How to Show Up Online as Our True Selves

Ep. 329 with Lesley & Brad

“Everyone’s gonna try to chop you down. You will not have everyone agree with you always. Period.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

In today’s recap episode, dive into the complexities of aligning your real-life personality with your online presence. Discover the power of individuality in social media, the challenges of standing out, and the importance of authenticity. Lesley and Brad will help you learn to embrace your uniqueness and overcome the fear of criticism while being true to yourself.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get some of the resources we mentioned, head over to If you have any comments or questions about the Be It pod shoot us a message at

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • How to shift perspectives to conquer fears and limiting beliefs on social media.
  • The importance of owning and expressing your unique opinions online.
  • How being true to yourself is crucial for creating genuine content and connections.
  • How authenticity fosters genuine content and deeper connections.
  • How personal engagement boosts your social media influence and presence.

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan: Don’t underestimate the power of like visualize what you want your future to look like because it will tell you what your next step has to be.


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan 0:48
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co-host in life, Brad and I are going to discuss the jubilant convo I had with Sandy Joy Weston in our last interview. If you haven’t listened to that interview, go back and listen to it now and then come back and join us or listen to this and listen to that. You know you can do you it’s so fun when you can listen to this and then listen to the full interview. It’s gonna be so fun.

Brad Crowell 1:09
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

Lesley Logan 1:11
Today is January 30th, also known as National Plan For a Vacation Day because yeah, you should you should take more vacations. In fact, Brad and I are working on more vacations than work trips for 2024.

Brad Crowell 1:24
That’s what we’re working on.

Lesley Logan 1:26
We already have vacation plans.

Brad Crowell 1:27
We do.

Lesley Logan 1:27
In a few weeks we’re gonna be in Cabo.

Brad Crowell 1:29
I’m excited.

Lesley Logan 1:30
I know. So where are y’all going? We want to know. Where are you planning to vacation? You should plan one even if you can’t pay for it this year, pull it put it in the books for next year. Because before you know it, like I met someone’s like, they’ve never taken their honeymoon. It’s been 20 years. I’m like, in 20 years you never found time? Like not even money like you never just like decided to make any one of your trips like your actual honeymoon? It’s gotta be intentional people.

Brad Crowell 1:51
Yeah, I mean, it also helps with like, mental health. Instead of hitting the reset button.

Lesley Logan 1:57
Yes, one of the things that I had our assistant do is go through our calendars and find a weekend in every quarter where we could pack the van up and go drive somewhere because there’s like so many things that we could see within driving distance.

Brad Crowell 2:08
That’s cool. You know, we still never been to Death Valley.

Lesley Logan 2:11
I know.

Brad Crowell 2:11
It’s right here.

Lesley Logan 2:12
That’s one of the things we can go do. So anyways, we’re doing it.

Brad Crowell 2:16
I love it.

Lesley Logan 2:16
I know. Also, I haven’t taken you to the Sands Hotel, which I love so much. I know. So

Brad Crowell 2:22
Can we drive to that?

Lesley Logan 2:23
Yeah, I got there.

Brad Crowell 2:25
I know what you I know, which one you’re referring to. Down in California-a.

Lesley Logan 2:28
So anyways, make sure you tell your friends to plan their vacations, too, because that’s how the world goes round. So some of, it is we got to, we got peer pressure in a good way. Go plan a vacation. So, Agency Mini Number 10 starts on February 11th which means

Brad Crowell 2:47
It’s in less than two weeks, y’all.

Lesley Logan 2:48
Which means you gotta sign up now.

Brad Crowell 2:50
Do it.

Lesley Logan 2:50
And we don’t even know if Number 11 is happening this year or next year. We haven’t planned it yet. What?

Lesley Logan 2:55
It’s true. This might be the year that we only do one? We’ll see. We’ll see.

Lesley Logan 2:59
Yeah, where we’ve been really trying to get down to one and this might be the year that we do it. We’ll we’ll let you know.

Brad Crowell 3:04
Don’t wait on this. Even if you can’t join everything live, you should still participate because we will have access to replays for you, limited access, but it’ll be there.

