The Pink Hallway

of Opportunity

Ep. 38 with Lesley & Brad

“Say yes to exploring the opportunity but don’t necessarily commit until you decide that it’s lighting your fire.”

Brad Crowell

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Show Notes

Be It Till You See It does not mean overthink it, micromanage it, debate whether or not you’re able of doing it and then taking action… Today Brad & Lesley recap the last episode’s convo with Renee Dick. They cover acting now, thinking later, the pink hallway, and much more.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Brad’s cactus obsession
  • Act now, think later
  • Living vs not living in your purpose
  • Finding your purpose
  • It may be easier to know what your purpose is NOT
  • Open all the doors in the hallway and then decide

Episode References/Links:

Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co hosts in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the hilarious convo I had with Renee Dick in our last episode.

Brad Crowell
It was hilarious. (Lesley: It was…) I literally laughed out loud.

Lesley Logan
She’s so funny. If you haven’t yet listened to interview, feel free to pause this now, go back and listen to that one and then come back and join us. So you know, because it was so funny I’m going to say definitely do that this time.

Brad Crowell
Oh, yeah, (Lesley: But then…) you should listen to it, (Lesley: Yeah) if you haven’t.

Lesley Logan
Oh, yeah, I think I think everything will make a lot more sense. She’s just had so many gems. So anyways, that happened on Monday, Renee’s episode came out, but this whole week has been week one of the #100withme challenge and I’m so freakin’ stoked. It is fire. I mean, every time we do this challenge, it’s always a lot of fun. But this particular one we have over 200 and I think it’s like 215 people who’ve signed up, and they’re epic. And they’re all focusing so much on them, because the theme is “Me, Myself and I” and on habits and you know, we hit the day one on Sunday with like, “Aahhh” just like so much goodness. (Brad: Wait, what?) “Aahhh” (Brad and Lesley laughs) And it was so fun. It was our anniversary and some people who were also celebrating our anniversary, were there, people who were visiting Italy joined us on their vacation. (Brad: Yeah) It was just really cool …

Brad Crowell
Love that that’s even an option!

Lesley Logan
I know, I know me too. So you know we had so many but it’s been it’s week one and this is the fun week this is where there’s a lot of excitement and motivation but this is also where I’m I’m working on troubleshooting with them what may or may not be working and how they create habits and so (Brad: Totally) this is my favorite part. And then, you know, it’s what we, it’s all the stuff that we’re really proud of at OPC, the community and the support. So anyways, I just had to share that’s what I’m excited about right now.

Brad Crowell
Right now…

Lesley Logan
Right now. (Brad laughs) Anyways …

Brad Crowell
Well, it is really it’s a fun group. We have obviously we have more people in the challenge this time than we ever have which meant we had more people live in class than we’ve ever had and that was also really fun. Lots of dogs and you know babies and people in the background and all the things because I watch it while I’m you know making sure everything’s happening right. And some fun questions at the end and great conversations during the hang so and then we have a, the Facebook group where everybody is on fire. It’s like really cool. People (Lesley: Even though…) excited introducing themselves and meeting other people.

Lesley Logan
Oh yeah, they’re supporting each other, which is exactly what the group is for. Even though day day two, they didn’t have access to that group it was (Brad laughs) but I you know, it was so crazy because like, of course people thought this is this who are our audiences. I’m sure this is you. If Facebook wasn’t working, and we’d always people email us going, “My Facebook was hacked. I’m so sorry. I’m trying to figure it out, so I can’t get back in” and we’re like, “Nope, nope, not your problem. Not your fault.” (Lesley laughs)

Brad Crowell
Yeah, (Lesley: So…) everybody was down.

Lesley Logan
I know. So anyways, even with that little hiccup, it’s still a fiery group, and it is just so freakin’ awesome. (Brad: Yeah) Anyways, um, Brad, did anyone send us a question?

Brad Crowell
We did? Somebody apparently wanted me to talk more about cactuses because I’m so excited about them. (Brad laughs)

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So, what is your favorite cactus?

