Cultivate Success

with Feng Shui

Ep. 158 with Lesley & Brad

“The story we tell ourselves is how we’re going to experience the day.”

Brad Crowell

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Show Notes

A cosmic-focused convo that is your beginner’s guide to all things Astrology and Feng Shui. Step into the concepts behind what astrology truly is and the reasonings behind society’s obsession with the stars.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Lesley and Brad are going on tour!
  • Astrology signs don’t define your behaviors.
  • The perception of astrology in society.
  • The difference between Feng Shui and astrology
  • How the energies and stars can make sense
  • What in your life are you becoming desensitized to?

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the cosmic convo I have with Kate Wind in our last episode. If you haven’t yet listened to that interview, feel free to pause this now, go back and then listen to that one and then come back and join us. Okay, I really loved this interview. I just have to say this before we get into anything else because I was like, I really want to have her on but I don’t want her, I don’t want it to be like to woo and people like freak out. But like, I really felt like it. It made a lot of sense. If you haven’t listened to it, you should like listen to it. Because it’s a it’s a precursor. It’s definitely like, a pre 101 you know, and (Brad: Yeah) it makes me feel like I understand a few things. I started listening to her podcast with her mom. And yeah, I feel like I actually know some of the words. I’m still learning things. And it’s all very interesting. It’s all very fun. So anyways, Brad just got back from Philly. And he was visiting his grandfather and family for the holidays. I don’t even know the last time I spent Thanksgiving with them, Babe, but you got to spend Thanksgiving with them.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, before we go on there, I had a comment about the conversation as well. You know, I’m I’ve never been a big fan of astronomy. Just kidding. Astronomy is the study of the stars. Astrology has always been weird. I always thought it was like, I don’t know, just kind of that thing that you read in the newspaper that tells you that the world’s coming to an end every single week. And I didn’t know anything about Feng Shui either. And this was a really enlightening conversation for me because I I learned some of the concepts behind what astrology you know is and why there are charts and all this stuff. And I thought it was interesting to hear that the idea that it’s like, I mean, she’s got a psychology degree. (Lesley: Yeah) Right. It’s this isn’t like she just like read a couple books and became like a fairy who reads a crystal ball. Because in my head that’s what other movies are with this kind of thing. The conversation wasn’t like that at all it was it was really grounded. I thought so. I really enjoyed that. (Lesley: Good. Well …) Anyway, my my my trip back home was really good. My grandfather is getting old and I really wanted to spend some time with him when it was possible to do that. So taking two weeks out of our crazy life was really important to me.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, and you know, we don’t really do a lot for Thanksgiving around here anyway, so I think it was really good that you got to spend Thanksgiving. I’m not gonna be, I’m be really honest like because Claire came to visit me and that was so exciting. But I like nothing brought me more joy then going, “I don’t have to cook any thing.”

Brad Crowell
Except for bacon.

Lesley Logan
I’m not even do it. I didn’t even do that. I’m like I ordered in. I got to be by myself until my family like I mean like it was glorious. I love it. Um I am also on my way to Dallas (Brad: Oh yeah.) for it’s coming becoming an annual event. (Brad: Yeah) Erika Quest and I are doing a WeLL weekend, well it’s our second WeLL weekend. But it’s definitely …

Brad Crowell
You’ve been down there three times but (Lesley: Yeah) this is the second, (Lesley: Yeah, this is …) December.

