This is How You

Live to 100!

Ep. 182 with Lesley & Brad

“With psychological age, you can absolutely determine how old you feel.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

Coming off of a great conversation with Joe Casciani, Brad and Lesley, recap the ways This is the episode to help you live to 100! For real, Joe brings timeless strategies and inspiration to keep you feeling your best self despite what your age wants to tell you.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • How to look at aging from a new perspective
  • The characteristics of resilient people
  • Behavior change for a longer life
  • How to look at aging as a positive
  • Stories that prove age is only a number.
  • Cognitive embodiment to live longer

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host and my Brad and I are going to talk about the ageless convo I had with Joe Casciani in our last episode. If you haven’t listened to that one yet, feel free to pause this now go back and listen to that one. And then come back and join us or listen to this one and go listen that way. Do what you want to do. Go go wherever you want. You could start from beginning. Start from number one.

Brad Crowell
Start from number one. This is the only episode 181. So (only) you’re gonna get there.

Lesley Logan
Do you know I found this one podcast on episode 74. And it was they kept referring back to an episode and another time. So I literally went back to the number one and worked my way through.

Brad Crowell
Very impressed.

(I know… and then when) Did you listen on like three times speed?

Lesley Logan
No, just my regular 1.5 speed and also did it on the road trip. So yeah. And I became an expert (I’m impressed) in the topic so you know, 10,000 hours. I mean it wasn’t but it felt close. Anyways, that’s (74) 74 minimum. So anyways, you guys, we’re currently on the flashcard the flashcard pre sell for the chairs and so

Brad Crowell
(that means) flashcard presale for the chairs.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, the flashcard pre sell for the chairs. See sell seashells demo sure.

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
I’ve been having a little bit of trouble with some words lately. I’m gonna figure that out. But anyways, if you didn’t know about that presale it’s because you weren’t on the waitlist, period in the story. (That’s right). That’s how it goes. You want to be on waitlist for things because people on the waitlist good to get deals, they get better options, better prices first dibs, all the things.

Brad Crowell
Just like if you haven’t, if haven’t heard, we’re changing the way that we’re we’re selling things. Yeah, well if you would like to be in the know, you got to join the waitlist.

Lesley Logan
We’re starting a new trend here and we. If you want to hear how to do this for your own business, that’s what agency is for and there’s waitlist for that somewhere at any weight.

Brad Crowell
We will have a link in the notes about the waitlist for the flashcards and for agency mini

Lesley Logan
Yeah. And so when will these be shipping? you’ll probably want to know well barring off supply chains, hurricanes. And you know, atmospheric rivers, May, June.

Brad Crowell
Well, right now it’s the end of February, right? So basically, two and a half months.

Lesley Logan
it’s pre hurricane season is what I’m going for. I didn’t realize that I had to, like, include supply chains and hurricane seasons when I create deadlines for things. So we know that now, we’re doing that, we know that. And we are with your listeners in real time. We are two days away from a Mexico vacation. Oh my gosh, you guys, I’m so excited. It’s gonna be nice. You see stuff happen on the socials going to be honest, it’s because someone’s doing it for me, because I, I’m gonna go to like, 2001 time, like when you just you only could get on MySpace, (oh)

Brad Crowell
I’m gonna be social mediing the hell out of our food that we’re gonna eat.

Lesley Logan
So you don’t even you don’t even have social media. Anyways, we’re going on vacation, we highly recommend you do that for yourself. The podcasts will still be dropping, (all the things), all the things are happening, but but if you don’t have a vacation plan for this year, and I know that vacations can sound extremely like privileged. So I do understand like money is a thing. But just take just put it out of office day and do a staycation which I know sounds boring and whatever. But also, you know, BLM land is free to do things. So you guys find there’s BLM land, wherever you are. Brad tell them what BLM is

Brad Crowell
Bureau of Land Management. (Yeah, so you can)

Lesley Logan
You can do a lot of fun stuff and BLM land by the way,

Brad Crowell
you can like blow shit up, if you wanted to even do that. (We didn’t Don’t)

Lesley Logan
quote us if anything happens to you because of the feds. But at any rate, you can, I’m just I do not want to be your your buddy, you call a friend of mine.

