Tapping Into

Your Self-Efficacy

Ep. 248 with Lesley & Brad

“You can only grow your self-efficacy if you take opportunities before you’re ready.”

Lesley Logan

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Show Notes

Join Lesley and Brad as they unlock the secrets of self-efficacy. Learn how to take action and achieve your goals, even when you’re not ready. Say “no” to prioritize personal growth, build a thriving network, and foster a vibrant community. Get inspired to conquer your goals in this motivating discussion.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • The value of self-efficacy.
  • What indicates a need for self-efficacy.
  • How saying “no” can drive you forward on your journey.
  • How meaningful conversations lead to a thriving community.

Episode References/Links:

Brad Crowell
I just wanted to define self-efficacy. So it’s an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce the performance, like the results, right? So it’s your belief in yourself, effectively, confidence, like that concrete ability to know, I got this.


Lesley Logan
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I’m Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I’ve trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it’s the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It’s a practice, not a perfect. Let’s get started.


Lesley Logan
Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad, and I are going to discuss the inspirated convo.

Brad Crowell 2:20

Lesley Logan 2:20
Inspirited convo I had with (…) JJ DiGeronimo in our last episode. I hope it’s encouraging to you. I hope it’s inspirit to you…(Brad: inspiriting) Yeah. If you haven’t yet listened to that interview, feel free to pause this now and go back and listen that one, and then come back and join us. If you know the definition with Brad just learned…(Brad: yes, it means encouraging). Yeah. So I hope that my mistakes are encouraging to you. Okay, Today is August 10. It’s National update your bio day. So team, go do that. No, I’m kidding. Nothing brings you (…)

Brad Crowell 2:54
It’s not update your boss’s bio day. It’s update your bio day. So you remember that LinkedIn profile that you started 10 years ago and haven’t looked at since? Yeah, that that bio.

Lesley Logan 3:05
Go update that bio. Go update all of your handles, like look at all your stuff. Like just go look and make sure like…

Brad Crowell 3:11
Every once in a while I go back into Facebook, and I’m like, How did I describe myself in 2012?

Lesley Logan 3:16
You just leave it there to, like, reflect back on every year?

Brad Crowell 3:19
No, I look at it and I change it.

Lesley Logan 3:21
Okay, so yeah, he does it every six years, guys. So, you guys we are on tour on this date. We are on the road (…)

Brad Crowell 3:33
The 10th? We are in Sacramento. We’re in Fairfield, Sacramento, Grass Valley.

Lesley Logan 3:40
We’re at our sponsors headquarter. So, Balanced Body is sponsoring the tour and we’re doing some really fun things with them to just make it a big community event. We love Balanced Body Contrology all that they do. How supportive they are with the community.

Brad Crowell 3:59
That’s exactly I was gonna say, the alignment their community is one of the things we always talk about and love the most is that they’re all about community. And that’s something as you know, OPC is one of the founding pillars of OPC is community as well.

Lesley Logan 4:08
Yeah. When I told them we were I told them in 2018 We’re getting the band and they’re like to go on tour? And I’m like, yeah, like, Huh. And I was like, huh, noted. We’ve been touring for a while and it’s the first time we get to like partner up with someone I can’t I am so excited. I am so so grateful. So go to opc.me/tour because just because we’re already on tour doesn’t mean that you can’t still join us because Brad and Balanced Body put me in 14 fucking cities, guys.

Brad Crowell 4:35
Yeah, we did it…(Lesley: They did it.) So in fact, if you’re getting this in the morning and you listen to it live and you’re in Sacramento, there may actually be more room in the class. I don’t know. So otherwise we still have Bend Oregon, Portland, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Whitefish, Montana, Salt Lake City, Utah, St. George, Utah. That’s right.