Lesley Logan
With Erika Quest. (Brad: Yeah) And it’s just, it’s gonna be a lot of fun. I really enjoyed working with her, we’re gonna do things like that, if you don’t know who Erika Quest is, you gonna listen to her episode. It’s probably in the teens. And, and when we come back, we quickly get ourselves situated, close the house up for the winter and hit the road (Brad: Yeah) where it’s our first stop being in Dallas. Well, one of the first class we’re gonna do, so I’ll be back in Dallas teaching some workouts, and then Houston and then we’re going to spend a night in Memphis and then a day in Nashville, sometime in Atlanta with our friend Joel. Well, actually be in Nashville with our friend Lauren Zoeller. You’ve heard her episode. (Brad: Yes …) And it’s me so much fun …

Brad Crowell
It’s gonna be an incredible tour. (Lesley: Yeah. And the Greensboro.) Yeah, we’re gonna be doing multiple classes in a few cities. But I think we have. Yeah, Dallas, Houston, Nashville, just outside of Atlanta, Greensboro, North Carolina, (Lesley: Cleveland) Cleveland, Ohio and then St. Louis. (Lesley: Yeah. So so fun.) So seven stops.

Lesley Logan
Seven stops. (Brad: Yeah) Yeah. And so anyways, if you are wanting to join any of those cities sound like something fun. You want to work out with me is our third official tour.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And if you’re in the Philly area and you want to hang we’re going to like get together for coffee. You know, in the Philadelphia just north of Philadelphia. So

Lesley Logan
Yeah. And that and it’s at night time that coffee might be a drink and and then … (Brad: It might be a hot toddy.) And then Denver, yes loves of course, we’re going to hang out and have lunch for you guys.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Denver we’re gonna have lunch on our drive thru.

Lesley Logan
We have a wedding to be at (Brad: Yeah) on December 31. So this tour is hot like hit it hard before the holiday. (Brad: Yeah) A couple days a family, get our … back home. Yeah. So super, I’m just so excited that people love this tour so much that we keep doing it because it really is fun. And I just saw the art for the tour. And I can’t wait to see what the merch is because we all need a tour shirt. (Brad: Yeah, you do.) We all do. (Brad: Yeah, you do.) Now …

Brad Crowell

Lesley Logan
Yes. Okay. So instead of a question this week, we have a bold moment, right, Brad?

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we totally do. It’s exciting. We love hearing from y’all. So if you ever have any bold moments, you know, we are very excited to share with your permission, of course. So

Lesley Logan
I got permission from Alison. She’s an Agency member of ours. And she wrote lots of stuff on my mind this week. But there’s a channel we have an Agency by the way, it’s called Blow My Mind. “First, LL’s podcast episode on fall routines and mindset helped me realize that for as long as I can remember, I have not wanted to do anything from roughly October to December. And yet also for pretty much my whole life, I have resisted that because I believe I should push on no matter what. And this October has been no exception. So as I look ahead to November and my business goals, I’m considering what kind of actions will cultivate a sense of nurturing rather than effort. Also, I started reading The Source recommended in that podcast episode. And the first journal exercise helped me realize how disconnected I feel from pretty much everybody since moving. Even though I’m still in touch with wonderful people from Austin and I love my partner’s family. I still feel alone. This is definitely something to journal more about.” So I loved this moment because it’s all inspired from the pod. (Brad: Yeah) And and that’s the whole point of this whole podcast is to help people, help you listening, understand yourself more and (Brad: Yeah) figure out how you can be it till you see it and like you cannot be it till you see it if you’re pushing through when your body is saying it slowed the fuck down. So and I have, I have been watching what Alison’s been doing. And all of her goals have been things to help set her up for a Q1 where she can go off and hit the ground running so she’s not doing nothing, but she’s not pushing. She’s actually like it’s it feels a little bit more like polling like what is what do I need to do over here. So thank you, Alison, for letting us share this and also for sharing it with us because it y’all podcast is so much fun. I love doing it. I love the interviews I get to do. It’s like a really fun thing. But hearing how it affects you makes it like is like the why behind doing it. Like it’s the fuel for it all. So thank you for sharing this and if you want to share yours, you can DM us at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. You can send it into the team, any place that you want to do that and will help us share it with other people.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we want to celebrate your bold moment. (Lesley: Yes) So awesome.

