Can You Teach an Old

Dog New Tricks?

Ep. 22 with Lesley & Brad

“Life is not linear.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

Brad and Lesley reflect on the last interview with Katie Miller-Kerner and how she helps people change their neural pathways using hypnosis, how transitions make you who you are today, and a step by step approach to invalidating negative beliefs.

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In this episode you will learn about:
• Why do Brad & Lesley have three dogs?
• Changing your neural pathways
• Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
• Transitions make you who you are today
• How to invalidate negative beliefs

Episode References/Links:
• Katie Miller-Kerner on IG:


Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Brad Crowell
Welcome back.

Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the delightful convo I had with Katie Miller-Kerner in our last episode. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, then you know that I actually – you don’t know that I screwed her name up, so that’s really fun… Surprise! I said it wrong in the first one. But, if you want to go back and listen to that one hear how I say her name incorrectly, here she says it correctly and then come back to this one where we’re gonna say it correctly. Katie Miller-Kerner is here. We’re doing the recap with her… with her episode today. Do the listening in whichever order you find freeing. That’s what we’re here about. So here’s what I’m excited about right now, babe… (Brad: Tell me!) This week. Y’all it is like, you know, it’s the end of summer vibes we are going into that, like, you know, back to school. I don’t even know kids go back to school at the oddest times, I went back to school in July, so welcome to year round. But I just love this season of change. And if you’re my Aussies, I hear you. I know, it’s springtime na na, whatever. Anyways, I just… wherever you live, there’s a transition that’s about to happen. We’re about to go into that last third of the year and it is really, really fun. We are getting ready for our 100WITHME challenge. And…

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we got that coming up.

Lesley Logan
It’s coming up. It’s coming up really quick. And so what this challenge is all about, why I love it so much is, if you are struggling to make consistency a thing with anything, then I want you to join me because we actually focus on being consistent around our Pilates practice and if you’re like, “Girl, I don’t do Pilates.” Whatever, come do it anyways, and use it as a way to learn how to be consistent. So that’s how I’m excited about because end of summer means it’s almost fall, which means it’s almost time to hang out with a bunch of you for a month and work on consistency. I don’t know, what are you excited about right now, babe?

Lesley Logan
Well, I was gonna say if you’re interested in more about that, we got a waitlist going on, just go to

Lesley Logan
Oh, check us out. (Brad: Ooooh!), it’s called that because I believe you must give a 100% to yourself first so you can do more for others. And so we’re gonna do a 100 with me, right? Like we’re doing it together, or just give a 100% to ourselves together. (Brad laughs) Anyways, it’s also why this podcast exists. It’s like literally like, “How many different ways can I get you to fill your cup first?”

Brad Crowell
Yeah, I’m in, I love it. (Lesley: All right, so…) Speaking of filling our cup first, (Lesley: Right? …) The question this week was, “Why do we have three dogs? And did we think that was a good idea?” Which has nothing to do with filling our cup first, but…

Lesley Logan
We fill our cups in other ways. This is, okay. So I take full responsibility for us overwhelming ourselves with three dogs. I do think I championed that cause of getting a third dog. Um….

Brad Crowell
That’s interesting. I think you also championed the cause of the second dog.

Lesley Logan
I totally championed the cause of the second dog. And I think that was a great idea, actually…

Brad Crowell
And here’s what’s insane. We currently have four.

Lesley Logan
I know! Y’all, there’s four dogs in this house. (Brad laughs) And, and the fourth dog is twice the size of any one of our dogs. So (Brad: Yes), it’s like having five. Um, but….

Brad Crowell
He’s a he’s a temporary guest. It’s their brother’s dog and he’s moving. So we’ve got him to make life easier for him for a little bit, but maybe only for another week, I think. But it’s…

Lesley Logan
Oh Babe! Babe, you’re in denial. I think he’s forgotten… My brother works graveyard. And (Brad: Ah) so he will be doing four 10’s which means that we will have his dog four 10’s of every week. But our dogs it’s like…

Brad Crowell
I mean they’re besties there there couldn’t be. It’s such an awesome…

Lesley Logan
I mean, they are in love with each (Brad: …pack) other. They are a little pack. They’re so fun. But so let’s go back to the three dogs because we definitely would, would, here the, here’s a side note four is easier. So…

Brad Crowell
Four is actually easier. It’s weird.

