What if You Thought

of Goals as Miracles?

Ep. 46 with Lesley & Brad

“Surround yourself with others who are making the changes that you want to see.”

Brad Crowell

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Show Notes

What if you thought of goals as miracles? That’s one of the topics Brad and LL cover in today’s episode, along with failing at Halloween, being fish in a pond, surrounding yourself with others who are making the changes you want to see in your life, and more.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Brad & Lesley failed at adulting
  • You can’t grow to be a big fish in a small pond
  • Do you have five-year goals?
  • What if you thought of goals as miracles?

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan
Hey, Be It pod listener, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being you. Thanks for watching our podcast here on our YouTube channel. I’m just so grateful for you. I have a big favor, and I’m, I mean, like, let me just say, “It’s not easy for me to ask for help,” but I need your help. I’m on a mission, I really want to change as many lives and help people be it till they see it all over the world, and I need your help. We have been so grateful. The amount of downloads our podcast has had in just a short period of time is, it’s amazing. That’s insane. However, we also need more written reviews. So, and specifically on Apple. So even if you are watching here on YouTube, or you listen on Spotify, or you listen on Google Play, Apple podcast is where everyone looks to see which podcasts they should send people on for interviews. And, so we need lots of reviews to be there like a hundred written reviews. So, big huge favor if you could use the link below, go write a review, rate us, give us all the stars you love and let me know. Screenshot it, send it to me on a @be_it_pod. I just want to thank you for the bottom of my heart. We are truly, truly can’t do this podcast without you. And, I’m just so grateful that these words hit your ears. And if you wouldn’t mind writing us that review that would be amazing. And, I will be so forever grateful. Thank you and now here’s the podcast you wanted to listen to.


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the motivating conversation I had with Hazel Ortega in our last episode. If you haven’t yet listened to that interview, feel free to pause this. Go back and listen to that one and then come back and join us. Let me just say, you’re gonna want to listen to both of these. (Brad: Yeah) We haven’t even finished this episode, but I know it’s gonna be great. But the one that we’re recapping is out there and I listened to it again. I’ve I’ve listened to it several times now. And every time I’m like, I just feel. I feel ready. I feel motivated. So … (Brad: Motivated) Anyways, gotta go listen to Hazel, you will be inspired. Y’all, I wanted to say real quick. There’s a lot of exciting things going on the end of the year. It just I don’t know about you, but it’s just it’s like everything happens. Everyone’s like, “We got to get it done.” …

Brad Crowell
But it doesn’t feel like there’s enough time there’s way too many projects to finish or get up or get out like (Lesley: Yeah) all the things, it’s pretty insane.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, so we … (Brad: Crunch time) we have two things in our crunch time. One, we actually announced “eLevate,” which is my program for Pilates teachers. It is a mentorship program that starts in January. It’s already filling up super fast. And it is different than any other program I’ve seen up there. Because …

Brad Crowell
When you say mentorship program … (Lesley: Yeah) for what specifically?

Lesley Logan
Oh, for Pilates teachers for mostly … So if you’ve gone through a training, you know, you know a lot and you also know that you what you don’t know. And and then there’s these pressures in the industry to be perfect at teaching and imperfect at the exercise is that there’s right and wrongs and …

Brad Crowell
I never start until I have it nailed anyway. So (Lesley: Right, right.) I’m teasing. (Brad laughs)

Lesley Logan
But that’s what that’s what I see happen a lot with so many teachers and we, we coach them in their business and I can see what their retention is like and that’s a that can be a problem and growing your business and also the the mindset that get they get in their own way. And so I wanted to create a really awesome encouraging space for teachers who wanted to learn Joseph Pilates’s method. In a way that’s not right or wrong. If there’s a lot of gray area in there, there’s a lot of room for exploring. And so I thought now is actually a really great time because everyone can do it from their comfort of their own home and studio. (Brad: Yeah) And then they can see all these other types of bodies, some with back fusion, some with just lower back pain, some of them shorter, some of them hypermobile, and they can see the same exercises in each other. And then they get to teach each other and get tons of feedback. And so it’s going to be this incredible, incredible experience. And I can’t wait for them to be together because when I did a mentorship, not only was it really freeing for my teaching, but some of those people I was with are like, like some of my closest friends right now. And so I’m really excited for them to have that sets “eLevate” program.