Brad Crowell
Well, okay, so I just wanted to say we moved here with no cactuses. (Lesley: Correct) I think, I think maybe we had one fake cactus that you brought that was sitting on the shelf forever. (Lesley laughs) Yeah, that was the only cactus we moved here with and today I …

Lesley Logan
… a fake cactus. (Brad: Yeah. It was a fake) I put it in a pot. (Brad and Lesley laughs)

Brad Crowell
Today, I think that between cactus and succulents. I don’t know we have like 50 or 75 of them now, I’m like, clearly, I found something that that I should stop spending money on. (Brad laughs) But I really am excited we have … I’m making the cactus garden that would never happen in real life, because it’s cactuses from all over the world and in different climates and environments that need different types of watering and all the things …

Lesley Logan
He likes to make things difficult.

Brad Crowell
I do not. (Lesley: Okay …) I like to make things beautiful.

Lesley Logan
But also, we have now been to many cactus gardens that around here.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we’ve been visiting cactus garden.

Lesley Logan
And I think we may be in over our head. I’m just gonna say it here. I haven’t said this to Brad. Some of these cactuses are really huge and they have lots of babies and they’re not years old and our agave is having so many babies. We’re about to like just spread the babies around the garden. And …

Brad Crowell
Well, that’s why we have 50 or 75 because the agave have multiplied like like pumpkins, like it’s hilarious.

Lesley Logan
So, the ones it looks like boobs, what are those ones called, the booby one? (Brad: The barrel cactus.) Yes (Brad: Yeah) Yes, we have these barrel cactuses and I have been loving them since he moved to Las Vegas. But they come very small at the store like depressingly small and but all the small ones I’ve seen around the neighborhood seem like they’re dying. And but the big ones are just so big and they’re … they’re they’re like frickin’ fortunes. Right? In a cactus, and we had this opportunity to like, say yes to four. And he mentioned he’s like, “Oh, yeah, it’s like a barrel cactus like little babies on it.” And I said, “Okay, that sounds so great.” And then I came home after house shopping with my dad and (Brad laughs) these barrels are the size of boulders.

Brad Crowell
They come up to your knees. (Lesley: Yeah) So like, and and I mean, probably 30 or 40 years old and our our guy brought us four of them. They’re huge. It’s amazing. I definitely love those. I think to be honest, my favorite, is the coral cactus. (Lesley: Really?) I love it. I just think it’s crazy. I think it looks like it belongs underwater. And I want it to be 16 inches wide because that’s what it apparently can grow to. There has been some debate on if you are allowed to say “cactuses” or if you’re supposed to say “cacti.” So for me, I looked it up, I just want to put this out there that apparently both are okay. Now, we can have that argument, slash conversations slash I’m just gonna say cactuses anyway…

Lesley Logan
So you say cactuses or you say cacti.

Brad Crowell
I kind of use them interchangeably but it … cactuses seems to roll off the tongue a little easier.

Lesley Logan
I agree. I think cacti feels like it feels like I should be in the lab. But you know what’s really funny is we had a massive debate in our own company because I had Be It Till You See It with the apostrophe and one l. And it is not an apostrophe and one L

Brad Crowell
It’s not until (Lesley: it’s not…) it’s it’s with the apostrophe t i l. It’s actually t i l l is actually a word.

Lesley Logan
If the own word (Brad: Who knew) and it’s not a shortened. It’s not like y’all, it’s just, it’s just it’s own thing. So (Brad: It’s just “Till”) here we are in this podcast, (Brad laughs) helping you figure out words, the English language.

Brad Crowell
Like we do. Anyway, thanks for that listener question. Any chance I get to talk about cacti – Oh, shoot, I went there – I’m in on that. And if you’re ever in in the neighborhood, make sure we know it and I’m happy to show off our garden.

Lesley Logan
If any of you know Emily’s Garden Show. (Brad sings: Emily’s Garden Show) I feel like Brad just has a hijacked a segment of my own podcast. (Brad and Lesley laughs) I’m calling …

Brad Crowell
It’s Brad’s cactus show.

Lesley Logan
All right, so onto Renee Dick.