Okay, now let’s talk about Kate Wind. As a second generation Astrologer, Tarot reader and Feng Shui consultant. Kate has been raised around the language of the stars. But it wasn’t until after she pursued her degree in psychology, that she got fed up with the corporate life and doing a decade in the corporate life, that it started that she started to recognize the cycles of astrology in her own life and circle back around starting her own business. So she got out of the corporate world and started her own astrology business. She now works to bring these tools to people in a digestible manner. Kate works with one-on-one clients with both astrology and Feng Shui and reads Tarot for events and is a co host of the podcast called Mom & Me Astrology.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, it’s a fun podcast. Can you just say how you read, reader before? Can you just say that again? I just want to hear how you said it.

Brad Crowell
I don’t have any idea (Lesley: Oh, okay.) what she talking about.

Lesley Logan
At the top you said Tarot reader and I just thought that was really special. It’s like tarjay, it’s just Tarot. (Lesley laughs) (Brad: Oh) Yeah, you say it Tarot. And I was like, (Brad: Tarot reader) that is such a beautiful way of saying it and also a big (Brad: tarjay) a big light. Brad does not do I don’t think he’s ever had a Tarot reading before.

Brad Crowell
I’ve definitely not had a Tarot reading. (Lesley laughs)

Lesley Logan
I would have stopped you if you said (Brad laughs) Tarot. Okay, so this is a really fun conversation. This was really, I really wanted to have her on talking about this because I find what she does really interesting. I also it sounds like I’ve I’ve I know other astrologers and I haven’t brought them I specifically brought her on because I love the way that she and her mom, look and use astrology as she mentioned, it’s like, like can be like a therapy thing. And so I just find that to be really cool. Like, back during the US election, they had a whole episode on astrology and the election. And so they, they use it in an applicable sense as opposed to like a psychic sense. And I think that that’s really unique. So one of the (Brad: Yeah) things that I loved, and this is, this is like super key as like your signs don’t define your behaviors. So I say this, I’ll just keep going with like, one of the things she talked about was like, talking about how your how you shouldn’t use your sun sign as an excuse for behaviors. She like she, have you ever had this, like, “Oh, I’m a Virgo. So that’s just who I am.” Like, anytime you say (Brad: Totally) it’s just how I am, and then you refer it to your sign. That’s not how astrology was supposed to be used, or is actually used. It just just as much as like, one of my strength is WOO. And I … I stayed in a relationship too long, because I was trying to win this person over. It doesn’t mean like, I constantly put myself as a doormat because I’m trying to win others over. That would be like, I have choice there. I have I know who I know this about myself. (Brad: Yeah) And I know that I can do that. So I put boundaries in place. And so …

Brad Crowell
Well, we I mean, it’s the same like we talk about strengths all the time, especially Strengths Finders, you heard us talk about that a lot. Every strength has a flip side, you can be empathetic, and it can be a benefit to you. That same empathy can be an anchor (Lesley: Yeah) for you, you know (Lesley: Yeah) on you. And so I think that in the same way, you know, why what how Astrology can define a possible character trait of yours, that character trait doesn’t have to be negative.

Lesley Logan
Right. Well, and also, it doesn’t just go back to it’s not an excuse for poor behavior, (Brad: Right) period. (Brad: Yeah) End of story. You don’t get to be like, like a dick about something go that’s just my like sun sign. Like, because (Brad: Yeah, or…) I’m a Taurus, I blow up at people. No, you have fire in you. But that doesn’t exclude you, excuse you for like, blowing up on people just because you’re upset.

Brad Crowell
Or you’re talking about being a doormat, you know, you don’t necessarily like you could be prescribing yourself a negative situation, thinking that this is just the way it is because I’m X Y Z, you know, (Lesley: Yeah) because I’m a Cancer. You know

Lesley Logan
Well, I mean, I lose things all the time. And yes, I am an Aquarius. And I put things in different places. That being said, I don’t get to every time I lose something of ours and go, “Let’s kind of have an Aquarius deal with it.” Like no. (Brad: Right) Is he some people like you, I put things away on purpose, so that that are yours anyways. You know, so anyways, just to like sum that up, I really love that she brought this up, because I really do think a lot of times, we can use some qualities about ourselves or characteristics about ourselves that are unbecoming. And go, well, that’s just who I am based on this sign …

Brad Crowell
And write it off, and then expect everyone to just be like, okay with it.