Lesley Logan 3:12
Yeah. And then the summer camp for OPC I know it’s only January (inaudible) summer camp, but we are doing that because it’s gonna be the biggest summer camp we’ve ever done. Also this year with OPC we are doing less workshops throughout the year. And in fact putting them all in one big epic weekend. Don’t worry, there’s replays it’s virtual, you can do it. So stay tuned for that. And then just so you know, even though technically, the OPC Reformer Accountability Challenge kind of wrapped up today, you can actually sign up for it and start it anytime. The way that we made it, the way we created it, the way everything goes is you start that accountability challenge when you’re ready and so all you do is go to and you can start your Reformer Accountability Program now so you didn’t miss anything at all look at that.

Lesley Logan 3:55
Didn’t miss it at all and if you want to do more than once in a year, congratulations. You can do that.

Lesley Logan 3:59
Do it again. And for my mat lovers in March MATness we will do that for you. So this is the year I will do something for March MATness it’s not gonna be my Instagram it’s gonna be this because that’s like actually way cooler and gives you something to do. So stay tuned, we’ll let you know when that’s coming up next month. And then we are

Lesley Logan 4:18
The flashcards to be to be determined on the exact presale date

Lesley Logan 4:22
Yeah, for the chairs deck? Really, babe?

Brad Crowell 4:23
Ah, for the Barrels Deck for the Barrels Deck. Who wrote this?

Lesley Logan 4:28
Who wrote this?

Brad Crowell 4:29
Who put together the script together?

Lesley Logan 4:30
We gotta we gotta put it in their performance review. Anyways, the presale for Barrels Deck is we’re working on it. Here’s the deal. I’ll be really honest on the day that we’re recording this I just found out that they still don’t have a skew for the barrel I need to buy to do the photo shoots.

Brad Crowell 4:43
So soon as the, the content’s almost done as far as the copy, the layouts are done, the design is done. We just need to do a photo shoot and then we’ll be able to actually pull it all together and then we’ll have it reviewed a few times but the teachers.

Lesley Logan 4:57
Yes. And then it and then once it goes to print. So we’re our goal is, our goal is April but get on the waitlist at that’s one word apparently.

Lesley Logan 5:09
Flash card singular flash card waitlist. Okay, so

Lesley Logan 5:13
The longest word flashcardwaitlist all one word no hyphens.

Brad Crowell 5:18
Spelling with Brad.

Lesley Logan 5:19
Yes. And then we just close the earlybird for Cambodia

Brad Crowell 5:25
For the Lesley Logan Retreat.

Lesley Logan 5:26
Oh my goodness. I’m gonna give a shout out to Mandy and Liza because I’m, sorry Mandi and Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. I’m like, Lisa with a Tisa. They’re coming into Cambodia, they’re already signed up. It is that Mandi’s 60th birthday present to herself. We’re gonna have a biggest class, you have to join these amazing women and a bunch of others who’ve already signed up. So if there’s spots left, you can sign up.

Brad Crowell 5:48
Yeah, yeah. Don’t wait on that. There might not be spots left here. So if this is something you’ve been thinking about, just reach out.

Lesley Logan 5:55
Yeah. Alright. So before we talk about Sandy, do we have an audience question?

Brad Crowell 5:59
We totally do. This one was fun. Was actually asked live in person while we were on our

Lesley Logan 6:05
Actually no, it came through Instagram after (inaudible).

Lesley Logan 6:09
Oh, just kidding. I recognized the name so I assumed. Sicily from Austin, Texas. First off, great to hang with you on the winter tour. That was so much fun.

Lesley Logan 6:18
And talk about really when the peer pressure is a good way. Sicily peer pressure to friend Julie to come to the workshop and then peer pressured herself and Julie to stay for the second one. So like, it can be a good thing.

Brad Crowell 6:29
It was a win. It was a good time. But she asked, how do we shower in the van when we’re on the road? And where do we sleep?

Lesley Logan 6:39
Yeah, so apparently many of you don’t realize we actually do sleep in the van.

