, multiple tips and multiple ways that you can connect more to who you are, and really figure out where you want to go. And she is literally the person that changed the trajectory of what Brad and I were going through when 2020 started, in fact, oh my gosh, y’all, so little story about this. So, she and I were introduced by a mutual friend. She got on an hour long conversation with me, which was like fucking just how generous and abundant she is. And then she did a call with my husband. And I was like, Yeah, I want us to work with her. She is our like, missing link to where we want to go and where we want to grow. And we were like, yeah, jazzed about it. We had breakfast on my birthday of 2020. And so amazing breakfast like, wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t forgotten that I had to teach someone. I totally did forget. And I was totally at breakfast with her. And then ran into a friend of my friend’s new fiance. He’s like, look, I got engaged yesterday was crazy morning, right? And then not an hour later, we get the news that Kobe Bryant had died. And then like, you know, that was an interest as like, what an interesting way to start the year and you’ll hear cream talk about how she believes like, New Year’s is like her birthday, I always have treated my birthday is like my New Year’s I’m like, well, we’re just not going to see any of this is like, like what a weird time like I had a birthday with a woman I truly believe is going to change the trajectory of where I’m going help me make, like really helped me be step into what my power is. And then all this like it happened. And then two months later, we know the pandemic. Um, we got to… Brad and I got to still find time and ways to work with her. And the question she had us ask ourselves and the tool she gave us are literally why I live in this house I live in. And the reason and how this podcast is even here and how Brad and I work together and how we get OPC into your bodies and all this stuff. So I’m so grateful for her enough about how much I love her. Let me just tell you why you’re gonna love her. So, in this interview, you’re gonna hear like, just epic tips and questions you could be asking yourself right now. And so if you are on a run, or you’re out doing errands, just save this episode and re listen to it. I still want to listen to it now because I do think that some things are going to get your mind going. But no, thank goodness, it’s a podcast, you can really listen. And also make sure you check out at the end. She has an awesome tip you can do right now but also a great resource link for you with all of her resources, which I promise you will dive into and fall in love with. So Kareen is well, she is just an incredible light and she is also she’s also a amazing strategist strategical coach. So some words that I promise you, I will learn on this podcast as you listen to me. I want you to see your entire bio in the show notes cuz I promise you’ll be like, Whoa, what a badass. And she truly is. She’s also the host of Your Badass Journey podcast, which I listen to every single week. If you follow me on Instagram, you know, I shared a lot because there’s always a takeaway that I get out of it. And she really helps. She really loves helping people align their core values and help them thrive. And you will so see this and this you all she has been the CEO of Revampologist that she is that’s her business, and she has been in 17 years of being entrepreneurial. There’s so many things if you’re not an entrepreneur, this is still a podcast for you. Because I promise you the question she asked, she asked herself every year when she’s reflecting and everything are things you should be asking yourself, no matter if you work for someone or you work for yourself. So without further ado, I could just keep going on and on. But I just want you to hear her words and hear her tips about life and what you should be doing right now and I can’t wait to hear your takeaways. So while we’re here with interview and just a quick second.

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and business fitness coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
All right, everyone. Okay, I just, I’m gonna, I’m definitely going to fangirl and also like, probably talk a little more nervously because this woman is one of my dear friends but also a woman that like I, she inspires me each and every week on her podcast, Your Badass Journey. And she has helped my husband and I and our business in so many ways. But she’s also just an amazing friend. And I’m beyond grateful and so excited to bring her to you. Her name is Kareen Walsh. And I met her through another friend, this is power of networking. One of my dear friends was like, Oh, you know, you need your life, you need Kareen, you just need Kareen. I don’t even know what time of the evening she texted you. But all of a sudden, there was a group text back and forth. We were on the West Coast or on the East Coast. And then within two days, I had an hour long conversation with you. And I was like, Brad, we have to hire this woman. And the way that fate works out is exactly the way it’s supposed to. And we got to have an amazing weekend with you. You’re such an incredible helper of all all people like but you specifically really do help people strategize and, and really make sure that their business is working for them. But we have so many things we could talk about. So Kareen, thank you for being here.

Kareen Walsh
Oh, Lesley, well hanging out with you is always a highlight for me. And what I love the most is when we can like Marco Polo each other energetic like, “Hey, thought of you. This is something that you need to,” you know, “just like hug on,” or I mean, we were all our dog pics, the whole thing. But thank you so much for having me on your show. Congratulations for launching your podcast. I’m super excited to be able to serve your audience today.