Lesley Logan
And guess what, you know, you still are responsible for the actions that you take.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, totally. Yeah, you know, one thing, actually, I have a couple things. You know, like she said, you ask her how do people take you know perceive, perceive you when you explain to them what you do. And she said, people either have two reactions, they are really excited about it, or they avoid it. Because they don’t really understand it, and I don’t know what to do. And we went out to dinner with her and her partner. And like, and I think I avoided it. You know, I wasn’t like …

Lesley Logan
Oh you did. I was like, “Wait, tell me more.”

Brad Crowell
Yeah … It just kind of got like, kind of made me glassy eyed where I was like, I don’t know what that means. Okay, moving right along. Right. And it was a you know, you know, that said, with that in mind. I, it was a an awesome dinner. We had an amazing time and the conversation was fantastic. But what I didn’t understand at the time until the interview that you just had was that there is a difference … while they go hand in hand, there’s a difference between astrology and Feng Shui. (Lesley: Oh, yeah.) And I didn’t know that. I mean, I just heard a Feng Shui too, but like I don’t actually know anything about Feng Shui. I just knew that like, it’s a thing and people like you know, change …

Lesley Logan
My mom is going to call you up because my mom was so big on Feng Shui. She watches us on YouTube, shout out to mom, and she is going to teach you all the things and you’re ended up with a crystal somewhere.

Brad Crowell
I mean, I’m not opposed to that. But my point is I didn’t know that there was a difference. Just kind of lumped it all into whatever. And I thought, you know, this conversation was still a merge of the two and I was trying to understand like, what’s what and what’s the other but I was, I was definitely drawn to the actionable steps that are possible with Feng Shui. I still don’t really understand all the things with astrology. But I thought, I thought with the idea of like, there’s a, you know, there’s a clear timestamp in space and time when you were born. Okay, no problem. And when you were born, planets and things were in a specific space, and like they were, they were, where they were when you were born. Okay, totally get that. So I thought that was interesting. But then from there, there wasn’t too much like, I didn’t really understand action steps that could be taken from that. And then the conversation shifted over to Feng Shui where I did, where there was a lot of actionable steps. And I thought, okay, cool. So I was kind of learning about the practicality of Feng Shui, and how you can be setting yourself up for failure without even realizing it simply based on your environment. (Lesley: Yeah, well, I mean, and I think …) Or you can be setting yourself up for success in that same environment.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I think like, that’s the like, there’s, and some people might even be doing some Feng Shui things not even knowing about it, because (Brad: Yeah) it’s doesn’t, when you actually look at it, it’s it kind of as some of it is a little more common sense. Like, I wouldn’t have known that the the money like that the girl’s picture was in the wrong corner. But the girls had our picture that she talked about the back is turned towards her (Brad: Right) and your your clients are women, and they’re not buying for you, like put that picture away. Right. Like …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, the most practical application of Feng Shui, from my experience growing up is you laugh about it, but the lipstick on the mirror in the bathroom in the morning of like, you got this, right, the positive messaging of like, you’re a good person. And like the concept of a mantra, you wake up and you have this thing that you repeat to yourself, and you start the day, the day is amazing. And, you know, and I never really thought that there’s anything weird about any of that, because I understand the story we tell ourselves is how we’re going to experience the day. Right? So if I’m willing to embrace that idea, why would I not be willing to embrace these ideas of like, the way you’ve positioned the room can actually have an effect on your mindset.