Brad Crowell
I was north of Joshua Tree. So Joshua Tree National Park. And the BLM land is basically the land that nobody wants, because there’s nothing there. It’s just nothing. And so it ended up in the Bureau of Land Management, their responsibility, but there’s nothing to do to it, because they don’t do anything to it. There aren’t there are hardly even roads in some places, but just north of Joshua Tree is whole bunch of BLM land. And you can go like they host festivals out there, sometimes all sorts of stuff. And I went out there with my friends, because you can actually, it’s a little different with this, like my my buddy’s a drone pilot, right? So he’s allowed to operate a drone. And you can’t do it over federal airspace because it’s illegal. So you go to different places where you don’t, you don’t have to worry about it. And we were camping in Joshua Tree, but you cannot fly a drone in the National Park. (Do not do that) So we went just north of the National Park, the BLM land where we can fly drone, no problem. So you do all sorts of fun

Lesley Logan
stuff. We didn’t even know anything about drones, or that but I am gonna say it’s just a reminder, this whole tangent happened because I want to go on vacation more. So yeah, so I also took off like just random extra days in January, just for my birthday, for the fuck of it. And I have to, I’m telling you, it feels even more delightful to do it when you’re supposed to be working. Because you’re like everybody’s working, but I’m at the spa, and you deserve it. You don’t need a reason to do it, you don’t have a reward. And to work hard for this. You just need to be a human being who deserves some time for themselves. So (I also)

Brad Crowell
think that it’s a muscle. And I say that because I’m really bad at exercising it for myself. The reality (you’re terrible at it). The reality is if you don’t schedule time for yourself, you never will.

Lesley Logan
He literally has to go to BLM land where there’s no signal to go on vacation. (Yeah).

Brad Crowell
Yeah, I’ll just work seven days a week. I just keep going, keep going.

Lesley Logan
I hung out read a book on a day off that was supposed to work day on my PMF mat with my red light reading a book and it was delightful and I binge out on a documentary. Anyways,

Brad Crowell
we did take Saturday’s off the past two Saturdays and that was actually refreshing and honestly I felt a little guilty on one of the Saturdays. But it was also like I need to get over that. (Yeah, well)

Lesley Logan
it is our day off. So supposed to be. Last thing I’m going to tell you is it’s getting close to the time where I’m going to cut off anybody being able to apply for elevate round three mentorship program. So if this is something you’re wanting, I only have a couple spots left for the third round. And I’m just going to tell you I’m just gonna dangle this little carrot I’ve already planned a retreat for the alumni

Brad Crowell
Oh year (included) for 2024. Yes.

Lesley Logan
And I made sure (Brad: breaking news) Round Three could actually attend to this retreat. So if you’re like oh my gosh I want to be on applies retreat with LL in Vegas. This is the only way to do it. You’ve been able to get alumni which means you to sign up for round three. So you go to (Yes). And you can apply, check it out. We only take 12 people per round. We’re midway through round two already round one people are already Jonesy about this retreat. I told them today. Oh, I did. I was like, Oh my gosh, you guys. Save the date. And they, and they are losing their minds. Anyways. Okay, that’s all. Um, now before we get into Joe, do we have an audience question?

Brad Crowell
Yes, we did. So I read that you do Pilates every single day? How many minutes do you do each day? (Lesley: isn’t that fun?) Yeah, it’s a great question. I mean, you know, we get kind of hit up about a lot of Pilates questions on the gram, for obvious reasons. So but this one I thought was, was helpful, because I know how, first off, I have had an opportunity to work with a bunch of teachers, and teachers end up not teaching for the same exact reason that we are practicing. That’s what I meant, sorry, teachers end up not practicing for the same exact reason that I just talked about not taking time off. They don’t leave time for themselves in their schedule to maintain the practice. And so they may feel guilty about us this whole thing. So, But Lesley, I know, you have been incredibly intentional about that. So can you talk about that? (Yeah. So)