Lesley Logan
Oh, yeah, I really have no doubt that you will. I mean, but you’re right. I love our Marco’s and we you have a dog named Kaia. I have a dog named Gaia. They’re two peas in a pod they haven’t met but they’re…

Kareen Walsh
They’re spazzing out in energy across the US right now by coastal doggy energy happening. I love them. They’re so great.

Lesley Logan
Absolutely! They’re awkward ways of being on a couch. It’s just like, it’s like, were they born by the same? They say mom dog? Because it’s like, how did you think that would get you on the couch? Anyways, if you’re a dog lover out there, you totally understand. So, um, Kareen, you know, we met because of what you do with businesses. And, um, and it’s if people who don’t know, like Brad and I used to do different roles in the business, I was called the CEO. I was like, the, like, everyone went through and I’m like, I hate this. This is terrible. (Kareen: Yeah) I’m not happy in my business and and just by you giving me an Brad and I permission to the shift our roles and actually step into that in a different way. It’s beyond it’s been crazy, helpful and insightful. And I just wonder, like, Can you can you check cuz I think there’s a lot of people out there who are happy, like they are doing what they want to do, but they’re not happy in that. And what is that shift of a of the role mindset?

Kareen Walsh
Yeah, so I think what happens when we bark, embark into like, entrepreneurial ventures, right, like or thinking we want to start our own hustle, or even in our own career life, we either feel like we have to do it all because there’s no one else because it’s our idea. And we think that there’s a way that if we don’t do it, it’s not going to happen the way we want to do it. And I think that that we forget to pause and ask ourselves, is this actually what I want to be doing? Am I am I in my zone of genius? Am I at the highest level fulfillment in it? And? Or do I want to grow into what’s next? Like, I think that was part of what was happening when I started working with you and Brad was, you had an amazing platform you had built, there has been amazing brand building that has occurred you’re constantly on both of you are constantly on and it’s amazing energy, like, that’s what I feed off of when I hang out with you both. It’s like, what are these to get it from? It’s like, non-stop, right? What we realized when there was dissatisfaction or the undertone of, “Yeah, I can do it all. But it’s kind of like draining me” or I’m feeling that when I do these things, these specific things of how I plan my day, and do my day because I think I have to do it for my business. I’m actually not feeling energized about it. I don’t want to show up in it at all. And then I’m frustrated. I’m showing up in an energy that is not me. Well, when that happens, it’s really good to just pause and reflect on where are you spending your time? Does it fill you up? And do you actually want to continue doing that? Then there’s the guy with the lens of me as a coach, someone who has worked in so many different businesses helped so many other companies scale, my own business included, and like how I self manage to just give you the lens of what is needed in the business that you’re in, what are the roles that are required, so you almost like take care yourself out of it. And if you were to look at it from the outside in, what are the roles required to actually optimize the business that I’m running? And then to ask yourself, what’s the role I want to play in it? And then can I go enlist the help for everything else. And what was beautiful about working with you and Brad is that you both have, you’re both creators, you both are genius at like coming up with solutions coming up with new ways to connect with people, different methods of of connection through Pilates, like both of you have very creative ways of showing up in life. But then you also have your own internal interests that are very different into what fuels you. So like, Brad, for example, is very operational, and he can like, see it and execute against it. And then for you, you’re like, you see it, you want to design it, but you’re like anyone else can execute, I’d be happy with that, I just want to, I just want to be able to talk about it, share it, connect with others, and like be in the moment of this experience that we’re creating. And when we identified that in our time together, it was like, oh, aha, one of you has the product creation mode of like, this is our brand, this is what we’re about, these are the partners we want to work with, this is how we want to do it. And the other one is like, I will run execution of all of that, but we can together be creative. But now you had clear separation of role and both are needed in your business. The other difference too is Lesley, you started your business on your own and Brad had a whole different career. And when you decided to come together as partners, and I why I bring this up is that when you enlist the help of others coming into your business with you to help you scale, you really want to be clear on that role that they play. And when you two initially had started together, there were a lot of assumptions underlying assumptions on how you each needed to show up. And it wasn’t until we created the dialog for me to facilitate between, you know, the three of us to say, Well, what this is what’s needed in the business. If we look from the outside in, what role do you want to play? And and asking that question, I think was super critical for you both to have clarity, and express it to each other. And this goes for any type of partnership and business and I personally see all team-building and accompany as partnership because it’s a choice to be there. And so whether or not they report into or it’s lateral, whatever, from a leadership standpoint, you’re all partners in it to scale your business.