Brad Crowell
Well, so just to clarify a little bit more for those out there who are Pilates teachers, Lesley’s classically trained. So this is going to be focused on the like the classical method, and it is open to classical and non classical teachers, it’s not a bridge program. It is simply like a continuing ed program for teachers who already, you know, feel like they, they’ve, they’ve taken their train… not feel like you’ve taken your training. You are a teacher, but you’re ready to go to the next level. This would be, the “eLevate” program would be for you.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So check it out. The link is in the show notes.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Or just go to lesleylogan.co/elevate.

Lesley Logan
Oh, or go there lesleylogan.co/elevate. (Brad: Yeah) And then …

Brad Crowell
One more quick announcement here.

Lesley Logan
What is it?

Brad Crowell
We are looking for an Assistant Podcast Producer for this podcast? (Brad laughs)

Lesley Logan
Oh my God, can you believe it? I can’t believe I also love that we’re announcing it during like the miracle goals of recap episode because like, I don’t think we thought we’d be in this position to hire someone, this soon. Y’all, this is only episode 46.

Brad Crowell
Right? Yeah, it’s only been, you know, not even six months here of the pod. And we’re definitely excited to be, you know, entertaining, you know, interviews and stuff. So, if this is it’s a, it’s part time, I work remote, all the things if you want to read more about the role, or if you feel like you know, someone who would fit with the role. Just go to lesleylogan.co/hiring.

Lesley Logan
I can’t even wait to see who this is going to be. I mean, we’re just like, it’s gonna be great. Get ready, whoever you are, we’re going to be doing some miracle goal planning with this pod. Okay, well, let’s get into it. What is the question we got from our listeners this week?

Brad Crowell
All right. This one was kind of funny. I think it was supposed to be funny. But the question was, “Did we dress up for Halloween?”

Lesley Logan
Well, I had to be funny because I posted zero pictures of any dressing up. (Brad laughs) So, I think this is more of like a funny like, “Haha, did you do it?”

Brad Crowell
The answer is totally did not. (Lesley: No, no. Not to consider …) In fact, not only did we not dress up, we didn’t even buy any candy.

Lesley Logan
Oh my God, we’re like The Grinch of Halloween and, and not on purpose, y’all. First, slight defense. We don’t even go to the grocery store. (Brad: Yeah, not really) So like buying candy in bags, but require me being in the public to save any bags of candy. Second, it also requires you knowing what day it is. And we work so much in the future sometimes that I don’t realize what dates are coming up. And unless there’s like a notification of some kind. So clearly, when you put on our calendar, “Buy candy, you have a neighborhood of kids.” So they literally knock on the door …

Brad Crowell
That’s that’s super true. This is the you know, second Halloween that we’ve been here and last Halloween was really deceptive because we literally, we got all excited… Lesley and I we like sat in our office where we could see the kids who were supposed to walk by and there was like one group …

Lesley Logan
We watched Hocus Pocus and because Brad never seen it. Which by the way, raise your hand if that’s your favorite Halloween movie. But also, we put the bowl out there and only one van of kids came. (Brad: Yeah) And they like throw the bowl everywhere. Candy went fly …

Brad Crowell
Oh no, those were the teenagers that came late at night and they just stole all the rest of the candy. Yeah.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. It was so anyways, we kind of missed out and then …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, this year, we didn’t do much. And then our neighbor rang our doorbell even though our light was off. I swear I thought that was the universal indicator of we’re not participating in Halloween. Our front porch light was off people. (Lesley: Yeah) The doorbell still rang and me being a dummy opened it. I was like, “Oh, hey,” and then I was like, “Oh, hey, there’s like 10 kids here.” I was like, “eeeeh”.