Lesley Logan
I protect my time to do my practice. My other kinds of workouts like it is, life or death. Because, because it is, I’m going to be really honest, it is, you might not die because you don’t do pilates. But if you are teaching fitness, or you’re teaching something, and you’re not doing the thing that got you so passionate about it, and that you’ve made it wanted to teach it, you become resentful of people, you become exhausted, you start snapping, your relationships suffer, and you suffer. And oh, by the way, you burn out (Brad: and your teaching suffers). But it really does. If you’re wondering why your clients are not referring new people, it’s because you’re not excited. Here’s what one of my teachers said to me. 15 years ago, when I first started, she said, if you’re bored, your clients are bored. And that doesn’t mean you need to come up with new exercises all the time, because I teach the order, y’all I teach the same shit every day, all day long. But you get bored when you are not being curious, in your own practice, whatever that practice is, yoga, bar, anything like that. So I do to answer your question. During the week, for sure I do at least 15 minutes, up to 30 minutes daily, and then two times a week, I will hit an hour. And that’s because I scheduled the hour. Typically the other days that (or, you’re taking a session), I’m taking a session for my own teachers why that happened. The other days, when I’m on my own, it’s mixed into strength training that I do. So I’ll do like my walk, maybe I bike or I do some strength training, and then I do my Pilates, or vice versa. And, and I meditate. So it’s kind of in my morning routine. And I always have a few exercises that I love to start with just to see what my body is craving what it needs. But I often know just from the night before his workout, like what was a struggle. And so I kind of just get curious about that. But um, what I would just say is like, first of all, no one says you have to do a 55 minute session to do Pilates, like (or any workout) or any workout whatsoever. Any amount of minutes of movement is better than no minutes of movement. And…

Brad Crowell
I mean, we ran an entire program called Full Body in 15.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I think people can get that for free if they want. Yeah!

Brad Crowell
Just go to, It’s in the free tools and free resources.

Lesley Logan
So go there and grab that. But if you do five of those minutes every day, you already fucking won. So anyways, that’s my daily practice. It really does help me kind of settle the anxiety because sometimes I just wake up and I’m so excited. I’m so excited for the day that I literally create anxiety about getting it all done.

Brad Crowell
We are so incredibly opposite. (We really are) You are like yeah, it’s a new day. I’m like why am I awake right now?

Lesley Logan
Like oh my god, I get all the stuff done in this one day. How am I going to get all of that done in one day? And then I get it all done. And I’m like, oh, what else can I do? So anyways…

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
I hope that helps you guys I love answering your questions. You can send them to me on the gram you can send them to me anywhere you can tag me to be honest. And ask your question. We want to answer, it can be about life, fitness business, whatever, the purpose of this podcast is to help you Be It Till You See It. So if we can answer your question helps you get there. We want to.

Alright, now let’s talk about Joe Casciani, Joe celebrates aging and living to 100 years old. As a psychologist specializing in older adults, he brings strategies that are crucial to aging well, and inspires individuals to overcome the hurdles keeping them from living their best lives.

Okay, so I’m gonna jump in first, because I love that he talked about there’s different ways to define your age, he had a chronological age, which is your actual age. Hello, I’m 40 and fabulous. (Brad: Yes, you are) functional age, is his movement. By the way, you guys, I have taught in my lifetime, little kids who are so tight, they’re like, they’re more inflexible than my less flexible, I should say that way. less flexible than my, like, 60 year old clients, and and vice versa. So like, you know, it just functional age is important. And…

Brad Crowell
I think, what was that isn’t the quote from Joe Pilates that you’re only as young as your spine is.

Lesley Logan
You are only as young as your spine is old. And then also, FYI, just if you’re like, I don’t know that Joe knows what it’s talking about. Because, you know, he was probably a carny boxer who lied about a lot of things. And that was

Brad Crowell
He’s basically talking about functionally.

Lesley Logan
He’s talking about age and also they had scientific studies that show if you can not get down on the floor and stand back up without having to use your, your hands and extra equipment, it takes 30 years off your age

Brad Crowell
30? (Yeah.) 30? (I’m almost positive), we’re gonna look it up. But it definitely takes time off your age.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, you’ll die sooner if you can’t get on down off the ground,

Brad Crowell
We’re gonna find that study. And we’ll include that in the show.

Lesley Logan
Because it’s because people like, you just get unhealthy because you don’t get up out of the, out to the bathroom. So you’re like living in, you know, like, anyways, a lot of things going on there. So.

Brad Crowell
So that’s like, I know, actually, you incorporate that into the mat practice. You’re standing, sitting at the beginning of the end of something my yoga teacher likes to do, too.

