Shift Away from the

Fad Diet Culture

Ep. 180 with Lesley & Brad

“Your health and fitness is not a fad diet.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

Your health is not a fad. There is no quick fix for a healthy lifestyle but this episode holds some tricks for meal prepping to success and the way you can create lasting change in your wellness.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Making your health and fitness a priority as part of your lifestyle.
  • How to shift out of fad diet culture
  • The benefit of sharing your health journey with others
  • Seven easy ways you can meal prep

Episode References/Links:


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the feeling convo I had with Sara Frenza in our last episode. If you haven’t yet listened that episode, feel free to pause this now and go back and listen to that one and then come back and join us. And by the way, if this is the first episode you’ve ever listened to. Hi, I’s me and Lesley Logan. Hello.

Brad Crowell
Oh, hey, my name is Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
I already introduced you. I know. I know. So but I just thought like maybe every once in a while. I’ll just say who I am just in case. There’s a first timer. Hello. (Brad: Hey.) Welcome to the Be It pod.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we’re so glad you’re here.

Lesley Logan
This is the recap. It is a Cliff’s Notes version. And our opinions of what happened on Monday’s pod.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, we’re summarizing, pulling out a couple talking points, expo… expounding on them, all those things. (Lesley: I like inexpoundsion …) Inexpoundsion? That’s not word, 100% not a word. I wouldn’t even know how to spell it, expound s i o n. (Lesley: Yeah.) expound… No, no. (Lesley: Maybe …) Expoundsion. (Lesley: Maybe it’s x i o n, expoundxion) Expansion. (Lesley: Ah, that’s such a boring word.) It’s a boring word. We’re making them up … Well, before we make up more new words. A couple quick announcements here.

Lesley Logan
We just drove back from the POT, Balanced Body’s Pilates On Tour at Monterrey. And the flashcards went like hotcakes. (Brad: Oh, yeah.) Oh, yeah. You guys, it’s just so fun to see how you guys use these flashcards in your life. I love, I love it. I love showing them to you. I love you getting your hot hands on them.

Brad Crowell
We’re talking about the Pilates flashcards that Lesley made. Just in case you’re the first timer we’ve ever known …

Lesley Logan
Oh, yeah. Just in case you’re Tracy from Michigan. Is that what they say? (Brad: Yeah, Tracy.) This is for Tracy.

Brad Crowell
I think we’re gonna call it Bob. Because Bob is going to be the husband of someone who does Pilates and he just doesn’t have a clue. (Lesley: Okay, we can call him Bob.) Where’s Bob from? (Lesley: Well, I’m just gonna, like …) Do we not like Bob?

Lesley Logan
… Hi, males. If you’re listening, there’s like, it’s like we have a lot of amazing women and a few good men. So, I think it could be like Cheryl from Wisconsin.

Brad Crowell
Okay, Cheryl from Wisconsin.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, she’s pi curious.

Brad Crowell
She’s pi curious.

Lesley Logan
And you need our Mat flashcards. Anyways, we, maybe we’ll change her every name every week. But anyways, these are my flashcards the links in the show notes. We are about and this brings us to the next exciting news. (Brad: Yeah.) We are literally days away from announcing deck number four. Now, (Brad: days away) Cheryl’s if you’re pi curious you don’t have a Wunda Chair this might not apply to you but it might apply to your teacher. So we I finished the chairs flashcard and when I say chairs plural is because there were multiple, (Brad: three) yeah I’m also there’s pural chairs but … (Brad: If you’re a chair curious.) Yeah. There’s there’s a High Chair also there’s an Electric Chair. There is an Arm Chair also known as a Baby Chair. And there is a Wunda Chair which is always called that. So

Brad Crowell
Unless you get the exo chair …

Lesley Logan
Which they people, well that’s still a Wunda Chair, (Brad: I know.) but we’ve call it, I have an exo chair. (Brad: Yeah.) So you can have that chair. You can have …

Brad Crowell
… like there’s 50 names for them all. But we call them the chairs.