Lesley Logan
And he had to tell a five year old, “We don’t have any candy.” (Brad: Sorry) (Brad and Lesley laughs) So anyways, (Brad: Ooops) big fail and adulting total fail. Um, I promise to the neighborhood, we will get our act together by next Halloween. (Brad laughs) And I may just start dropping candy off at random kids houses throughout the year.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, right. (Lesley: All right.) Hilarious. I love it. (Lesley: Thank you for that question.)

Lesley Logan
You can send your questions in to the @be_it_pod on Instagram.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. All right. Now let’s talk about Hazel Ortega. Hazel Ortega is a psychologist and entrepreneur and an author. She’s a firm believer that sharing your story can change the world and pursuing an education will immediately change yours. She grew up in a very dangerous part of Los Angeles with gangs and violence. She put herself through high school and college in her 20s as a mom of three. She talks about that a lot in her her, you know last episode and once she was sharing her story, she has become an inspiration to women around the globe. She focuses on building community of like minded individuals who want to make change in their lives. Lots of really inspiring, really motivating things with with Hazel, it’s… she’s got quite a story.

Lesley Logan
She’s such a story. I really … Okay, y’all, I almost like if I could have been drinking something I think I would have spit off my computer when she said, you like you’re a big fish. Someone told her, “You’re a big fish in a small pond.” She’s like, “You can’t be a big fish in a small pond.” You don’t, you don’t. Like it’s true …

Brad Crowell
You can’t grow to be a big fish in a small pond.

Lesley Logan
Correct. I mean, the way that reptiles and fish like just, you know, cuz I grew up with like snakes and lizards, if you don’t keep getting them a bigger tank, (Brad: They don’t go big) they don’t get any bigger.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Think about your goldfish. Right? How, how come, how come a goldfish can stay “this big” it’s whole life. But then, you know, when it gets put into a massive pond, it grows to be a foot long?

Lesley Logan
Yeah, by the way, someplace in this country, you’re there’s a bunch of goldfish that people been throwing in, they’re like, “Please don’t put your goldfish in this pond.” So don’t throw your goldfish in a pond… “Let’s see how big it grows.” It’s not good for the environment. Anyways, (Brad: That fish) I just liked it because I, I think we keep, I think a lot of us wait in the container we’re in for the invitation to go to a bigger container. And the or we or we’ve been told, “You’re a big fish in a small pond.” And it’s like, you got to get into other ponds, and you had to try them out and get to see what the water is like. And I mean, not that like our apartment was holding us back. But it is crazy insane when we took ourselves out of our small studio, working from home, we still work from home, into working from a space, that’s five times the size (Lesley laughs) (Brad: Yeah) like our our … everything is bigger, everything is bigger. And so maybe you can’t move, but go to a park then where there’s no walls and dream and work from there. But you got to or put yourself in like other theoretical ponds so that you can actually grow – your ideas, your mind, your possibilities, I loved it.

Brad Crowell
Or your pond could be different communities.

Lesley Logan
100%. You can like there’s little schools of fish everywhere.

Brad Crowell
Yes, there are. Awesome. Well …

Lesley Logan
What do you like?