Lesley Logan
Um, it’s, it’s so fun to like, kind of go back to the journey. And I hope that it even if you don’t know who Brad and I are, you just dropped in, this is your first time hearing, it’s like, it’s important, because you know, from the outside, it might look like everything is just like going on all cylinders and it’s perfect. But like, really, that’s good, good work that we did. But we definitely had tons of assumptions. And also when you start to work when you start to partner up any time. I think a lot of people do with friendships, or they do it with like another co worker, and they decide to go out on their own. And most people skip that conversation, because no one tells you to have it like you didn’t see it happen in the business that you’re in or with other people. And then if you are married to the person, it’s also very fascinating. It’s like, I don’t want to be your boss.

Kareen Walsh
Not only that it can it can bleed into the relationship. You know, like Jeff and I, my husband and I, we tried to launch a business a few years back. And this is like that startup game where we were, we were launching an app and he was the product creation of it and I was the backend operations of it. And yes, that that is our zone of genius, but the way it started to affect our relationship was not good. So after going through that exercise of launching that company and, and and launching the app, etc, we actually identified it is not healthy for our personal relationship to actually be in business together, we can support each other and advise each other, but partners in business, not a fit. So not everyone has that, you know, ability to have really strong personal relationship and also be in business together. But I love that about you too.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I I definitely think we are meant to do something together. And I think that he and I will probably always have multiple different projects going on. But (Kareen: yeah), I wanted to go back because you talked about self managing, you asked like you, you put out some questions that we should ask ourselves and first I want to go back over those questions. And maybe a little bit about how you came into these questions. Because I think when someone hears it, it’s like, oh, yeah, I should ask myself like, do I want to grow into this? Like, when you hear them it’s like duh, why am I gonna ask myself this but like, also how do we even know when told us you should ask when I was never trained like, check in with yourself. How are you doing right now?

Kareen Walsh
Yeah, most of our work life, right. Like if you think about initial work life, it starts with doing a job for someone now so it’s very rare occurrence from a young age that you’re taught to be like great something and go sell it. Now it’s a little bit easier and more available, I’d say to younger generations because of the digital platforms we live in. However, most work ethics and like how we show up in a working life is because someone else hired us to do a job that they outlined for us to do. When you’re conformed under that energy, you don’t question. You don’t ever question or pause… Is this a fit? Like, does that is this what I like? Unless you are evolving personally to realize that what you truly desire matters. And like you said, for my podcast, it’s all about aligning what you love with what you do. Like that’s what I’d love to share all these guests on their badass journey. And like showing the fact that what you once might have learned or were conformed to do in order to earn something doesn’t necessarily mean it has to fit on top of you for the rest of your life. So there’s a power in that pause. Right? There’s a power in evaluating and I generally would start the evaluation process certainly happens around my birthday. Like it’s, it’s more as opposed to like New Year’s eve, I consider like my birthday, my New Year’s eve like because a whole new year starting. And I used to do this self evaluation for my career life. It’s why I had a very aggressive growing career life was because I would always pause and say, is who I’ve become in this past year, and where I’ve been spending my time… Have I outgrown anything? So that’s something to ask yourself, it’s like, Do Is there something I’ve been doing, but I’ve just outgrown? Like, it doesn’t fill me up to do it anymore. I’ve mastered it, and I’m seeking something else have outgrown it. Because when you ask that question, you’re giving yourself an opportunity to realize, oh, cool, I’ve mastered that. But I don’t want to do it anymore. So now it’s time for a growth spurt. Like, what else? Do I and then that’s the second question, what would I like to be learning next? Or where would I like to be taking my expertise next, in order to evolve? Like, what do I want to step into? And so then you’re asking yourself that question, which then leads to the next question, which is like, well, what is the opportunity that would provide that learning for me? And the same thing happens when you’re running your own company, because sometimes, especially in this digital world, we live in this whole entrepreneurial hustle. And we can talk about that too, on how I’m like on the total opposite of hustle lately, because I really am about being more than anything, but that’s my evolution. I’m in my mid 40s. And I have done a lot in my career. But it’s not about that as much anymore. The point being is that when you answer those questions for yourself, you’re starting to set your, your intentional path for where you want to grow into in your career life. And career life is defined by the things you want to be known for in this world. So there’s a package of skill sets, you can learn over time, that allow you to have that impact and that earnings or whatever that potential is, but it could show up in so many different modalities these days. It’s really asking yourself the question to set yourself on that path.