Lesley Logan
You can have a homemade chair. You can have whatever chair has springs to it. I’ve seen them all and I did a very thorough job. I like to pat myself on the back and making sure our how to use this deck card has information on how to apply whatever your chair is to whatever chair I have and if you’re like, “But Lesley I don’t have a High Chair and a Baby Chair.” I don’t care. If you might have access to them …

Brad Crowell
Right. You might have access to one, at some point you might want to get one and totally okay. (Lesley: Well) It’s just consider an extra information.

Lesley Logan
Welcome to be it till you see it. (Brad: That’s right.) I’m going to help you be the person who knows how to teach equipment until you see that equipment. So, it is and then just in case you are someone who needs to know how many cards, 72% of this deck is for Wunda Chair so that is more than two thirds. So no excuses, get on the waitlist at waitlist

Brad Crowell waitlist

Lesley Logan
that is hard slash flash.

Brad Crowell
I know the slash discussion really messed up me last time, too.

Lesley Logan
That’s that that was a voice. I went to a sort of speaking, what do you call it speech therapy? (Brad: Yeah.) That was not in my list of things to work on any … (Brad: No, slash flash.) Anyways, according to last week’s episode, Brad said we’re only gonna let the waitlist people know. So

Brad Crowell
Yeah, get on the waitlist because well the waitlist people are gonna get the link.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, to the presale. (Brad: That’s right.) Yeah, so you’re gonna get the best deal. (Brad: Yeah.) And if you’re not on the waitlist, you are not going to get that link or the best deal you’re gonna you’re gonna hear about it when it ships and you’ll pay full price. (Brad: Love it.) So and then finally, one last exciting news. The doors have opened for our October retreat. And if you know, you know, (Brad: I ykyk.) I wonder how many times we can just say that?

Brad Crowell
What retreat? Send us a DM. It’s gonna be amazing.

Lesley Logan
What retreat? Keep listening to the episodes, Cheryl. (Brad: Yeah.) We talk about the retreat. (Brad: Yeah, we do.)

Brad Crowell
Okay, so what was this week’s question? You got a listener asking, Are you ever in the Washington area, teaching Workshops? And they mean, like, Seattle, Washington.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, oh, because it was, you know, we, they’ve been hearing about our tour. And we’ve been like, talking about maybe doing another tour.

Brad Crowell
Right. So every year we do have tour up to out to Philadelphia from the West Coast (Lesley: It’s out and up.) Well, yeah, it’s out and back. So we do like, sometimes you go South first. Sometimes you go North first. But. it’s like an epic saga of a drive.

Lesley Logan
I did like the going South first. I mean, I don’t know (Brad: Thank you with that.) that we probably can’t do it again. No, because that whole weather system was a disaster.

Brad Crowell
I know. It would have definitely served us better if we had been South on the way home.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, yeah. So we’ll do that.

Brad Crowell
We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out.

Lesley Logan
We’ll flip it and reverse it.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Anyway, the (Lesley: That’s a Missy Elliott) Oh, here you go. (Lesley: lyric)

But rumor is that we may be doing a West Coast tour. So it could hypothetically start in Vegas, and go south to San Diego, and go all the way up the west coast of Vancouver before coming back down.

Lesley Logan
Don’t make too many promises.

Brad Crowell
I said, hypothetically, potentially, fingers crossed, all the things. If this is something that would be of interest to you, we need to know. (Lesley: So if you either …) This is not … planned yet.

Lesley Logan
I want to participate in the West Coast tour as a as a client, or you want to host a spot as a as a host to use the same word in the sentence. You have to hit us up because we are (Brad: Yeah, we need to know.) we will actually be planning it like right now. (Brad: Yeah.) And and so you know, get get in on it. Because people always like, “How did you pick that spot? Why are you going to that place?” Because they asked. (Brad: Yeah.) If you want things in this world. Y’all, you have to ask for them. Like I’m like let this be a lesson to you. People like, “How did you get that spot?” I applied. Like I applied, no one is calling me and offered me random things. They’re just not. So everything you ever see that I’ve ever done I’ve applied for. (Brad: That’s true. Very true.) So if you want in on this tour, and you want us to hit up your town, then you know any which way you want to contact us so it’s gonna be fine. (Brad: Yeah, so) How about TikTok? I’m be really honest. I have not …

Brad Crowell
No, just chat to us. Go to

Lesley Logan
Oh, that’s a good spot. (Brad: Yeah.) Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool.