Brad Crowell 6:43
In the van.

Lesley Logan 6:43
We sleep in the van.

Brad Crowell 6:44
With three dogs.

Lesley Logan 6:45
Yeah, so here’s the thing. We met this guy. This is not your question, Sicily, but I just have to put this out there. So we’re in we’re in one of the cities and this guy comes up to me and we’re like (inaudible) he was like oh, so it’s like Ross putting the table together with all the merch and the flashcards and he’s like oh, so it’s like a band like where are you? You make no money on the tour and you make money on the merch instead? And I said we actually as far as the tour merch goes we make $0 on that. We make money on the tour unlike bands and because you guys we don’t stay in hotels. We sleep in the van like band people would sleep in a van. We don’t

Brad Crowell 7:21
Maybe they usually sleep on people’s couches.

Lesley Logan 7:23
Oh, okay, well, no, we don’t do that. That’s you know what we did that the first time we cross country tour we like had friends like lowness or guestrooms and it’s honestly annoying. Like I love my friends and it’s so fun to visit with them but lugging your stuff in and out of the car each stop is just like a packing and unpacking. So we like the whole time we have a great bed in the van. And you’d be surprised like how cold it doesn’t get in the van and how well you sleep because it’s a little chilly.

Brad Crowell 7:51
Plus, we get to hang with our friends anyway. We still have to do the packing-unpacking.

Lesley Logan 7:54
Yeah, we love seeing our friends. We still do packing-unpacking you’re correct. We don’t currently have the toilet that I would like the van to have. Yeah, that’s

Brad Crowell 8:01
That’s gonna happen before the summer tour.

Lesley Logan 8:04
That’s kind of key you guys that one because like in the middle of the night sometimes you just want to pee again and you don’t want to like go into the Planet Fitness and check in for the third time that night.

Brad Crowell 8:14
That’s true.

Lesley Logan 8:14
Hi checking in.

Brad Crowell 8:16
Yeah, so that’s actually where we shower into the other question. Yes, we have a membership to Planet Fitness and there are I don’t even know how many locations they have.

Lesley Logan 8:24
They don’t sponsor.

Brad Crowell 8:25
No, they don’t.

Lesley Logan 8:26
This is not even a promo for them. But you can you can. So here’s the deal. We just get there like unlimited membership. And then we use it for the massage chairs. The showers and I work out there.

Brad Crowell 8:37
In the United States there are 2392 locations of them.

Lesley Logan 8:42
Yeah. So yeah, we’ve probably been to a good 50 of them.

Brad Crowell 8:46
Yeah. I mean, we it’s been really good and honestly, not everywhere. But most towns that we stopped in have a Planet Fitness that’s open 24/7.

Lesley Logan 8:54
(Inaudible). No, I’m gonna say not all of them are created equal.

Brad Crowell 9:00
That’s true.

Lesley Logan 9:00
I am wanting like a secret job where I get paid to review the bathrooms. Because like some of them

Brad Crowell 9:08
A couple of them are amazing others are like what the hell happened here?

Lesley Logan 9:11
Yes. Some of them I’m like I think so. Because like we use the Love’s truck stops a lot too. Yeah, and all but one

Brad Crowell 9:18
Sorry, they are travel centers.

Lesley Logan 9:20
Sorry, travel centers. The Love’s travel centers. So we love the Love’s travel centers if we can’t do a Planet Fitness I have not showered at one although I have to imagine that they’re super clean because all but one Love’s travel center. Ever. We’ve only ever had one. There’s only one female restroom that I’ve ever been like, I can barely be here. Every other one has been the cleanest thing I’ve ever seen. And so I imagine that the showers are beautiful there too. I just haven’t. I haven’t done it. Mostly because I don’t see any other women over in that shower area. And I it makes me nervous. I’m I’m probably telling myself a new story there. Anyways, hope that answers your question. We love answering these random questions from you guys. They’re so fun because you know, inquiring minds want to know. So send your questions to the Be It Pod we’ll answer them. Clearly no questions off limits we’ll tell you where we’re peeing. And now

Brad Crowell 10:09
Everybody’s doing it.