Lesley Logan
So I love that you do this on your birthday. Because I also like when people are saying their new year’s resolutions or goals for the new year. I am I’m always very honest. I’m like, I kind of do it on the first like I like around December you know, I do a reflections thing. I love yours. We’ll have to make sure we make if you’re listening when you’re listening to us. Go check out Kareen. She’s got this reflections journey that I love. And I do it every month. It’s really fun. But I like to reflect in December I do I try to get all my work done. So the December is gonna like what what are we doing next year, like, what fit what we like? And then I use because my birthday is in January. So it’s at the end. And I use the first few weeks to kind of try on things. I’m like, do I like this? Do I like this? How’s this working out? And then on my birthday, I’m like, Okay, so what are we really doing this year? Like, what are we wanting to do? But these questions, you know, you mentioned that you had you did this even early on, and like it really helped propel you to have an aggressive growth in your career at a young age. And I just wonder like, Was this something that you like, learned from your parents? Like, where did you pick this up? Like, where did you go, “Hey, let me check in and not just like sit in this job,” like was there just like a it was an inside of you.

Kareen Walsh
So I would say what drove me from a young age was I knew that if I could not figure out like my own financial wellness, then I couldn’t create the life that I wanted. And at that time, I had a very traditional type of upbringing. It’s like, you know, went to I was fortunate to go to private schools and then got had college paid for even more fortunate and but I was also told that as soon as I graduated from college, I was on my own and so from, throughout all College I always worked, I was like build up experience because when you come from a truly financial privileged background that I had growing up in the area I did where pretty much anything I wanted or asked for I could have had, I was not that way I always liked to earn it to have more value and the things that I receive that is probably more innate than anything. When I, when I took my my parents seriously when they were like, “Look, graduate college, that’s all we’re paying for you’re on your own,” kind of thing. I was like, Well, shit, I gotta go figure that out, right? So I appeared, I was also very much a seeker, I think I have an explorer energy in me. So I took every opportunity as like, tools in my toolbox to then go leverage in order to earn the answer is NO to the question of did I did I always pause in and like prepare, right or pause and think about like the next steps. What I was more so aligned with was observing behaviors of others the environment I was in, and how how my health breakdowns, actually demanded that I start to pause and question, how best to do this. Because if you can think about this fear of like not having enough financially to have food on the table, right, which a lot of people go through, and I definitely even coming from, like the affluential background I came from. that’s how I felt, when I was first starting my career that I was on my own, and I had to make it for myself. I made some really bad choices that were quite unhealthy. And it took me to a point where, yes, my career was kind of climbing, but my health was declining. And that forced me to pause and really become more selective around what I said yes to when it came to my work life, and my career life so that I could find more alignment around it all.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I like the way you brought up being an observer. And I think that that’s something a lot of people could probably try to practice a bit, I think it’s easy to just like, look, and then assume and make judgments. And when you when you mentioned, you observe people at work, and you observe them in their life, it immediately made me go, of course, this is why you ask questions, because when you’re observing all you can ask questions, “Well, I wonder why they did that? Well, I wonder what, wonder how that’s gonna work out.” Like, that’s what observing is. And it’s something that I’ve been challenging myself to do more of, in the last like, I think it’s been about four years, I had one of my mentors was talking about a person who said, well, I and she said to our mutual mentor, she’s like, well, I don’t be disappointed, but blah, blah, blah. And the mentor said, “How can I be disappointed? I’m just an observer in your life.” And I was like, “Huh, what does that mean? How do you how does one be an observer of life?” And like, and it was, it was a fascinating exploration for myself, like, how often I observing and like, what does that look like? And it does change the way you see things? And then the questions just come out of you because your brain is always looking for answers. Um, I want to talk a bit about you being a time bender. I’ve heard you mentioned this on your podcast. And I, this intrigued me because I’m like, I love creating time. Like I in the book, the big leap, he talks about like Einstein time and Newton time and like, you can actually like create time when you’re in the flow. So can you talk about how you became How does one become a time?