Brad Crowell
Yes. All right. Let’s talk about Renee. Renee Dick is the person that you want on your team. She is willing to be the first to try it, break it, build it, be it, paving the way for others. She …

Lesley Logan
That was a good song. Try it, break it, build it, print it, da na na na. Faster, Stronger, na na na na.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, that’s my favorite band. (Lesley: Oh) (Lesley laughs) That’s Daft Punk. (Lesley: Oh) Ah, paving the way for others. She is a mom who has changed her path for being unhappy hairstylist to being a charismatic entrepreneur, helping others with repurposing content and social media marketing. You will literally laugh out loud at things she says and you will totally fell in love with her. And I’m sure that anybody out there who is looking for social media help, you know, contacting her would be really fun. Anyway, I’m not kidding. I listened to the episode twice and I was just laughing so hard. It’s lovely.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, it was I … I re-listened to it and I laughed out loud because I had done some interviews so far from when they were actually like, played till like… Because you launch a podcast, you do all these things. And I was like, “Who said that? Was I talking to you? Who I was talking to?” And when Brad was listening to this, to produce it, he’s like, “You were talking to Kareen,” I was like, “Oh, that’s right.” (Lesley laughs) So anyways …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, when you when you said the … habit or hustle versus hassle that was (Lesley: Yeah) that was the convo you had with Kareen …

Lesley Logan
… Kareen in another podcast. Anyways, it’s you can find that episode it’s titled, “Don’t let your hustle be a hassle.”

Brad Crowell
Yes, that was Episode 27.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, we love her. Okay, so I had there’s so many things I love that she said but I really I had to go with the “Act now think later” because y’all, Be It Till You See It does not mean overthink it, micromanage it, debate whether or not you’re able of doing it and then taking action. No, it is Be It Till You See It is like, kiss… go just take some go for it. And then you’ll have all this clarity and then you can decide what you want to do with what you just did. So, I loved that. What about you?

Brad Crowell
The the thing that, it was interesting to listen to her talk about, she kind of skimmed over not not living in your purpose at the beginning of the episode. And she said like, “We can we can get into all that.” But the reality is, “I just wasn’t, and I wasn’t happy.” And she talked … she the way she described herself. I found very relatable, because she was talking about how she couldn’t be happy for other people, she was very negative all the time. Right? And she was just in this really this funk and … the idea of living in your purpose, I thought … I don’t know, like, here’s the here’s the thing. She is clearly charismatic, right? So when you’re … when you’re negative about everything, and you’re charismatic, you will be in a position to inadvertently bring others down just by being you. Right? Because you have that same power to bring others up by being you and I’m so happy to have met Renee today, now when she’s clearly living her purpose because she’s just exuding joy and excitement about life then then before you know so (Lesley laughs) I’m just saying because it could she could … I she has the I’m very similar, I have the propensity to be very dark, I have the propensity to affect the room, right? Really change the vibe and and so I know that for me when here’s the thing I used to say, “I don’t care what I do as long as it gets me paid,” I literally used to say, “I would shovel shit from one corner of the room to another if it’s going to pay my bills so I can go do the things that I want to do and and and I’ll do it, I will I will make that happen” and I lived with that philosophy for the majority of my life and so consequently I was you know metaphorically shoveling shit from one corner to another for a very long time and now that I’m doing something that I actually want to be doing that I am enjoying doing that I know is affecting people in the way that I see is positive. Right? It makes me so much happier. So, I just wanted to say I think that the idea of living in your purpose like it’s hard to … if you don’t know what your purpose is which is a big fat question mark you know was up for a long time for me as well, you know, if you’re just going through the motions if you’re just doing life, you know or your job or your gig or whatever it might be, you know it’s okay to go explore something else and begin to identify what you might want to be doing instead.

Lesley Logan
Yeah and then sometimes it’s easier to not know, like to know what your purpose is not. So, like sorry …

Brad Crowell
Oh yeah, I see … (Lesley: So if you … ) Yeah, (Lesley: if you’re like …) Say that again, say that again.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I said it out I was like, “That’s not it.” (Brad laughs) So that definitely didn’t work and so if you are like, “Ah guys I still, I get you, I want to live my purpose. How do I do that?” If you don’t know yet what your purpose is, which I think deep down you might (it scares the fuck out of you.) Or you’re just not sure you can see the big picture or how it’s going to pay your bills or whatever. You can it’s easy to know what your purpose is not. (Brad: Right) So, if you like have been selling houses and you’re like, “This is, is (Brad: Is not lighting my fire) like shoveling shit from one to another.” (Brad: Right) (Brad laughs) Then you can you can like go through all the things you do in a day and you can go, “Do I like any part of this? Oh, I really like talking to people.” Cool. Now start signing yourself up for things where you talk to people and then you can start to go on the scale of like shoveling shit to this feels like a flow, you know …