Lesley Logan
There is either when you hear people have like multiple kids like how do they do that because at some point, they just start taking care of themselves. So, I totally understand that now…

Brad Crowell
They entertain themselves.

Lesley Logan
They really do so (Brad: Yeah) the reason, so I champion the second dog because I actually thought – which is Bayon – because Gaia was like, just such a sad face every time I walked in the house and she would not move from the bed, she would… I would come… I came, I came and went into our apartment all the time and she would just be in the same spot the bed for 10 hours. And I’m like, that is not healthy. She needs a buddy. (Brad laughs) She needs a buddy! (Brad: Yeah) So I made us get a dog. And she didn’t care about it. And (Brad: Yeah) in fact, it didn’t change her M.O. but…

Brad Crowell
I mean we did get a puppy and she was six, so she was like, “Oh, my God, this little dog. Errr…”

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So and then, when we moved to Vegas, I forgot that she was only a few years older than Bayon, because we decided that she was 12 and dying. And we’re like, well, Bayon he need a buddy. So (Brad and Lesley laughs) so I was like, “Oh my god, it’s gonna be so depressing when she dies, you should get a third dog.” So that Bayon isn’t lonely. And um…

Brad Crowell
And then I looked up her birthday…

Lesley Logan
After we adopted the third dog. And…

Brad Crowell
And she’s only 10 (Lesley: She’s only 10.) So (Lesley: and then) she’s gonna be here for a long time.

Lesley Logan
And then, the vet said the other day, she’s got a lot of life in her and I was like, “How much?” (Brad and Lesley laughs) She said, “A lot!” So in all with, like, look, we love them all. They’re amazing. (Brad: Yeah.) And they’re challenging in their own ways. But um, do I did I think it was a good idea in in like, my mind of what it is? And now that it’s actually been a year since we’ve had August, August is our third. He’s our baby and he knows it. You know that they have their own rhythm and they make me laugh. And they also make me frustrated. And so…

Brad Crowell
It’s a good learning experience.

Lesley Logan
We, we don’t need kids, we have them. They have four legs, and (Brad: we got 12 legs to deal with.) Yeah, so anyways, um, if you’re thinking about getting a third dog, you know what? I am not here to tell you otherwise, like, you’d have to make the decision for yourself. We happen to live and work from home so it actually works really well for us.

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan

Lesley Logan

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
What’s next?

Brad Crowell
Okay. Now let’s talk about Katie Miller-Kerner.

Lesley Logan
Wohoo! Katie Miller-Kerner.

Brad Crowell
All right. Katie Miller-Kerner is a former competitive bodybuilder and bikini model turned self-love life coach and clinical hypnotist. (Lesley: I mean…) That’s no joke like so she went back and like, got… did a whole bunch of certifications to like, literally, you know, change her career path. She works with people to level up their self talk, their vision for themselves, and she digs into the energy behind their entrepreneurial drive. She is an intentional manifester, and is a bubble of positive energy.

Lesley Logan
You know, I love that we got two manifesters on a row. I feel like that is super awesome for those of you who are like, all in on the manifestation you’re like, “Yeah, yeah”. And then those are like, “What’s this?” (Brad: Yeah) You know like, “I don’t know”. And then you got hit again. And you’re like, “Okay, maybe a little bit”. (Brad and Lesley laughs)

Lesley Logan
Okay, so here’s…

Brad Crowell
I think that definitely was me.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, Brad… So yeah, well, especially because so many of these interviews, we, I was Being It Till We See it in a big way. Like, I was like, I was interviewing like crazy before this podcast was ever even made. And then Brad put the interview episodes in an order and gave people a date. So that was him. Totally him (Brad: It’s true) um….