Lesley Logan 10:10
Everyone’s everyone poops.

Brad Crowell 10:12
Everybody poops.

Lesley Logan 10:13
That’s true. Okay.

Brad Crowell 10:14
I think it’s a book.

Lesley Logan 10:15
It is. Let’s talk about Sandy.

Brad Crowell 10:18
Okay. Now let’s talk about Sandy Joy Weston. Sandy is an accomplished entrepreneur in the health and wellness sector holding a master’s degree in exercise physiology and a bachelor’s in dance. Her leadership marked by passion for fostering growth, and guiding her team is driven by a core goal, helping others to discover and embrace the joy within themselves.

Lesley Logan 10:41
Oh my God, she is pure joy.

Brad Crowell 10:44

Lesley Logan 10:44
Yeah, like she just is. She’s so fun.

Brad Crowell 10:48
The whole the whole interview went by so fast. I was just really enjoying it.

Lesley Logan 10:53
Yeah, she was fabulous. So anyways, I my favorite takeaway that I loved. She said, the most desperate situation, I could put a smile on someone’s face. So I love this because it seems so like, some people would not really give themselves credit for being I’ll put smiles on people’s faces and like, bring joy to someone. But actually, you guys like the world’s really a heavy place. And, you know, if you can, like put a smile on someone’s face, that might be the first time they smile that day. And so she, you know, she had a really like, hard life. She grew up in the projects, her mom spent 50% of her life in mental hospitals. Her brother had a challenging time, but she would like throw on tap shoes, and she would dance to entertain people. And she just was like, she didn’t need to have a cure. She just wanted to, like put a smile on people’s faces. And so she knew that her that in those moments, she could bring people hope. And I just think that like, you know, I’ve just really think it’s really cool that she gives herself credit for that, because so many people just wouldn’t be like, I’m not I’m not curing cancer, you know, so and it’s like, no, you’re not, but as me you can’t make people feel loved and smile.

Brad Crowell 11:58
Yeah, totally. And it sounds like she had a challenging upbringing. And you wouldn’t know it, because of her attitude. And her her willingness to find joy.

Lesley Logan 12:10
Yeah, well, you know, like, we’re listening to Brad Bizjack, and we’re doing some stuff. And he talks about, like, you know, you could have a tough past, but your past doesn’t have to dictate your present.

Brad Crowell 12:20
Yeah, it doesn’t have to define you.

Lesley Logan 12:21
No, it can just, it can be something that happened. And like, but you’re you became this person because of those things, and not in spite, like, like, like, you can actually use it for good. And in spite of those things, and like, you don’t have to continue to bring up like, some people just keen to do it bring up I’m from the projects I’m from the projects. It’s like, yeah, you I grew up poor too. And like, that doesn’t have to mean that you stay poor.

Brad Crowell 12:46

Lesley Logan 12:46

Brad Crowell 12:47
So yeah, well, she also talked about one thing I really dug, which is different than what my actual point is, she talked about seeing herself on stage. But like, effectively, like manifesting it, and I just found it so interesting, because I’ve been listening to the mindset of abundance a lot, recently, and seeing, like, the way that she described it, it wasn’t even like she didn’t even talk about manifestation. She just talked about envisioning herself speaking on the stage in front of 10,000 people shaking hands with Tony Robbins being like being peers, like doing all the things where she like, wakes up and does this thing. And she goes, oh, my gosh, I can feel the energy of that. I know how amazing it is going to be, how epic that is going to be. And then, you know, within within, I don’t know what the actual time was. But shortly thereafter, she’s actually starting to book gigs that are larger gigs like this. And because she’s ready for it, she’s mentally ready for it. When someone asked her the question, she’s like, yeah, I mean, I can I got this, I know that I can do this kind of thing. I just thought how amazing is that? You know, that she can see, you know, and see herself in the moment. She’s being it till she sees it it’s literally that. But also, it’s like, you know, it’s like what my, my dad taught me when I was a kid

Lesley Logan 14:16
Like what, see yourself hitting the ball?