Brad Crowell
Amazing. Great question. Thanks for asking.

Lesley Logan
You know, you guys can ask questions. (Brad: Like any question.) Any question. (Brad: All the time It can be life, fitness, business. We don’t really care. We just like to answer your questions. (Brad: Yeah.) We have all this information …

Brad Crowell
We’d love knowing that you listen, we love connecting with you. (Lesley: Yeah.) And it’s so fun.

Lesley Logan
You know what I want? This is what I want from you guys. This is my ask. I want I want questions like a longtime listener, first time caller like I want them. (Brad: Cool. Yeah.) Longtime listener, first time caller. I want to read those.

Brad Crowell
Would that be, would you want to actually call, leave a voicemail?

Lesley Logan
Yeah, we need a phone number.

Brad Crowell
Tell us about that. If you would if that’s something of interest to you, let us know (Lesley: Yeah.) on the chat. (Lesley: Yeah.) And then we’ll set up a phone call number because I don’t want to set it up unless you want it. (Lesley: Yeah. But …)

Lesley Logan
But if you want to be like don’t tell remember like longtime listener, first time caller? (Brad: Yeah.) Like I want that. I want that, that’s what I want. You gotta tell me if you want it. (Brad: I want it.) I want it and well it’s a two way re… I guess it’s a three way since we’re like listeners. You and me. I don’t know.

Brad Crowell
Okay, now let’s talk about Sara Frenza. A mom, published fitness model, a writer and a life transformation coach. Sara Frenza is on a mission to help women make their health and their fitness a priority. She’s passionate about not taking the quick fix, but working for long term solutions and passing along the information to the next generation.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, so I actually really, I really love Sara. She’s such a sweetheart. And I hope you all heard her journey, because I think it can be really easy to think, “Oh, must be nice for them. Those people who are on these pods that transform their career.” But y’all can have it, you all can have that for yourself.

One thing I love that she had talked about was like making your health and fitness a priority. So you’re like, simplest way to think about this is because like, “Uh huh, Lesley got it. Nice, Sara, thanks for that. Duh.” But it’s like your health and fitness is not a fad diet. Like, it’s just not. So the more you can think about your health and fitness as your priority as part of your lifestyle, as part of the transformation that’s always ongoing. We had Keri Ford on here and she talked with this mountain with no peak, like your health and fitness is a mountain without a peak doesn’t mean you just like keep going, going, going without like ever celebrating an achievement. But it isn’t like, okay, for the next two weeks, I’m gonna go on a sugar detox, and then I’m gonna be great. It’s like, well, then you will have had not had sugar for two weeks. But if you go back to the way you lived, then that’s not exactly taking your health fitness and making it a priority. So (Brad: That’s true.) Yeah. And I’m not advocating that you ditch sugar or you don’t. I’m just saying like, how looking at your health and fitness if you look at like, when I was an ambassador for Lululemon, they made us do goals was like personal, health and fitness, professional. (Brad: interesting) And you had three could not have more than three bullet points under each one of those things. And then you had goals for that those bullet points that are one year, five year and 10 year. Of course, I started with a 10 year. But the point is, is that if we have too many goals, you don’t get anything done. And also, if you aren’t building upon the achievements that you had, it’s kind of like, “I’m doing this today. I’m doing this tomorrow. I’m doing this over here.” It’s like it’s all it comes kind of like a one and done thing and so you just kind of build on it. So maybe maybe you want to do a triathlon. I don’t but let’s just say that’s what your goal is. So then you work backwards until you to one year from now. Well, are you running already? Can you bike? Can you swim? Like one of those things probably you’re not doing. So make that a goal. And then (Brad: Sure.) sort of add that in. And then over time you get to like the five year goal and maybe you’re doing a mini triathlon and then you’re working your way up. So just I just really loved that she brought that up because your health and fitness is not a fad diet.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, I also what the fad diets. It’s it’s called that because you you know it’s not gonna last.