Brad Crowell
Did it to myself.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Okay, so here’s what I loved about our interview. There’s a lot, she’s such a lovely human being. I’m so, it’s one of those random, I would never have met her had I not been in this room that I was in. So going back to last week it’s like, go be in the rooms, like go to the thing and things will come to you because I really was looking for more friendships and more people who understood what I was doing in my life. And I went to the room and I got those friends. And she’s one of them. And she talked about changing your neural pathways. And that can sound really scientific and like really like, “Whoo, what does that mean?” Like, “How do I do that?” You don’t need surgery for it. This is actually so at least you can do.

Brad Crowell
I think this is probably the most logical thing that she said. (Lesley: Well…) To be quite honest

Lesley Logan
Yeah, but like, you know, well…

Brad Crowell
This is like science based. (Lesley: Yeah) I mean, I guess I don’t know if manifestation is science based. I’m sure there’s theory behind it. But this is like how your brain works.

Lesley Logan
If there’s science behind manifestation, manifestation, send it to us. We’d love to read it. But this is science based, and it is something you can do and it and it’s, you know, so simple like the way she does it. So I really enjoyed it, because I feel like any one of us could do it or at least hire her to help us do it. So…

Brad Crowell
Well, she talks about how, so this, this is where she was talking about hypnosis.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. (Brad: Right) I have not… you, you have, we have a friend who is also hypnotist. (Brad: Yeah, and…) And I’ve never done it.

Brad Crowell
I’ve also never done it. But what she was describing is basically that it is not this, like, you know, TV, you know, like, you know, magic based, like, make someone do weird things kind of a thing. That’s not what, that’s not what is happening with what she’s doing. The, she’s essentially putting you in a s… in a mental state through hypnosis, where it is easier for you to change neural pathways, which we all know about habits and, you know, just repetition and life… “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” all that kind of an idea, that mentality, it becomes a groove in your brain literal groove in your brain. This is my response, this is how I respond, this is what I do. When this happens, bam, this is what I do. Right? And that is a neural pathway. And so she talks about how, by using hypnosis, she can help adjust or change or derail those neural pathways to help you make positive changes in your life.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, well, and we, you know, and we’ve had guest speakers on our, in our other programs before, and it is, your brain is like, it just likes to do things the easiest way. And so if you… every time someone says something to you about something you’ve like, created that groove, you get there faster and faster every time. It’s why, (Brad: sure) when like, I can totally tell that I’m in some grooves… Like, when something doesn’t go the way I want, like the groove of being upset and frustrated and feel like why is this happening to me can be really fast. (Brad: Yeah) It’s like a speed, I’m like a speed train. And a stop that speed train and have a different pathway is like trying to create… we talked about this a couple weeks ago, like trying to walk and create a new path. And so she actually just helps you do it. And it sounds like it’s faster with her route than like trying to manually groove your own path.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, I mean, I’ve never done hypnosis. I don’t know. But, but, that was, I thought that was really curious. So…

Lesley Logan
Maybe we’ll do it, maybe we’ll have to just do it on a pod.

Brad Crowell
I mean, that would be interesting.

Lesley Logan
I don’t even know how we… Okay, don’t hold us to it, but I’ll look into it. (Brad: Okay) All right. What did you like?

Brad Crowell
Alright, so she was talking about kind of making that change that transition in her career from being on this trajectory that was, you know, easy for her in the sense of it was innate, right. She, she had natural abilities, when it came to bodybuilding and being consistent and doing the modeling thing, like she’s, you know, like she said, sports always came easy to her, all that kind of stuff. And then she decided, I need to move on, I need a change from this. And she talks about that transition. And, and, and what she said was learning, learning from the journey was, was part of who she is today. Right? And I know, you two are going back and forth. And you tell the story about the kid who pulled the string and moved ahead, you know, in life, whatever. But he, she was talking about, you know, she kind of had to take a step out, so that she could start a… start again, and that momentum that you have when you’re like, you know, heavy competitor. And then you’re like putting the brakes on, starting over. Like you miss that you miss that endorphins, you miss that, that competition, that spirit, that drive. Right? And so I feel like that was probably challenging for her. And then, but, she said that the life transition itself, it was so key in developing who she is today, so to embrace that change to learn from the journey. Right? Enjoy the journey. So yeah, anyway, I thought that was a… I liked, I liked what she was talking about there, because I think that it’s applicable to so many of us, especially with COVID happening, recently hijacking, derailing, you know, in some cases threatening the life that you know.