Kareen Walsh
How would I get typed as a time bender? Well, time bender is the actual term used when you do the Human Design Assessment. There, I’m a manifesting generator and we are typed as time benders like it is this ability to visualize the future what that manifesting energy is, like you’re always kind of forward thinking or when you’re in when I’m in creation, like solution mode, it’s always 10 steps ahead, and then my mind just goes there. And in essence, that’s time bending, because I can put myself in that future state and then bring it into the now that’s how I define it. That’s the manifesting side and then the generator bends time because it’s all about the doing and the efficiency around process. So if you could imagine you could speed up time as a generator time bending energy because not only have you seen already where you’re going, but now you can help get it there faster due to efficiency, so I didn’t really understand that part of me or articulate it that well about myself until I did the Human Design assessment, but I freakin loved it. I’m like, Of course I’m a time vendor like it has never been it’s never been explained to me that way. But I so see it now even clearer having that terminology because like, like, we started talking about your sessions and time with me, the reason why we connect so well is because I’m amazing listener. But as I’m listening, I’m actually visualizing on your behalf when you when you’re telling me because I’m asking specific questions on like, where you’re trying to go. The reason why I’m a strong strategist and help businesses grow and scale is that I visualize where you’re headed, and then know what to ask to help you bend your own time to get there. Like I love helping people save time and money, achieving what they want. But I didn’t know that that was actually part of my like, my birth energy, because that’s how far back you know, these the Human Design goes, because it’s based on idea.

Lesley Logan
I’m gonna I gotta do this because I’m, I’m nerd about that and I it’s like, when you when I did StrengthsFinders 2.0. And I’m like, Oh, well, yes, yeah, of course. (Kareen: Yeah, yeah, yeah) Of course some positivity, significant and woo, like duh. But like, you don’t really you don’t like it’s like, you almost need someone to point that out to you. Because it’s that whole thing. Like, you can’t see what’s on the label when you’re on the inside of the bottle. Right? So

Kareen Walsh
That’s right! Yeah, it gives you a good like language and relatability and understand, I love different tools like that. So this one is just been the most recent one that I’ve done. And I work with my coach/mentor, making sure that I stay in that stance, because what has happened is that I’ve been more of a generator for most, I have a feeling to that you and have Brad do it because I think he’s a manifesting generator also is, is that I’ve been too much in my generator side and not enough in my manifesting like visualization for myself, I do it so easily for others. But when it comes to me, it’s something that I haven’t given enough time to. And so it’s been really fun this year, because that’s the focus I’ve had is to sit in that visualization a little longer, before the doing.

Lesley Logan
So that’s the, I do think Brad is, because I’ll come up with I want to see what I am just to see how it works. (Kareen: Oh you got to do both. I did Jeff’s too. I did both) Yeah, gotta do it, for sure. Because I, I can get the ideas and he, like, he lights up and all and it’s like, I can see it happening in his mind. And then he’s like, “Okay, this is how…” like old computers are like printing out, “This is how we’re gonna do it.” And I’m like, “Perfect. Thank you so much. That’s wonderful.” But I’m glad that you brought up like that it’s you were sitting in the generator side too much and I think, you know, we all have unique strengths. And I think it’s easy for us to sit into one or another. And it’s like any other muscle then even though that is something that’s innate to you, and it’s part of you, it doesn’t mean that it’s as strong. If you don’t use it. If we just all sat here all day long, our legs would not be strong. (Kareem: Yeah, yeah) So what are what are some things that you are doing to sit more in your manifesting side, your visualization side.

Kareen Walsh
So what’s great is that my my coach/mentor that I work with now gave me a format, like a format, where it’s like you sit in visualization for longer, and then you energize that vision. And then, and then you enlist for help or start visualizing, like, who do you need in it, and then you start to enlist the help. And then you start doing like it she gave me she had to give me a… generators need a formula, right? Like, I need steps so that I know that because I was leaping, I was going from visual to doing, visual to doing and I will tell you that it resulted in a lot of half baked situations, because I wasn’t sitting in the true essence of visualizing it, standing in it. Like in my meditations, I now like I sit in it. And it’s so much easier to just play and visualization for longer until I truly feel it like now’s the time to act in it. That has been the game changer in that regard for this awareness, especially for this new business I want to launch it requires sitting more in visualization. And really, while I’m sitting in it, assessing where I’m resistant, because previously, I wouldn’t listen to the resistance in me and I would just go do. And then that created its own ripple effect of pain and suffering, I would say you know, like where you say yes to the wrong services or you say yes to the wrong employee or you say yes to that, you know, like, because I didn’t sit enough to visualize it, it turned into that type of response. And so that’s been really great to to lean into more now.