Lesley Logan
It’s like a, it’s like It’s like fast fashion. Do not make your health and fitness the same as fast fashion. Fast fashion.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Oh, I was gonna talk about the cayan and like lemonade fucking iced tea thing, whatever. (Lesley: Oh.) Do you remember that? Like when was suddenly drinking that. (Lesley: What is that called … Okay.) I can’t remember. But like, that’s the kind of like that is not real.

Lesley Logan
So, I worked in, so I used to work at Fred Segal. And some of the girls were on the diet coke and iceberg lettuce diet. (Brad: Amazing.) These are not proponent things, do not try them. Some, other people …

Brad Crowell
They are not winners. (Lesley: Other people …) That’s why they’re fads.

Lesley Logan
cigarettes and coffee

Brad Crowell
That was mine through college.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. So um, but you know, I mean, look, everyone, my grandmother and in my entire life, I learned about every single diet there was I know all the diet pills and all the things and I can tell you right now, none of them are sustainable. So instead of looking for a fad diet, look for the life transformation that you can sustain and works with you because it has to work with your life.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, exactly. And I think that’s, it’s a mindset shift, right? There’s no quick fix here. This is a long term decision that you’re making for yourself. It’s as simple as that, which is really hard. But I know it’s, it’s like,

Lesley Logan
I know, you’re like easier said than done, guys. We know. We also have bodies. We also understand,

Brad Crowell
Hi, I’m a floating entity. I’m not a fishball.

Lesley Logan
We hit 40. We got it. We know.

Brad Crowell
All right. One thing I really loved was about like she started to talk about the support systems that you make and sharing, not only sharing that you’re on a path, but also allowing people to support you in that journey. Right. And, you know, specifically she said, You can’t do anything alone, you have to share your journey along the way. Because maybe that’s with your spouse, your significant other, your kids, your family, parents, whatever, your co workers, your friends, you know, the reality is that if I think I think when we were doing the Full Body in 15 Pilates challenge, last year, we had a lot of success with the participants who went back to their family and said, “Hey, next week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at, you know, 5pm, for 30 minutes, I’m busy. I’m going to be taking care of me.” And the the family was like, “Hey, cool.” And so what happened was, the kids knew already the spouse knew already, you know, mom’s busy, she’s doing this thing. And

Lesley Logan
Or dads busy, or somebody is busy.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, I mean, in our case, most of our audience was women for that. (Lesley: Yeah.) Maybe I might have been the only guy in there.

Lesley Logan
No, we had two husbands. (Brad: Oh, that’s right. That when we had …) That why, that’s why where a lot of women, amazing women and a few good men. Thanks, Cheryl.

Brad Crowell
Well, the point is, you know, when they were explicit, and sharing what their intentions were, and what they were doing, and why they were doing it, they got the support that they needed from the people around them. And the same thing goes for you, if you are able to voice that to, I don’t know, maybe your coworkers go out to dinner every day after work or something or, you know, you are taking a break from drinking and you live with someone, you know, and you can share that with them, they can encourage you and help you in that path, whatever it is, that is that you’re trying to achieve for your health. When you share that with the people around you, then now a) you’re not hiding it, and b) they can help actually support you.