Lesley Logan
Well, and so I love that you brought that up. Because when you as you’re talking earlier, and you’re like, I didn’t know about this, the I didn’t put it together with the stars. Y’all you’re most many people who might be like a little bit like, “I don’t know about astrology. I don’t know about this Feng Shui stuff. I don’t know about this.” But then you go to Machu Picchu or you go to the the pyramids, or you go to the temples of Cambodia (Brad: Temples of Angkor with us. Yeah.) How do you think these things got created and exactly where they are? Okay. I think we talked about this in, you know, when we were in Cambodia, some of these temples were built at the exact same time as other things halfway across the world were being built. And like, the only thing I can think of is like, well, what was going on at that time? Because there wasn’t cell phones, there wasn’t email, there wasn’t someone chartering a boat, and like telling people this we’re building. It’s po… it had to been what was going on in the stars, because they could you know what I mean, like, there’s just these energies things. So I, I know, it can sound like triple woo, when you talk about energies and stars and all and the Feng Shui. But some of it just makes a lot of sense.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And I thought that there was, I was, you know, what, also, I thought was really interesting was, she grew up in this environment, or, you know, parents are both astrologers, and her, she was fielding phone calls of like, you know, my triple Moon is jumping backflips over the rainbows of Mars, you know, like, as a 10 year old, and I don’t, I don’t speak that language. So I didn’t really understand. And I was kind of making fun of it right there. And I hope she doesn’t give me too much shit for that. But, you know, that’s kind of what it sounds like, to me. And I’m like, “Ah, I don’t really get it.” But I also don’t, you know, like, when she started to get nerdy about it, she was like, here’s the relationship of the planets and the stars and the things and how they affect each other. And then when the, you know, as the Earth rotates, and we move around the sun, and all this stuff, and the position that we are in that, you know, it affects things and I was like, “Oh, get it, got it. Got that. That’s kind of cool.” You know, and her psychology degree, when she was looking like at her own life, experiencing her corporate life that she was living, you know, having speaking the language that she grew up with, and then applying the, you know, her knowledge from going to school, you know, allows her a really interesting get a bridge, like she speaks a language that I could connect with, because, you know, I can relate more to psychology that I can’t do astrology, and she is connecting the dots there and I thought that was really helpful for me really revealing.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, yeah. Well, basically, Kate, we love you and the way that you look at these things because it’s approachable (Brad: Yeah) and easily to understand. And that’s why I’d have her on.

Brad Crowell
All right, so finally, let’s talk about those BE IT action items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted items can we take away from your conversation with Kate Wind?

Lesley Logan
Yeah, so she had one kind of one BE IT action. I mean, I really love this because it’s, you should be doing this annually, if not more often, but she says, take a look at your home. What is your home saying? And if your home is an apartment, or …

Brad Crowell
Yeah. There’s a little more on the Feng Shui than the astrology side.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, so look at the artwork, look at the pictures, are they current, any dead trees or plants, anything broken, remove the dead energy.

Brad Crowell
Clutter. I mean, I’m, I’m such a culprit of this where like, things just build up on my desk behind, you know, my zoom camera. And then all of a sudden, I turn around, and it’s been like, a month since I’ve moved things around on my desk. And it’s just a pile of stuff. You know.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. And then she and this is like, also, I thought this was a really actionable thing. She says, take note of where you walk around and curse. Where are you spilling your four letter words? Because I think sometimes people go, “Oh, it’s fine. No, my plants are fine, or actually I don’t have a lot of things. I’m a very clean, like, I have like a clean look.” Or whatever you call that minimalist look. And it’s like, okay, but then are you constantly like tripping on a table? Or are you like, are you avoiding like, do you even sit in your living room, like, what go in and do an inventory around how you use your house, and if it is actually bringing you any joy? Or like what the energy is (Brad: Yeah) because, you know, we do move things around a lot. Because we that’s how we are. And that’s kind of how it but it’s really easy. Like I’m looking over at this like shelf and over here. And I don’t even know why those things are on there. And if we chose for them to be on there, and maybe we should move those things around. Because maybe like, maybe they belong to somewhere else.