Lesley Logan
Well, and, you know, there’s, there is a study that talks about, like 70% of Americans so I don’t know, for the country you’re living in, like, you might, hopefully someone’s done a study. But, 70% of Americans are going to change their career, like literally change it – not switch jobs – change their career, within two years, and that was from four months ago. So we’re like, almost a year and a half and like, that means all these (Brad: everything’s shifting) everything. And we shifted like, we did have a lot… And I think, (Brad: we totally did) you know, I think it’s, um, I think it’s really hard to do that. And I why the reason I wanted to have her as a guest house as well was like, she went from a bodybuilding competition person and coach of that to being a hypnotist of like, how do I help these people make their life’s work happen? And I wanted to have her on because like, I know that you might be sitting there going, how do I go from being an accountant, to be like a retreat host, or how do (Brad: right) I go from being a stay at home mom to like running my own business? Like, I wanted you to see someone who like literally did something… like, that’s not, that those two… you don’t go “Okay first I do competitions, then I help you with competition, then I hypnotize people and then… … that they can do things.” Like, you don’t….

Brad Crowell
That’s the next natural step! Not so much….

Lesley Logan
It’s not so much. And I think it’s just really important that we know that life is not linear. (Brad: Yeah.) And like, I don’t know, who told us all that. But like, we really have to like, we have to get off that gravy train. That’s what I’m saying. I’m gluten free. So I’m already off of it. And…

Brad Crowell
Oh that’s a bummer. I love gravy.

Brad Crowell
All right. So finally, let’s talk about the Be It action items. (Lesley: Yeah) What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Katie Miller-Kerner? And we’re gonna do a little different today. Because I think this is more one kind of big conversation instead of a bunch of little takeaways. So I’m gonna let you jump in.

Lesley Logan
Okay, so first, we’re going to write down a short term and long term goal that you have. So (Brad: yeah), something you want now and something you want later.

Brad Crowell
And then what she said, which I thought was was interesting, because this comes back to like, manifestation. And also, hypnosis is asking, like looking at the two things that you just wrote down. One short term, one long term goal, asking yourself, “Do I believe that I can have these things? Do I believe that I can have these things?” You know, and…

Lesley Logan
We did this recently.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we did this recently. And we talked about how it’s a little scary. To dream really big.

Lesley Logan
We dreamed really big. And I was like, “Yes!” And my body like lit up everywhere. And like, I was like, “Alright, that’s happening.” And you know, let’s go. And he were like, “Oh, that’s actually really scary.”

Brad Crowell
Yeah, for me, there was fear associated with that. Which is crazy!

Lesley Logan
So, do it… you… do I believe I can have this, and then does your body tense up anywhere?

Brad Crowell
Right. So the next question she asked was looking at those two goals? Does your body tense up anywhere? And then she asked, she said, to write down the thoughts or beliefs that come up, surrounding that tension? (Lesley: Yeah.) And then presumably, that it’s, presumably it’s a negative association. And she said, “You need to invalidate that belief.”

Lesley Logan
That’s so powerful, like because I’m, I think so often we’re looking for other people to invalidate beliefs, like we’re like, you know, seeking out, you know, compliments or like affirmations. Or, like, you know, oh, this happened and you you’re like, almost sometimes like, one, maybe this is just me, maybe I’m just like, talking about myself. But like, you know, you’re kind of worried about something and you’re kind of seeking for someone to invalidate what you’re worried about for you. But oftentimes, they just validate it, which is like never good thing. And I love this because she’s asking you to invalidate the negative belief that you have around the thing that you want.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And I let’s, let’s actually get an example in here. So so you were talking about, you know, someone who’s an accountant who wants to, you know, whatever, what do you say become a Pilates instructor?

Lesley Logan
No, I said, you want to lead a retreat?