Lesley Logan
I watch my father and try to see how he does like how he gets off the ground. You guys, he used to have to like when he started working out with our trainer, he used to have to like be next to a pole to grab a pole. That’s true. Use both hands, get himself up. And now (he’s also on a two knee surgeries) had two knee surgeries. And he’s 70, but he now can do burpees and he just jumps into the splits. And he walks his hands back to his feet. He’s really like, he’s been really good about getting up and I’m like, yes, you’re gonna live to 90. (Yeah)

Brad Crowell
I think I think the other you know, it’s, it’s also like that the last little bit before you sit, like do you plop you know, like, because a lot of people they just let it all go and they crash into a chair.

Lesley Logan
Notice how you sit into a chair or toilet.

Brad Crowell
As well, although, sometimes that you may actually feel that a little bit more than a chair

Lesley Logan
But we are so disassociated, Brad they are not but anyways, you’ll hear it you’ll break if you broke your toilet seat, you plop that just so just so you know, biological age how the body is aging, this is also really huge. One of the studies I had done on my bloodwork, the guy found that my veins work had like little cracks in them (Brad: interesting). And so even though at the time I was 33 years old, my veins were doing things that shouldn’t happen till I was older. So even though I could run, so I had like a functional age that was really young. And my chronic logical age was young, my biological age was not, it is better now. And then finally your psychological age, how you see yourself, you guys are so you know, when people say I look so I make 40 look good. I know. I do know, I do know. (Brad: My wife) So um, so it’s really these are all really important ages and so I just love that he broke that down because I think what you guys can do at home as your listeners is just like ask yourself okay, my chronicling my chronological age is x i can’t change that. But what is your functional age? Is it… Do you feel like it’s your age? Or do you feel like it’s younger? The goal younger on the functional age always feels strong to biological age, does it feel like it’s yours? Or does it feel like it’s older or younger and then psychological.

Brad Crowell
Biological isn’t actually how you feel. It’s I would say as your functional the biological would be like, you know is your your skin, your eyes, you’re young, your ear, hearing your lungs, your heart, like that kind of stuff. (You’re gonna need a blood test for those things) that’s more of a doctor. And then your psychological age, he talked about how you see yourself and, and it was really interesting because after going through these four different ways of defining age, which he didn’t really expand, expound on very much. I, the remainder of the conversation really shifted to the psychological age, and specifically how you see yourself because the, what Joe teaches is perspective, right? And the perspective is, is, you know, it’s a mindset, it’s Be It Till You See It, to the tee. I mean, it was literally that.

Lesley Logan
I was on his show when, OMG his show is like literally how to be it till you see it. Because, I mean, you hear people like so afraid of aging. But like you, what he talks about is how with psychological age, you can absolutely determine how old you feel.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, so this actually rolls right into my, the favorite point that I had from what he’s talking about. So, you know, the psychological age, people who think that they’re younger than their chronological, chronological age, he’s calling it a CA, people who actually think they’re younger than their ca are doing better in life all around. They have fewer chronic diseases. I’m making an assumption here, because he didn’t actually say it, but I’m guessing that they’ll live longer. Yeah, and most likely, they will have better functional movement as well.

Lesley Logan
Oh, I mean, I think it like, if you, here’s the thing, like if you start to feel sick, and you’re like, I’m sick, right, realize, like, you start to feel sicker. But if you’re like, I feel a little tingling back my throat, I’m gonna take a little supplement, I’m gonna drink a little bit water, I’m gonna go to bed earlier. (I’m going to be okay). Yeah, I’m okay. And like, guess who gets sick more? (Right). Like, I know, for I know, from myself, whenever I like, lean into the sick, I get sick. So sure, um, I would just I would just like to say, pay attention to how you are talking about your age and how you are feeling about that. And like what you’re saying, because we have been challenging, you know, my father on how he feels about his age, because he used to say,

Brad Crowell
Oh, so this is interesting. Yes, we have a challenging him and I wanted to finish that thought. And you said a specific word I want to comment on. Yeah.

Lesley Logan
So we’ve been challenging him, because he, like years ago was like, Oh, I’m gonna live till this time. So I want to do this before I’m this age. And we have been really like, Um, no, you are doing all these things. And so we keep them around young people. I mean, he lives around older people. So every day, it’s like, someone else died today, but we keep him working out around young people and all this stuff. And, you know, he is feeling, I see him moving younger. And, and he has a lot more energy, even when he gets, you know, he does get tired. And he gets annoyed by text. But you know, other than that we’re, okay.