Brad Crowell
These are my decorating skills, Babe.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. I clearly, you know, take over on that. But anyways, I thought this is really cool. And I’m wondering, Brad, if there’s if there’s anything in your spaces that you’re wanting to like, take a look at.

Brad Crowell
So I’m not going to answer that question. No, I’m just kidding. Well, I thought I really connected to the idea of dead trees and plants. Because as you all know, I’ve been really excited about cactuses. And I never gave a shit about that before, for the first time in my life, like I actually walk around and water them and check on them and make sure that they’re, you know, doing well. And, and like talk to them, which is weird, but I do. And, you know, so the I certainly wouldn’t want a you know, if something has died. You don’t leave it there. Seems pretty straightforward to me. But maybe you do because it’s not important to you. But what I think the idea is, whether you think it’s important to you or not, it is affecting you. Right? Whether you realize it or not, it is affecting you. Right. And you almost become I become desensitized to it. Until there is a boiling point. I remember I was thinking about this when I was listening to the interview. I remember at my old job, I had a desk and the desk was in a room with other people. And you know, unsurprisingly, my desk started to get clutter, right. And I didn’t realize it but you know. And then over a period of time, it was clutter and clutter, clutter. And then I had like an epically bad day, like so bad that I wanted to throw my laptop, break things, scream, yell, and all this stuff. And I couldn’t do any of that. But I literally, I just took my arms and I just went flew and I switched everything off my desk on the floor. And everyone in the office was like, “What just happened?” Right. And I was because I just needed space, I needed … you know, all of it was there and … And I just remember throughout basically throwing stuff against the wall, right? And and I don’t know why, but it was very relieving for me. It was really weird for everyone else in the room. I created a lot of tension in that public outburst that I didn’t scream and yell. But suddenly my desk was clean and it allowed me to go like … right, so I didn’t even realize all of that clutter was affecting me. But it was.

Lesley Logan
Oh, it’s like that having the tabs open on your computer. (Brad: Same thing.) It’s the same thing. It’s got things running in the background. And so I like that I um, I’m actually super excited because we’re gonna be back in time for our New Year’s day anniversary like (Brad: Yeah) and our thing that we have, we try to do every year at New Year’s and what I’m hoping happens is we redo the closets. (Brad: Yeah) It’s a little hard to do every single room in the house in one day but I believe in us and the closets and the kitchen drawers I think. So follow up with us y’all on January 2nd and ask us (Brad: How we did?) how we did on removing room like moving some energies and also where all cuz I definitely curse in the closet because I can’t find things (Brad: Sure) and they’re missing. (Brad: Sure) And I then I buy them again, because I forgot that I already own them or something similar. Like, “Why do I have four hot pink pair of pants?” Oh, because I couldn’t find the other three. And I was like, “Oh, look at these. I already have that.” So anyways, I thought this was really special. Let us know how this conversation worked for you. What parts of it were intriguing, which parts were like, oh, and it makes you understand, which part you’re like, not into that. I’m happy to hear and also what you’re going to remove or move around in your place like how are you doing? (Brad: Yeah) Take a picture or show it, like share you got any create a reel, create a reel of you like change the energy in your house. (Brad: Yeah, that’s a great idea.) And tag … (Brad: Tag us. Tag Kate.) And tag the @be_it_pod, tag Kate. She’ll love it. (Brad: Yeah) And also take a listen, if this was really interesting to you, because I would love to have her back. But you don’t have to wait for that you can actually go to Mom & Me Astrology and listen to their podcast. They have an episode every week, and I find them all very fascinating. So anyways, I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell
And, I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Thank you so much for joining us today. We are so so grateful to have you here and so until next time, Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
Be It Till You See It is a production of Bloom Podcast Network.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host Lesley Logan. And me Brad Crowell. Our associate producer is Amanda Frattarelli.

Lesley Logan
Kevin Perez at Disenyo handles all of our audio editing.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Mesh Herico for creating all of our visuals, (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week, so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Angelina Herico for transcribing each episode, so you can find it on our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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