Brad Crowell
Lead a retreat. Right. So…

Lesley Logan
No, I know not everyone listen to this does want to help Pilates instructor. (Brad: Okay) Not trying to convert them.

Brad Crowell
It just was pulling the example from before. So, lead a retreat, love it. So, you know, do I believe I can have this? I know, years back when we were, you know, brainstorming, the idea of leading retreat seemed like, ridiculously far fetched and to, like, have somebody you know, to ask someone to pay us thousands of dollars to join us on a trip somewhere, was like, it just felt outrageous, right? And when when I thought about it, then I remember thinking like, we’re not famous, how are we ever going to ask people for that kind of a thing? You know? And does my body tense up anywhere? Yeah, kind of tensed up in my, in, like, my gut and my heart a little bit, right. You know, and like, my, I like, kind of around my eyes, like, where my where my, my mind is. And, and what are those thoughts or beliefs that just came up? I just said them, we’re not famous, you know, and so they’re like, how are we going to be able to ask people to pay us? You know, and, and… write those down. Right? And then, invalidate those beliefs. Do you actually have to be famous to lead people on a retreat? (Lesley: No) No, who told me that where did that story come from? I don’t know. That’s such a weird thing to say. It’s just this weird, like, preconception that I pulled out of nowhere, you know. And then, asking people to pay us, you know, has been, it started off being this weird thing where it was like, you know, like, “Okay, you got to pay us like, like $1500 dollars.” Right? And, and the reality is like, we were barely making the retreat happen by asking for only $1500 dollars, let alone turning it into something that was paying us as well. Right? And, and I think that, that, that one took a little longer for me. Because, what I realized was that people weren’t there counting the $1500 dollars… pennies of it. And being like, you only gave me 1497 worth of value. No, the value for them was exponentially more than $1500. They were like, “This was a life altering, mind blowing experience. I can’t wait to go home and tell all my friends and family!” You know… and then, all of the sudden, I was like, “Wow! I am I’m going about this all the wrong way.” I’m like, stuck on this money situation, right? So again, invalidating that, that… people aren’t in it for the $1500 dollars. They’re in it to experience this retreat, this life changing experience, this event. (Lesley: Yeah) And so…

Lesley Logan
So if you’re an accountant wanting to lead a retreat, it’s, you know, it’s you got to just think about, like, you got to picture yourself on the retreat with the people. And you’re, it’s the last day, and you’re hugging them, and you’re doing these things and, and you just have to like, I bet only good stuff is going to come up. And then if anything negative comes up, that’s if you want to invalidate because that (Brad: yeah, write it down) story that’s like playing out in your head. (Brad: Yeah) You know, and just so you know, people came on our retreat, they are no longer $1500 dollars, we can’t wait to start them back up again. (Brad: It’s true.) They are going to be “Be It retreats” for sure. And they are going to have so much epic stuff. But I really love this. I think this is something people can do like daily, like if you like come up with it, (Brad: Yeah) like, “Oh, I want to do this.” Okay, do you believe you can have this? (Brad: Yeah.) Where’s your body tensing up? Write down the thoughts and beliefs that came up and then invalidate the negative ones. Boom! (Brad: Yeah) Like, that’s so… what a great little skill set to have in your back pocket.

Brad Crowell
I mean, that that is like very tangible. Like you can do that action item. So I thought that was amazing. And I’m really happy that she shared that, those tips with us.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I am. I really love this. I loved her interview. Thanks for doing this with me, babe. Alright everyone, I’m Lesley Logan. (Brad: And I’m Brad Crowell.) Thank you so much for joining us today. We are so grateful to have you here. How you’re going to use these tips in your life? Are you going to do these questions? (Brad: You should) If you do, well, you’re going to, just, I’m just… the… I’m already putting that out there for you. (Brad laughs) So you’re gonna screenshot this episode, you’re going to write down what your takeaways or are you gonna tag @be_it_pod, tag @KTMillerKerner, and make sure your friends hear about it because that is how we help more people, Be It Till You See It. And so until next time, you need to Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast!
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Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Kevin and Bel at Disenyo handle all of our audio editing and some social media content.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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