Brad Crowell 14:18
Into the net. Kicking that ball into the net, see it go in the net before you ever actually kick the ball. And, you know, so it’s not this weird left field idea, you know, and so I just love that she’s bringing it back around, because here I am in my 40’s. And that’s not something that I do. You know, I don’t see the ball go in the net before I kick the ball at this point in my life. And I just loved I found that very refreshing that she’s 63. And she’s doing that. It’s amazing.

Lesley Logan 14:45
So cool. But what else?

Brad Crowell 14:49
Yeah, so actually, that was all a side note, y’all because I just thought it was really inspiring. She talks about how she landed this gig in Thailand at 2018 for an international women’s conference and she said, who am I to be on the stage with all these doctors and like women of prestige and all these stuff? And they’re like, who the hell are you that you booked this gig? You know, and she’s like, literally getting judged. Right? And she said she was she was super, super worried about this. That so she spent six solid months prepping for this 90 minutes. She was the keynote speaker. Right? And they’re all like, who is? Who is Sandy Joy Weston? Why is she the keynote speaker? Right. And so she’s prepping. And she said, I knew I was going to blow all their minds with all this information about the brain and all the things and like cognitive blah, blah, blah, right? And so she was like, she practiced and practiced and practiced. And she got there. And she realized 15 minutes in that half the audience wasn’t understanding her because there was a language barrier. And she, she literally, like she had the, the wherewithal to identify that and stop her own presentation, get out of her own head and be like, hey, y’all, are you figuring it out? Are you even understanding me? Right? I don’t know how she said it. But they, you know, she said, if you’re, if you’re only picking up every other word, raise your hand. And she said, like, half the crowd, raised their hand. And she was like, okay, so all of this really sciency stuff that I’m gonna that I have planned out the window, and she said, you know what these people need, they need to move they need to dance, they need to there’s a weird barrier here. Because of the language, there’s a weird weirdness between the women. And she identified that in the moment. And so she started, she had no soundtrack, she had nothing. She just started, everybody dance into a song that she pulled up on her phone. Right? And she said, for the rest of the weekend, people would just take a moment and do a couple moves from the dance. And she said it changed the entire vibe of however many people were at this conference. And you know, good for her. First off, that’s amazing. And also, I mean, a little bit of a hell yeah, because she said those people who were judging her came back and said, got it, figured out why you’re the keynote speaker. But man, I just thought that was so inspiring that she had, you know, she, she basically, prep, prep, prep, prep, prep, and in the moment, realized this is wrong, and was willing to change course, in the middle of the moment.

Lesley Logan 17:20
I think that’s what’s so cool about preparation and opportunity, like your prep, like someone say, well, she just wasted her time. No, she couldn’t have done what she did. Had she not known what she’s gonna say so much to know, and visualize so much to know what it was going to be like, and then going, oh, there’s a map. This is not this is not going the way that I anticipated. So like

Brad Crowell 17:40
Also I think you know, so it’s like what she actually said, which I thought was really also inspiring, was all that preparation to talk about science and the brain. She’s like, yeah, okay, I have a master’s degree, but I’m not a doctor. And I was trying, I was thinking that I was going to be impressing the other presenters and showing them well, I know my stuff, too.

Lesley Logan 18:04
(Inaudible) Gaia that was timely because Sandy’s phone fell. So Gaia

Brad Crowell 18:08
Gaia’s banging the table so hard that the cameras shook.

Lesley Logan 18:11

Brad Crowell 18:12
Lay down girl. Okay. But what what she said is, that isn’t me, I’m not the sciency person, right? Who am I? I’m a movement person who gets, who helps people find joy. And so she realized mid pitch that what she was doing wasn’t her, changed it to be her and nailed it.

Lesley Logan 18:34
Yeah, I think that’s really cool.

Brad Crowell 18:36
That’s amazing.

Lesley Logan 18:36
I love it. I love that.