Brad Crowell
Yeah, so the, I thought this was interesting. She was talking about the way her her internal assumption on her own life. When she was prompted by she, she would began to get some coaching. And she began to really start to see, like the future differently, but not necessarily for her. Right? So when they said when she was asked, you know what, you know, “What’s your five year goals?” She was like, “I don’t have any goals.” And she kind of dug into that. And she said, “You’re not going to feel the same five years from now, as you do today.” Now, that’s her conclusion, you know, but what she was talking about was, when she looked at herself, she was just like, “This is life, I better hold on to what I got, because it’s not going to be any different down the road than it is right now this moment for me.” Right? And she started to, you know, she she realized that she never had been, you know, encouraged to dream, to explore to, like, internalize growth change, you know, winning, she never was encouraged to do any of those things. And so she was going through life with this assumption that, you know, this is as good as it’s gonna get, I got my, you know, my, my $15 an hour job. And I just got to go home and deal with my kids. And that was it, you know, and after beginning to… she, she was she said, she she shared how she was recommended for a job at a law firm that she wasn’t qualified for, from an educational standpoint, but she got the job anyway, on referrals, and how that really shifted the way that she began to see what the future could be. And so her conclusion at the end of it is, “You’re not going to feel the same five years from now as you do today.” And, and I think that that’s a great thing. (Lesley: Yeah) You know, like we are, we should be constantly growing and shifting and changing and pursuing that growth. And, you know, I think it’s important to be reminded of that sometimes.

Lesley Logan
It makes me think of Joanna Vargas is like, “How this get any better than this?” Like, (Brad: Yeah) they want, I remember the story of like, she won some trip on a on a helicopter, she was like, in a helicopter to a dinner. And she looks at all these people who, you know, they’re all successful in their own rights, like, “How this get any better than this?” And she added like, some people were like, “Girl, we’re on a helicopter and (Brad laughs) … dinner.” Like, “What more you want?” But it’s actually like, you don’t if you feel really good right now, it can be better than that five years from now if you want it to. (Brad: Yeah) Right? Right. So, I … I think that was a really cool part of the conversation. It was really fun. (Brad: Yeah) She’s just great. I it’s just every time I listen to I’m like, “Ah, I gotta do, I gotta more miracles. I got to put more miracles on wall.”

Brad Crowell
More miracles. Oh, man. That’s another thing we could have talked about too. Is, you know, she talked about goals. You know how we were like goals, goals, you know, “Okay, what are your five year goals?” And, I’ve never heard anybody suggest this before. But it makes, it’s completely logical to me. When we put a goal on the board, you know, whatever you want to call it, our brain immediately goes, “Wow, I can’t, I can’t, I don’t even know how that’s gonna happen.” So, it’s not gonna happen, right? Because we look at it like a goal. And she said, “I substituted the word miracle for the word goal.” Because for… this is just an association. We don’t associate miracles with anything that we can do. (Lesley: Yeah) Right. And so I thought, wow, that that is amazing to shift that because it, it still makes it like, “Okay, it’s possible that it could happen. I don’t know how it would happen.” But it could happen, right? As opposed to goals where you’re like, I have to do it. It’s all on my shoulders. (Lesley: Yeah) I don’t know how it’s gonna happen. And that is now I just don’t even know that it’s a real, like, (Lesley: Right) a possible thing.

Lesley Logan
Right. It’s like, and you can listen to all the people, including all the people we’ve had on the show, it’s like, “Take another step, take a first step.” But it’s like, if you if you are making it a goal and you’ve never seen it done. (Brad: Right) And you don’t know how to get there. You it’s really hard to go, “Okay, I’m just gonna blindly step in this,” but I love the word miracles, because we, we all are so are like, “Oh, it’s a miracle that that happened.” It means that like, all these things conspired, (Brad: Sure) with you to do what you want and I think it’s so fun. Because as soon as we shifted our mind on that, because I think we were, I don’t know, if it was like a conscious awareness. We were kind of struggling with like, “What’s next?” And how do we do the next thing? And so we went on that walk, I told her I know you like, like, “Okay, what are the miracles we’re having?” And, (Brad: Yeah) and it was scary and exciting.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And I think that that’s also important, you know, those those those like, wildly ambitious, crazy, like, I like almost like can’t-even-conceptualize goals that’s important that they’re that big. Because then it you know, because it’s not necessarily something that you have control over all these things. I mean, you (Lesley: Control over most of the things.) Right, right, you know, so anyway, I loved that she substituted miracles, for the word goals in the way she thinks about her future. Taking a lot of that, like, “How do I do it?” Question out of it. (Lesley: Yeah) And then that allowed her still be excited about the possibilities. So (Lesley: Into it) Yeah. All right. One extra talking interview talking point there. (Brad laughs) Watch out everyone. We’re getting crazy.