Lesley Logan
And also, they can also help support you like there’s accountability there. And and and you can’t resent them for, they can’t read your mind. So (Brad: Sure.) if you (Brad: Sure.) if you don’t tell people, “I’m taking a break from drinking.” Then they, if they go, “Hey, can I get you a beer.” You’re like, “I’m trying to drink.” And then you like have this whole internal conversation with yourself. And the truth is that they didn’t know. So they have to on your team actually just wrote about this on, the time recording, so I wrote an Instagram post about my birthday. So obviously, this is way after my birthday. But for my birthday week, I actually wanted to take off several days. I just want to take off Wednesday to Saturday. So I normally take Saturday’s off. I normally got two calls on Monday and Tuesday but Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, there’s like commitments that I usually have. So I wanted to have those off. Now, I couldn’t just block them off without telling people. I mean I could but that would have just worked like people would have been like, “Hey, can I do this? Hey, can I do this?” And like, you know, I would be like, “I’m taking the time off? Don’t you understand?” It’s like so I actually just months ago, I said, hey to my assistant. I said, “Hey, I want to take this time off for my birthday. So I can just really enjoy, like resting, relaxing, do whatever I want, whatever it is I want.” And I told that my assistant, which helped me tell the team, which helped me block things out so that everything is gonna get done on time. No one is gonna be like, “Where’s Lesley?” And I actually can take time off without anyone bothering me. It’s so exciting. (Brad: Yeah.) So but it does require you communicate these things. And I know that can be like, I want to tell people my goals are in case I like screwed up. If the people around you are going to judge you because you said you weren’t going to have a drink that week. And then you did. That’s probably a sign that they’re not on your team.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, they’re definitely not supporting you. It’s true. It’s true.

All right. So finally, let’s talk about those BE IT action items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Sara Frenza.

Lesley Logan
She had seven action items for you guys. And I really love these because some people think that meal prepping is like only somebody who has a really organized schedule can do but …

Brad Crowell
Or like people who are like, trying to be in weight training competitions do.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. But like you grew up with some meal prepping, your mom did some stuff. And (Brad: I did. Yeah.) Yeah. And I remember there was a time when my parents had like, planned things out. And then there was a day where it was like leftover day, which is obviously the day that I hated. But then there was the then there was …

Brad Crowell
I love leftovers.

Oh, my God. (Brad: That’s great.) Your parents must have not had you eat lamb and beans. Anyway, (Brad: No, lamb and beans in my house …) So I’m gonna, I’m gonna read these out, seven meal prep tips. So step one …

Lesley Logan
Plan out your meals.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, this is not very complicated. Just you need to know what meals you’re cooking for.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. Number two, meal prep in batches. So she talked about making two proteins and then two carbs and just kind of mix and matching. Think of this ladies. I put on my college y’all. But like, I’m thinking like all my magazines, capsule wardrobe. Capsule Wardrobe, right? (Brad: Oh, yeah.) You have like, one you have a pair of pants, two different pairs of pants, two different tops, and like a bold statement something and like the magazine (Brad: couple pair of shoes) shows you seven ways to put these two things together. So that’s how (Brad: That’s right.) it, right. So literally, if you capsule wardrobe, you can meal prep, you’ve already done it. You’ve already figured this out.

Brad Crowell
Yeah. And she actually talked about making like chicken and I can’t remember what the other protein was and then two types of carbs so she made sweet potato fries and rice. And she said she took the chicken and made a buffalo chicken salad. She you could pull the chicken apart and make like a graded chicken thing.

Lesley Logan
If you’re watching this on YouTube Brad is mimicking (Brad: Yeah, I’m mimicking …) like these claws that we have. So you can basically like for non cook, (Brad: shred the chicken) you just take a bunch of chicken breasts, you just cook them all on a on a pan at some temperature and then some of those can be chopped up for a chop salad, some of those key pulled apart for a pulled chicken sandwich buffalo sauce like. Right. (Brad: Yeah.) Yeah.