Brad Crowell
Maybe maybe you shift to ice cream, instead.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, yeah. (Brad laughs) So anyways, that’s just the help the people who like are not sure I kind of fell into my purpose. I’m gonna be really honest. Like, I did not even know I could become a Pilates instructor. I have that limiting belief. And then the reason I coach people on business or they have an online classes, just because people ask me a question. They’re like, “Hey, how do you get so many new clients? Hey, do you think you could have online classes?” And I got curious to go back to Tina Tang. And so maybe also now that I’m a verbal processor, maybe you look at the questions, people are asking you do for them and see if any of those light your fire.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. (Lesley: All right) Episode 31. What? (Lesley: Yeah. What?) What?

Lesley Logan

Brad Crowell
All right, so let’s talk about all those BE IT action items. What bold, executable and trinsic or targeted action items, can we take away from your conversation with Renee Dick? She said something that I, I wanted to, I agree with her and I also have gone down this path. And so I want to kind of put a boundary on it. (Lesley: And asterisk) Yeah, she said, “Say yes to all opportunities.” And I, I think that that’s great when you are getting the ball rolling and you’re trying to figure out your purpose maybe, or find something new that you want to do or grow your business or whatever. But I want to I want to say, comma “Quit things fast when you see that they’re not doing it or they’re not serving you or they’re not you know, lighting your fire,” (Lesley: Yeah) because what ends up happening is I feel obligated to follow through with things that I have, you know, committed to whatever it might be but maybe I shouldn’t have actually committed to it in the first place. Right? So, I think actually maybe a better way of saying this is, “Say yes to the opportunity, but don’t necessarily commit yet,” until you decide if that’s like you know, really the thing that you should be committing to because otherwise you’ll end up juggling 75 plates, stressing yourself out, not being effective at all. Believe you me, I’ve done this, I’ve lost friends because of this, like this is a real possible thing where you just (Lesley: Oh) get so busy.

Lesley Logan
That’s definitely like it happens when you say, “Yes” and then you get down the path and you aren’t honest early on that it’s a “No” (Brad: Right) then yeah friendships are like, “Oh my God you’ve been doing this for two years with me. Why are you lying to me for two years but how much want to do it?” So, I agree with that. I definitely love to say in the very beginning I said yes to everything and I totally agree when you are new when you are she does the you know chapter one through five business owner, yes because you don’t actually know what’s going to work or not work for you and what you’re gonna like and not like so just say yes to all that. But once you’re past that chapter five you know something I do as I say, “Yes but can you send me the logistics so I just double check with my calendar and my team because I 100% double booked myself I don’t wanna do that.” And that is (Brad: Sure) really fun. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna say no later on, so if you’re listening to so I say this to you it’s not like code for it’s going to be a no it’s just (Brad laughs) it’s a buffer, it’s a buffer for me just to make sure (A) the next day when I see those logistics it’s still a yes and (B) it aligns with everything and then if I doesn’t I have like, “Hey, you know what I’m so sorry I really want to say yes this but the day of it doesn’t work for me or the timing of it doesn’t work for me you know I got asked to do something recently,” I was like, “Oh my God that sounds amazing.” And I got the logistics back I was like, “Oh, I pictured something completely different” that’s not their fault, that’s my brain went like 10 steps ahead, ’cause I’m an ideas machine, and so thankfully, I was able to say, “You know what? This is actually not in alignment right now but let’s circle back if you ever do it like this,” therefore if people don’t mind, people don’t mind. Okay, well we just had our own BE IT action item on that one. That was like a little … if you’re talking about cactuses. It’s like one of the babies. (Brad: Yeah, right.) … Barrel cactus. I wish they had a visual for them. Okay, my biggest takeaway is, “Open all the doors in the hallway and then decide.” I (Brad: Oh) really love the …

Brad Crowell
I think, I hijack yours. (Lesley: No) Well, I know but what I was talking about is very similar. (Brad laughs)

Lesley Logan
That’s so funny. She and the others guys, if you …

Brad Crowell
This is an amazing visual, though. I’ll tell you.