Brad Crowell
But you said something very interesting. You said he feels younger, right. And I think that we should draw a distinction here. Because the psychological age is how you see yourself. And I think that the functional age, will contribute to the psychological age, because when you can say, well, I feel I might be 40. But I feel like I’m 30. You’re feeling that that’s the functional age. And that’s going to impact the way you see yourself, your psychological age. (lesley: I can get behind that.) So by taking care of your body, or by incorporating movement, that 15 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, a Pilates we were talking about, you know, you’re going to be positively impacting your functional age, which you’re going to then see yourself as younger, you’re gonna, you’re gonna think of yourself as younger with a psychological edge.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I totally, I totally get that. And also, like, I think we just have to recognize we have so much more control over how we feel than we give ourselves credit for. For example, I hurt my knee literally the week before my birthday,

Brad Crowell
right? (And I was like), yeah, actually, it was like I was I was concerned at the gym. Because you because like it, it didn’t look like you definitely looked like you’re in pain.

Lesley Logan
I was in pain. (Yeah), for sure. And but what clouded my mind first was like, Oh, my god, is this permanent? Do I need surgery? Did I just like, you do this whole? (Brad: did I just jack up my entire career?) Like, rip my knee apart? Yeah. And and I took a moment I was like, you felt this pain before. Your knee is fine. It is not swollen, is not throbbing, and we can walk on it without any added weight. (Yeah). And then I looked for signs to prove that my knee was healthy. This is key everyone. Meaning as I walked down the steep ramp that they forced this up to go to the gym. I had no knee pain. And what I know is that like, if you have knee pain on a downhill, there is probably something going on because knee pain on uphill is a is you know, it can be a lot of different things. But there shouldn’t like going downhill. It’s like easy. So it should be it should be fine. I had no pain on the downhill. And I didn’t actually have pain when I wasn’t moving. (Right) So I was like, Okay, if there’s no pain when I’m not moving and there’s no pain on a downhill then whatever pain I have, is definitely something we can work with it. So I actually looked for ways to heal myself. And for it not to be a big deal. And here we are one week later, zero problems, no problem. I mean, I had to do a lot of stuff to do that. But like no problems, no damage. It’s fine. My point is…

Brad Crowell
Your stuff didn’t include pills and pain meds, or any of that stuff, it included a chiropractor’s visit (Lesley:na massage) two massages and then using a using a massage tool.

Lesley Logan
I got a new tool, maybe we’ll have the guy on, anyways, the point is, like, I could have, I remember my brain distinctly going, Oh, my God, I’m getting older. And I hurt. (Sure. Sure). And then I was like, we reject that.

Brad Crowell
We the collective in your head?

Lesley Logan
Collective? Yes, all the Lesleys, all the ages. So you guys need to do family therapy, you’ll understand. Anyways, the point is, pay attention to how you’re talking about yourself and how you are allowing leaning into things that are negative or positive. If you want to feel younger, and you want to live a long time. And I don’t want to just live a long time because I want to have some sort of record. I want to live a wonderful life. I want to, I have seen and heard from people who are like surgeons at 102 years old, and they’re you know, they’re not actually cutting but they’re at the surgery like telling the guy what to do. I want to be with it at that age, because there’s too much of this world I haven’t seen yet. So anyways, I went on tangent.

Brad Crowell
I love it. No, I you know, so basically, you know, it really does come down to a mindset right and how do you help support that positive mindset while maintaining good movement is going to help your functional age, and you have no control over your your chronological age that’s just aging, your biological age is your body so that’s probably going to really be a contribution to your biological age would be how healthy you are what you’re eating. How much you’re sleeping, stuff like that

Lesley Logan
Environment is huge, guys check your mold.

Brad Crowell
Check your mold. Hopefully you don’t have any mold to check. (That’s the goal, check it). But these these things are the functional age and the biological age. My assumption here is that they will be a direct contributor to the way you see yourself the way you feel, so your psychological age.