Lesley Logan
(Brad laughs) Slippin’ it right in. All right. Well, let’s go. (Brad: Yeah) BE IT action items.

Brad Crowell
Finally, let’s talk about Hazel’s BE IT action items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with her? She, she said something that that I thought was really attainable. And she said, “Surround yourself with others who are making the changes that you want to see.” Right? And, I don’t know if she exactly said it like, directly like that. But what she did was when she was a mom, and was learning how to manage her money, she started to share with her other moms and other friends, “Hey, I’m learning how to balance my budget, you know, is that something you’d want to do too. Let’s do it together so that we can, you know, be excited for each other” and, and she began to create this community of moms learning about money. (Lesley: Yeah) And, and I think that, that that’s exactly why we created OPC (Lesley: Oh yeah) you know, because when you’re just alone in your apartment or house, like trying to chip away at your Pilates practice, it just feels so isolated and alone. I mean, we all experienced this over the past year and a half with the changes in the world because of COVID and like isolationism and all that kind of stuff. And you know, the idea of creating a community even if it’s an online you know, virtual community of people who are celebrating that they did their practice, they’re celebrating the the changes that they’re seeing in their body and in their mindset, in their in their life because of what they’re practicing Pilates is so exciting. And you know, that’s so that that’s why she’s recommending this, (Lesley: Yeah) to surround yourself with others who are also making that kind of change.

Lesley Logan
It’s scary and so doable. I think we’re all waiting for the invitation but just be the invitee. You don’t actually have to be the host of it. You could say I’m I’m doing this we have a friend who does it. She just throws out an idea to a group of people. And then like people come and no one is the host, but like, everyone got together, and I think it starts off that way and the conversations are there, but the worst thing that they can say is no. And, and that’s actually not a bad thing. It’s like, “Okay, so you just keep going.” But I do think it’s something that’s very tangible and doesn’t have to cost you anything. So, I love that a lot.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Well, what about you? What’s your BE IT action item?

Lesley Logan
Of course, of course, I chose this one. So, “Draw your vision,” she drew it out, and she has it framed on on on a wall. And it really is like, if someone drew with like, a pen, like …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, it’s like a magic marker.

Lesley Logan 20:34
Yeah, it’s like, you know, it’s not it doesn’t have to be like, beautiful and artistic. But I do what I see a lot when I’m coaching people in their business and where they want to grow it. They can’t articulate it. If actual words like I feel like … (Brad: Right) I feel like they get hung up on what word to choose, because they’re trying, they want to make sure it’s right. There’s that perfectionist … (Brad: Yeah, that quote unquote, “right”) that “right.” And it’s like, but if you draw it, it’s just a little bit easier to let your mind flow or you can grab magazine clippings, or, or go on Pinterest and just print off some things. So, I’m big fan of this. We are we’re currently working on ours. It’s not drawing, we’re gonna print some stuff because, … y’all I’m left handed. It’s just a hot mess. So just smudges and smears. (Brad laughs) But uh, but you can do this right now. And especially as the year is ending, like, do it, even if you only do it for next year, even if you like or like, “I can’t even think beyond 2022. I can’t believe it’s even here.” Just draw what you want for that. And (Brad: Yeah) the miracle.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, yeah, that’s the beginning of your vision board.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Well, anyways, this is so fun. I just we could talk about Hazel for a long time. So we’ll we’ll have to do this again. We’d love to know your takeaways definitely screenshot this, tag @hazelortega_official and us with what inspired you about the podcast. And thank you again for joining us all the time. We are so grateful that you’re here. Let us know … you’re doing this with DMs on our Instagram pod. And until next time, Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Kevin and Bel at Disenyo handle all of our audio editing and some social media content.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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