Lesley Logan
She, she, you have to listen to us because she really did explain like, “You get into the hallway and you … there’s all these doors and you’re looking for the master suite. You’re looking for this” and I was picturing like, big windows that look over an Italian, like I don’t even know, winery, I don’t drink wine, but just like views, right? And, I was just I was just going down the hallway and I have these tools. And it’s true, like, I think we we talked about this in the podcast where it’s like, “If the doors locked, it’s because it’s for a reason.” There’s … amazing (Brad: Sure) of this book called “The Third Door” which I would love to get that author on here. If any of you know him, grab his, grab him. I want him. So, but he has a book called “The Third Door.” And it’s all about like, you know, Lady Gaga, all these different people how they made it. They didn’t they didn’t walk … (Brad: Alex Banayan) Yeah, yeah. So like the idea is that, there’s the line to get into the club that everyone stands in. And then there’s the people who are VIP who walk up to the front line and they get in, and people are in the line or like waiting to get in. But then there’s other people who like go in through the window, or go in through the alley or like …

Brad Crowell
Yeah, they come in with the owner in the back.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, or they or they got a job there. And they were just singing at the bar, right, like so there’s a third door and a lot of these people that we admire, they didn’t go through the first two doors. They went the third door and so if a door is locked, it doesn’t mean it’s a no, it just means that that’s not the door you go through. And so when she was doing this whole hallway thing, I was remembering that guy, and I was just saying this whole thing it’s just like, ah, definitely open all the doors but what I love that she said is, “Open all the doors.” She didn’t say, “Move into the room with the bunk beds.” (Brad: Right) Try it on for size!

Brad Crowell
Yeah, that’s what I mean. Like, like, say yes to all opportunities is like peek your head into the room, the door and be like, “Is this the right room?” (Lesley: Yeah) And then if it’s not, you can be like, “Just kidding.” Close … (Lesley: Yeah) the next door, right? I was in the way that I was envisioning it when she was describing it was … everything was pink, the hallway is pink, the doors are pink. There’s just numbers on the doors. And like the it’s like you’re behind the set, like you’re behind the scene, like the hallway itself isn’t dressed up in fancy at all. And you’re like, “They’re just a bunch of doors that all look the same.” And you’re like, open, you’re like, “Oh, that’s not the master suite. That’s the jungle,” close. (Lesley laughs) Open the next one, “Oh, that’s not the master suite. That’s…” (Lesley: … Jumanji) Yeah, we’re in Jumanji now. (Brad laughs) But seriously, I loved the way she described that. Because it’s it really is a, it’s a great way to understand like, “Is this for me? Maybe not,” close. Next.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I think that there’s an overall, arching theme in her in her episode, which is just like, just like, “Just do the thing.” Like, “Just get, just get to the place, just do … just open the door. Just say yes.” And all of that is because we get in our own way, when we’re like, “Let me just stop and think about it.” Like we start to think about the different failures we’ve had in the past. And the different times we haven’t fallen through with things that different times that people said something not nice to us or whatever. And it’s like none of those things are actually happening in this thing. And so the faster you act, and the faster you go through these things, the quicker you’re able to get to the master suite, the quicker you’re able to get to the place that where your purpose is because you’re not overthinking it and clouding it with stuff that didn’t even happen in that situation. So anyway, I don’t know. Maybe that’s not her purpose …

Brad Crowell
No. I think that’s a that’s a great way to to to describe it. (Lesley: Summing it up) Oh, yeah, it’s a great way to wrap it up. We’re gonna leave it there.

Lesley Logan
All right. I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell
And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Thank you so much for joining us today. We’re so grateful you’re here. How are you going to use these tips in your life? Let us know by sending a DM on Instagram at the @be_it_pod and we’ll catch you on the next episode.

Brad Crowell
Bye now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘As The Crows Fly Media’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Kevin and Bel at Disenyo handle all of our audio editing and some social media content.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Jaira Mandal for creating all of our visuals (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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