Brad Crowell
And it was crazy. She was like yeah, I use the and she cooked them all at the same time. She had an instant pot going you know the oven going up and going and whatever I don’t remember and she’s like boom cooked all these things and was able to take the proteins on the carbs and then mix max, mix match and creating these different meals. And then step three

Lesley Logan
is freeze the extras

Brad Crowell
Yeah, so she specifically talked about stuffed peppers and brown rice and she said yeah, you know I overcook on the brown rice on purpose. And she made and a couple extra stuffed peppers and then she throws them on the freezer.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. (Brad: Yeah.) And so if you’re like, “Ah my fridge is really small.” Yeah, ours too. (Brad: … Yeah.) It doesn’t fit a pizza box and … (Brad: No, it literally doesn’t.) That’s a contention in this house. But what if you just tried like yes she said chicken maybe you’re a vegan? What if you just gave, what if like you just beat it till you saw it when it came (Brad: beat it?) yeah, beat it. Just to beat it. Anyways, so what if you just tried it like what if it was possible to whatever your dietary restrictions are? What if you actually just try to plan the meals out and then actually grocery shop for those meals and then try to cook all the stuff and one day so that it was ready to go?

Brad Crowell
Yeah, my, the store you were talking about … (Lesley: We haven’t finish the seven steps guys.) The last episode was my mom and her friend used to meal prep, because both families had three kids with crazy soccer field baseball field schedules, and, you know, the spouses were working, and then we’d get together on one weekend, a month, and they would literally make every meal for the entire month.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, I mean, this is a house that has two fridges. So

Brad Crowell
No, my mom had an extra freezer in the basement that was like one of those like leftover freezers (Lesley: Two fridges and a freezers?) Two fridges and a freezer.

Lesley Logan
Okay, so a month is the month, (Brad: And that’s very ambitious, that’s very ambitious.) I would go, do one week at a time, or maybe just three days. And then like, go from there. So like, you know, baby step this to badassness. But I love that I think that’s great, because actually what it made me just realize, and I didn’t even know this until now, you guys, if you are running out of time to work on things that are gonna help you be it till you see it. And it’s called cooking that is taking up all the time, meal prep. (Brad: meal prep) If you could gain, if you could spend two hours on a Sunday, or Saturday, and you could gain back 30 minutes every night, five minutes a week, like when what like, you don’t need two hours at a time to work on your goal because that is overwhelming. Especially there’s so much uncertainty, there’s a lot of fear in there things take the time to get it. So if you had 30 minutes every day to dedicate to moving yourself forward, and you just spent one afternoon prepping like a badass on the meals. Like imagine what you could get done.

Brad Crowell
Yeah, and my you know, today my parents are empty nesters. Right. And but they still meal meal prep. And it’s really well the way they do is really impressive. So if my mom (Lesley: … are doing this.) if my mom ever has to chop up like a pepper, she’ll chop the entire pepper, she’ll chop the entire onion. And then what she does is she takes them and puts it on a mini cookie sheet and lays them out so they’re not touching each other. And then she puts them in the freezer for like 20 or 30 minutes, and then takes it out of the freezer and puts them in a ziplock and then she throws the whole ziplock into now it’s condensed, they’re touching each other, but they’re partly frozen. So they don’t freeze into a big block, basically.

Lesley Logan
Oh, that’show you do it. (Brad: Yeah.) Well, that’s …

Brad Crowell
And then if she ever needs that ingredient, she’s already got pre chop to the right size stuff. And then they do the same thing with chicken, they’ll go to the store, they’ll get a whole bunch of chicken. And what they’ll actually do is they’ll take like the bigger chicken breasts, and they’ll they’ll slice them up into smaller pieces. And then at the beginning of the week, they’ll pull out like, you know, six chicken, you know, cutlets that they basically have frozen. And so they know three meals that week, they’ll be able to have chicken because it’s thought out. (Lesley: Yeah. So …) So super quick and easy.

Lesley Logan
For the for the people who are like, “Hey, you stopped at the third step.”

Brad Crowell
Yeah. Let’s go on to step four.