Lesley Logan
I can understand that a lot because I’m a little bit impatient, a lot impatient. So like, I’m like, Oh, we got it. Let’s just go. And it’s um, and I too had health issues early on. I think I probably would have a hustler longer if my health had been like you got to stop because we are not keeping up and and it’s really funny, like how your body will start screaming at you if you just don’t listen to it. And so I too, and like, I think there was a there’s a time for a hustle. And then you got to like, you got to know when to put the brake on and like get into the groove. (Kareen: Yeah) Like taking the site, take the scenic route. And so I I, for many years was not listening to the resistance. And even now I can find myself like going, you should be doing this, like you should listen to what’s happening right now. And there’s that that’s a push pull inside what it’s like, No, but I really like that’s just, it’s gonna be fine. It’s like, every time I look back, I’m like, you know that one point, you could have paused.

Kareen Walsh
Yeah. So here’s the measure for that, that I like to say is like, the hustle shouldn’t turn into a hassle. So it’s like if you’re hassling to get it done, you’re not hustling like a hustle is, is the fact that you have found something that you are so brilliant at that when you snap your fingers and want to put it out there it is so aligned, like try and focus on alingned hustle, because I’m hustling all the time. But that’s me standing in my hustle is real, like it is something that is innate to me now, because I know myself so well. And, and it’s tiresome to see people calling hassle, their hustle, when you know, it’s broken on the other end, whether it’s breaking on the inside because the health management has gone to shit for whatever it is you’re trying to attract business wise or career wise. And then there’s the the also the hassle that shows up when the clients aren’t responding a certain way is because you’re not standing in like via live energy to truly share what your hustle is. Hustle doesn’t have to be negative. But I’ve been seeing so many negative responses like of how it’s showing up in the world because people are hassling not hustling.

Lesley Logan
That is my favorite even make a shirt or I’m making shirt and put your name on it because like that is exactly, that’s exactly it. There’s a difference in the hustle and a hassle. Oh, okay. One more question. Because, I mean, you’re just a genius. And there’s just so many things that we could talk forever. I you (Kareen: Anything you want) I think it was so many, there’s so many tips, go ahead and listen to her podcast, because you’re, there’s gems every week. But, um, you are one of the few people I know who has a morning routine that’s longer than mine. And and I’m also one of the people who like kind of gave me permission, because I had this long routine, but I was like trying to shove it into the tight like I was really (Kareen: Stressing yourself. Right?) Yeah. And it was like, my morning routine is stressful. And then I don’t know, one day, I don’t know, I heard you talk about but you talk about your morning routine. And I was like, Oh, why don’t I just start my day later? And then I have all the time. So which sounds so obvious, but you have to hear it everyone. (Kareen: Yeah, you do.) So can you can you talk about how you started this morning routine and like how it’s grown and kind of how you decide to add in things?

Kareen Walsh
Well, what I realized that is that if I don’t recharge myself and get connected to myself first thing of the day, that I’m disconnected for everything I’m doing all day long. So that was one thing was just like knowing that I had to do take care of me first thing in the morning. The second thing was if I am rushed, like if I have the stress of rushing, I get this amazing pit in my stomach and anxiety forms and my cortisol levels go off the chain. So I had to give myself enough time to gracefully move through my routine to feel myself. So I would say that it wasn’t until maybe. And I do this whenever I travel too. But I think I’ve been in this routine now for almost, gosh, has it been like almost four years, like I’m last year was such a time warp that I’m (Lesley: I know), it’s like for, for, and even through last year I continued like it’s this, this has become so much a part of me. I don’t know how I won’t turn it off. I can’t it’s a part of me. But the routine itself is very simple in that it starts the night before where in the evening, I put my phone on airplane mode. I play my favorite sleep meditation music with a timer on for 33 minutes. It used to be 24. But for now, lately, it’s been 33 I don’t know why but this is what comes to me and then automatically goes off at that 33 mark and I’m in my sleep and I like to sleep for a good at least seven and a half, eight hours in order to feel rested. Then I do not start my interaction with other people, including my husband sometimes. Someday he’ll give me a good morning but he knows that my my morning time is my space until, no meetings basically, with for work related or external until 11am. There are exceptions of course if I’m on client sites, etc. This whole routine just starts earlier. But I wake up around like, 7, 7:30, generally. And then I go into my, I take my supplements in the morning, and then I change and I start my meditation routine. And then I move into my movement routine. Sometimes during that I’m either doing a sorry, in between, I’ll do a journaling, like my gratitude and forgiveness is very key on a daily practice, I think to recharge you as well. And then I do my movement routine, get ready for the day, have my protein shake, and then my meetings can start. So I really try to block my time in the morning until 11am. That’s just for me. And that’s the way I gift myself.