Lesley Logan 18:38
All right, so finally, let’s talk about those Be It Action Items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Sandy Joy Weston? I thought that I’m just gonna jump in here y’all, I’m gonna take the first swing. She said. Brad’s in a mood. She said, think about one area in your life that you want to uplevel, only one. And she said she listed off a couple, like your emotional health or your physical health or, you know, just but just pick one. You can’t pick them all. Start with one and do a four-week trial of making changes in that area. Before you go, get out of bed in the morning. Think of one word of how you want to show up in that day in that area of your life. So ask yourself, what would you do? What would you say? How would you act if you had ease and flow in you know, mindset, let’s just say like, here’s a good example. My ex-girlfriend dumped me many, many years ago, because she said Brad, you’re angry. You’re really angry all the time and your anger actually I know you’re not angry at me. But your anger affects me. It really affects me and I can’t be around it. And I was like, I don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s not what I said. But, you know, you know, if I were to want to address that, for me, I think I think I would have to like, take a music stand, put it on the side of my bed, and write on a piece of paper and put it right there so that when I sat up in the morning, I’d see the first thing I would see

Lesley Logan 20:20
(Inaudible) music stand. Like, you can’t just like put it on a, post it on the wall when you roll over.

Brad Crowell 20:25
No, I was, I was a full-blown musician at this point in my life, right? So, you know, what do I have available to me? I have a music stand. So, you know, I would have had to do that. So that because I, if I try to remember, tomorrow morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is I’m going to say this mantra. No, I won’t. I’ll probably have shit night’s sleep to be quite honest. Because I’m trying to remember this thing all night long. No. So put it on a music stand, put it next to the bed, sit up and then ask yourself, okay, if today I’m going to I want to be less angry. What am I going to do today? That was gonna be less angry? What am I going to say today? That, um, you know, how am I going to act? What am I going to be? How am I going to do this? How is this going to be easier and flow easier? And she said give yourself 30 seconds, write it down somewhere and then go through the day saying I feel ease and flow in this area of anger and then see what you could do about it in your life and take that action. So yeah, I think that’s really great, very actionable, free, easy thing to to take to undertake.

Lesley Logan 21:24
I love when a Be It Action Item is free because here’s another one, mine.

Brad Crowell 21:27
Tell me.

Lesley Logan 21:28
Um, she said use visualization as a manifestation tool. And she talked about how she personally used it. We’ve talked about a little bit but she used it to envision herself on big stages. She envisioned herself starting a convo with Tony Robbins and then being on the same stage with him in Las Vegas conference. She envisions herself on the TEDx stage. She often asked herself like, what else do I want? What else do I want so she can continue to visualize and manifest what she wants? And Brad?

Brad Crowell 21:56
Tell me.

Lesley Logan 21:57
Well, did she get the gig?

Brad Crowell 21:59
We’ve an update for y’all. During the interview, she said, I thought I was interviewing this woman to be on I’m assuming she has a podcast, or a YouTube channel or something. And she said, actually, that woman was interviewing me and she got the gig, y’all. She landed that TEDx talk, so I don’t know when it’s coming out. But congratulations to Sandy Joy Weston. We’re so fired up for her. What an amazing coincidence that she manifested, you know, prepared for, was ready to go. It was amazing. That’s amazing.

Lesley Logan 22:29
I know. So y’all, like, don’t underestimate the power of like, visualizing what you want your future to look like because it will tell you what your next step has to be.

Brad Crowell 22:38
Well said.

Lesley Logan 22:38
I know. I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell 22:39
And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 22:40
Thank you so much for being part of this podcast journey with us. Here’s to another year and I know it’s gonna be the 30th I’m like it’s past the happy new year but you know what, I don’t give a fuck it’s, you gotta, you sometimes a January takes a while you got to get it you got to figure out what you want and also like I don’t know why there’s a new year in January anyways it’s the middle of winter. Anyway, that’s a whole other topic but anyways, astrology does also would like to know. So you can reset yourself and start the new year and visualize what you want to add this year. And use Sandy Joy’s Be It Action Items. Tag her, tag the Be It Pod and until next time, Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell 23:14
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @be_it_pod.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music and our branding by designer and artist Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell
Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

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