Okay, finally, let’s talk about those Be It action items, what both executable intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your conversation with Joe Caciani? Let me jump in here. He talks about this very interesting, this very interesting idea called cognitive embodiment. And I think it really does go along with the psychological age concept. We see ourselves as what we want to become. So story, he talked about binge eating, right and struggling with binge eating, which will affect your biological age. Right? He said, If you want to break the habit of binge eating, you need to see yourself as someone who is not a binge eating person. In fact, you need to see yourself as someone who is permanently fit. Right. And so this is very much a Be It Till You See It moment.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. And by the way, exactly. You can replace binge eating for anything that you want. And then see yourself as a person you wish you were.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And this does. There’s decision involved, of course, and you you know, need to be kind to yourself, because, you know, we like Lesley talk talks about habit breaking and habit building throughout the pod here. But you know, another thing that he said, which I thought was really kind of went along with this is he said, the golden year, golden years, no one is going to knock on the door and say your golden years are here. You have to decide that you are in your golden years. And he was definitely talking to an older crowd. But when you decide that you’re enjoying your your golden years, maybe you’re in your 80s and everyone else is like like, you know, deciding that they’re about to die, but maybe you instead decide that you’re in your golden years.

Lesley Logan
Did we talk about… Did I talk to Joe about the knee surgeon who wanted to figure out which way was fixing the knees? Because (I don’t believe so). Okay, this goes back to the story you tell yourself, you guys, I heard this podcast for years years ago. And there’s an actor’s actual studies about the stories we tell ourselves. So this goes with how you see yourself at what size and also goes because you make decisions based on how you see yourself. That’s how it works out. But this knee surgeon does a study. So to do a study, he had to he wanted to know if scraping the knee or draining the knee was actually taking was actually healing the knee and giving people their livelihood back. So he needed to have a group of people who needed the surgery, but he did nothing with…

Brad Crowell
A group who needed the surgery?

Lesley Logan
Yeah, way to go dad. Then he needed a group of people, he only scraped the knee and a group of people he only drained the knee. Obviously, it’s this experiment. So they tell no one, they don’t tell people which group they’re in. And he played the same. Like he did the same things for every group as far as like what the incisions look like. And then the people who had no knee surgery, they actually played a knee surgery video while they were under. And then they did like little incision marks as if they had knee surgery. Everyone went through the same post op stuff, same pre op, but like what they have is different. Guess what, y’all the people who had no surgery had the same result as people who had surgery. (Brad: No way.) Yeah, they thought they had surgery. They thought they had it. So they’re like, my knee is better. And they like went off. And I’m not kidding you guys. I thought it was brilliant. Which is why when I hurt my knee, I was like, guess what story I can tell myself right now. Anyways, I’ll get to my my biggest takeaways. So this because I just said it. Mindset that I want to keep moving forward. So if you, you guys, my grandfather just wanted to die. That was his like, whole thing. Yeah. And so he died pretty young. I mean, still, like some people would say it was, you know, he lived a life but I would say he missed out on a good 10 more years of like, true, enjoyable living. I really would. And so you need to be careful about the things you say about yourself. You when people say you look good, like you look so young. Don’t say oh, no, it’s this. I do. I do look so young. I am so young. I feel so young. Like really practice that.

Okay, so and then just so you know, because he’s a doctor. They have a word for this in the medical field. They call all the words a term, it’s a phrase to think. (It’s a phrase), yeah. Is it a phrase when there’s two words or more? (Sure), sure. Okay. So, in the medical field, they call, they say process over content. And that’s like, Okay, what,

Brad Crowell
What does that mean?

Lesley Logan
It’s journey, not the destination loves, enjoy the journey. Going back to my announcements, take a fucking vacation. Yeah, take care of yourself. Be careful what you say about yourself. If you want to Be It Till You See It. It’s not just in your goals in life. It’s not just in your relationships or like becoming an artist. It’s like how you get to the fucking end, and enjoy that journey.

Brad Crowell
Totally. Yeah. All right. I’m Lesley Logan. And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Thank you so much for joining us today. How are you going to use Joe Casciani’s tips in your life? we want to know we want you to tag us at the Be It pod. We want to thank you for listening to this. It’s so much fun to make this podcast for you. We couldn’t do it if we didn’t have listeners, it would just be us hanging out talking to each other. We could do that any other time. So thank you DM that Be It Pod with questions you have requests you have and until next time, be it till you see it.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘Bloom Podcast Network’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell. Our Associate Producer is Amanda Frattarelli.

Lesley Logan
Kevin Perez at Disenyo handles all of our audio editing.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Mesh Herico for creating all of our visuals, (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week, so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Angelina Herico for transcribing each episode, so you can find it on our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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