Lesley Logan
Thank you for getting granular there because I think it’s I think it’s people can learn more from that, like, you hear that you’re like, oh, oh, I could have you can put, Oh, I should put that order. Or I may try that out. Like you can try things on for size and whatever, like piqued your interest, like, ooh, she’s a forgiveness journal. Like, try it out. I think that’s so fun. I’m a big I’m a big believer. I actually after we’re done with this, I’m gonna have to take you and show you I got this new lamp that does the sunset. (Kareen: Yeah.) And then it does (Kareen: Sunset was nice) the sunset. And then it does a sunrise. And oh my gosh, I have not hit snooze. Not one time since I’ve had this. And it is excellent because I would just wake up and I’m like, well, Hello, good morning. Like I am the person who’s like writing in her morning pages. I hate the morning. Why am I up? What day is it? And then by the end of my morning pages, I’m like, Okay, let’s go. But like (Kareen: Yeah) That’s how I open my eyes.

Kareen Walsh
I’ll tell you though, I don’t even set an alarm anymore Lesley, like, I allow my body to wake up when it needs to. And it’s always at the right time. Because (Lesley: Yeah), that’s just how my body needs to respond today. Like it’s really only when I’m traveling which hasn’t been for a year but what I know I’m on my body’s gonna need to get reconditioned post pandemic trying to travel again, different time zones and like be be available to others and other times, but I still do this routine. Like everywhere I go, this is my routine, because I know that if I don’t take care of me first, I cannot serve all day long. Which is what my business and just my general nature is.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, no, I’m a big believer, I always tell you know, my members on OPC. I’m like, if you don’t give 100% to yourself first, you cannot give to others. Like there just isn’t like that doesn’t that’s not how it works. All right, so Kareen, where can everyone find you? Because now they’re falling in love with you. And they’re gonna want to have way, way more contact with you. So what’s the best place to find you on?

Kareen Walsh
So if you want to connect with me, and like DM me, I’m on Insta. So it’s at Kareen the letter Z Walsh. And then if you want the retrospective exercise that Lesley talked about earlier, is on my website. So that’s, and you can find other workbooks I have there and other ways we can engage and access to my podcast there as well.

Lesley Logan
You, you’re amazing, everyone go check that out. We’ll put it in the notes. So it’s easy to click, but I promise I’ve used many of your resources. And it has, it’s why I have this house here in Vegas. Like, we didn’t even get into that y’all. But like (Kareen: Oh that’s right) this is is the woman that in the beginning of the pandemic, Brad and I like rewrote our vision for the year. And then not two months later, where we live… like moving, which is (Kareen: It was beautiful) so definitely get that. So um, okay. So I, I really want to make sure that every time I do this, every listener gets some actionable steps, because it’s really inspiring, there’s so many great takeaways. I mean, you gave so many great questions. But I think it’s really important that people who resonate with what you said, get some tips on how they can Be It and I think that being it is anything that’s bold or executable or intrinsic or targeted. So what what would you suggest they could do?

Kareen Walsh
So to be it to like, in a way where I would add is yourself like it’s being it is truly showing up in your truest version of yourself. And so the biggest tip is to if you haven’t paused for a while is to take a pause and really use my retrospective exercise. But just give yourself a moment to ask yourself exactly where you are right now what’s working for you what’s not working for you and figure out what you really want to be doing and come up with a plan that aligns who you truly are against it all because it’ll always be out there. Whatever it is you want to achieve or bring into your world is out there for you to have. You just need to pause to see it sometimes and evaluate the direction you need to go in, in order to step into it and and really make it happen for you right now.

Lesley Logan
Oh, I love that. Thank you so much. I love you so much, (Kareen: Thank you) Brad and I to just think of you and Jeff and Kaia all the time. And we’re so grateful that our paths crossed and we had the year that we had because there was so many things that came out of it because of you. And so thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom and everyone until next time, make sure that you Be It Till You See It.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast! One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the @be_it_pod on Instagram! I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Kevin and Bel at Disenyo handle all of our audio editing and some social media content.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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