Lesley Logan
Yeah, create multiple meals out of the protein and carbs. So this is where you get to go back to the plan that you had and go oh, like I was able to like this doesn’t have to be like I have a chicken breast every night. Like you’re prepping for some sort of weight training thing. It can be like, as Brad mentioned, pulled chicken chopped chicken. It could be there’s a sauce on this one. This one’s in a salad. This one’s in a burrito. You know, this one’s in a sandwich. So then pre chop all fruits and vegetables, prepackaged for easy grabbing and go. I just skipped ahead all things

Brad Crowell
Well, that was a little different. So she’s actually talking about the full meal. (Lesley: Oh, you’re right. You’re right.) Like breakfast, lunch, dinner. She so just think about how much time we spent prepping food during the day. And I …

Lesley Logan
This is like definitely if you’re about to, (Brad: It’s a time stuff.) well, this is like packing lunches. This is all (Brad: Sure.) kind of stuff. So you all might need to go to like the container store or the target section with all the lovely containers and then you pull them out and then go okay, there’s lunches, okay, this means a nice things. Okay, this thing is this thing, and then you could put them in a frigerator and put a post it note or, you know, some sort of way of identifying the …

Brad Crowell
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. (Lesley: Yeah.) Yeah, exactly.

Lesley Logan
You know how there was like, labeled underwear. Like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday underwear. Did you not have that? (Brad: No …) Every girl listener is nodding their head right now and I thought that was so terrible. (Brad: That’s hilarious.) Because here’s why. I didn’t want to wear the Wednesday underwear on Monday just because it’s clean. Because if anyone saw my underwear, they’d be like, You’re wearing Wednesday’s underwear. Ew.” You so like, anyways, sides, right? This is a problem I had in my life. But what if you could buy food containers that had like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I’m sure they exists. (Brad: Yeah … 100%) Not sponsor by the show. Okay. Um, lastly …

Brad Crowell
So that’s she also mentioned in this step six prepackaged for easy grab and go, pre making lunches for your kids. So you have to do it in the morning.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. And then make breakfast for the full week. And this is like especially like Monday through Friday, you guys, I love overnight oats. So (Brad: Yeah.) easy, so easy to make, you can make a whole week’s worth of overnight oats in one setting and I challenge you to make it take longer than seven minutes. I challenge you.

Brad Crowell
To do the whole week. Yeah …

Lesley Logan
Because because here’s the deal. First of all, here’s how it goes. Ready? It’s one part oats, one part oat, or almond milk or some milk of choice. So if you do one cup, it’s one cup, two cups, two cups, so it’s really easy. Then you add in any other flavors or things you want. Probably not that nuts. (Brad: blueberry) I keep the fresh fruits out but dried fruits I’d put in just because they soften up and they flavorize. Is that a word? (Brad: Yeah. We’ll take it.) We’re just adding words here. To the thing and then I like to add some protein powder to it, some fiber, some flax and chia seeds, because that also makes it nice and filling. Then you put it in your container. So if you know you’re gonna have half a cup every day or a cup every day, whatever you need to eat, then you’ll go okay, Monday through Friday. That’s five, right? So it’s it’s a big bowl, you need at least seven hours of it to be over it for an overnight oats. So it doesn’t actually have to even be like, done the weekend before it can be done the night before. Boom, it’s ready. And then you can scoop them out into or New York Times does this they also don’t sponsor the show, but they sent me an email every week about overnight oats. And they take mason jars. And they literally make individual overnight oats in mason jars.

Brad Crowell
So pull it from the fridge with a spoon. Done. (Lesley: Yes.) Ready to go. That’s kinda cool. It’s clever.

Lesley Logan
Yeah. I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell
And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
Thank you so much for joining us today. How are you going to use these tips in your life? We want to know, tag us at the @be_it_pod, tag Sara Frenza. Send your questions, your longtime listener first time caller, request to us on Instagram or on email or whatever the things. Then if you want that phone number as he asked earlier, let us know and until next time, Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘Bloom Podcast Network’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, produced, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell. Our Associate Producer is Amanda Frattarelli.

Lesley Logan
Kevin Perez at Disenyo handles all of our audio editing.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to our designer Mesh Herico for creating all of our visuals, (which you can’t see because this is a podcast) and our digital producer, Jay Pedroso for editing all the video each week, so you can.

Brad Crowell
And to Angelina Herico for transcribing each episode, so you can find it on our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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