Lesley Logan 4:58
Yes. Someone asked, You didn’t say Vegas? I was like, No, I live here. I’m here, like Viva Las Vegas get over here when I’m here, which is not very long because we back from the tour of them going to Poland. Meet me in Poland, you guys, I don’t know what I’m coming back. So this is your chance. And I’m so excited. We’ve got some of our Agency members meeting me in Poland, OPC members meeting me in Poland. So and then we’re going to also I come back from Poland and we go right into the seven day coaching program called Agency MINI, it’s Agency MINI number nine, you guys. Yeah, so it’s our tried and true program. It is this if you’re listening to this in real time, you can get on the waitlist still and still get the access to the four extra weeks for the early bird price. However, if you’re listening to us a week after, still get on the waitlist, but you’ll just hear about you will make sure you hear about the early bird price when it comes out. So go to profitablepilates.com/mini to get on that waitlist. Yep. Then we’ll be home for a couple weeks. And we go to Cambodia in October. So so freaking excited, can’t wait, bring on the humidity, I’m ready. And then we’re still at this moment working out November details. Honestly, like it’s probably worked out by the time this comes out. But while recording it, I’m still working on it. I’m waiting on a few things. But I have some ideas. And then December we’re gonna be back on the road for our winter tour. So those of you who are like, ah, but I live in Chicago, we haven’t forgotten about you. It’s freaking cold there. So I’m still not sure but but we all get to the other half of the country ish. If you’re on the 70, or the 20, or the 10. I don’t really know what we’re taking. But we were taking something and if you’re on that, we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out. Yeah. Okay. Before we talk to JJ, or about JJ, I should say what is our audience question?

Brad Crowell 4:58
Oh, yeah. I mean, right now, y’all when we’re recording this, we’re having record breaking heat in Vegas. It’s supposed to be 117 which is like one degree shy of the hottest ever recorded and

Lesley Logan 7:02
115 right now. Yeah. And the high today is 116. So we did not hit the high.

Brad Crowell 7:09
Well, that’s so people keep asking like they keep everyone’s like, Hey, are you guys okay? Like what’s going on? How do you handle the heat? And honestly, it’s, it’s not rocket science. It’s just simply stay inside. Yeah, stay inside, make sure you have air conditioning, or we have an evap cooler. And we’re, we’re, we’re, we’re testing out that evap cooler, pushing it pretty hard right now, usually, when it gets this hot the evap cooler doesn’t work very well. But it’s not so bad…(Lesley: Speak for yourself.) We’re only sweating a little.

Lesley Logan 7:42
I’m not doing another night with the evap cooler.

Brad Crowell 7:44
We definitely could kick on the AC, when it gets this hot. That’s the, that’s usually when you want to kick it.

Lesley Logan 7:50
But I just think like nothing is actually everything has balance, right? Nothing is actually perfect. So like, I would love to hit live in Hawaii, I would love it. But then my oatmilk be $10 So I could have the beautifulness of Hawaii everyday, I could wake up looking at the water every day. And I better know how to make my fucking own oat milk. You know, like, or every time I want to ship something, it’s like a thing to get it there total or I could live in California. But then I have to deal with like lack of space or more expensive housing or whatever or, and I love California trust me I’d go back any day. But there’s we have so much space in our house in Vegas, we have amazing, pretty amazing neighbors. And for three months of the year, it’s a little bit fucking hot. And you know, everyone just knows. Yeah, and everyone just does it. And you know, we went to a house party. And we sat outside because like, you also like you kind of just go this is this is three months of the year. It’s three months, you know,

Brad Crowell 8:50
like it’s not even it’s like hotter than it’s really like one maybe like six weeks with the hottest part of it. So like yeah, it gets gets hot. And then it gets hot.

Lesley Logan 8:59
Yeah, so more importantly, we just have to make sure the dogs stay in the house. Yes. I’m looking at you August, someone through a bedroom window while we were gone, so he was out the backyard all night. So that was fun. Just like probably at least an hour. At any rate. You just you kind of like check on the people who are older. That’s like I’m more concerned with them. And then like yeah, you don’t like I’m not lunging like I don’t understand why people come to Vegas in the summer. But they do they love Vegas in the summer and I mean the pool is fine, but it’s hot. So you know. Thank you for the concerns. We’ve gotten so many texts. And also like just come to Vegas in the fall and spring. I promise you it’s better.

Brad Crowell 9:39
Or even the winter. It’s nice when it’s cold here. Yeah, love it. Oh pretty.

Lesley Logan 9:42
The Cactus looks so pretty when it’s cold. Sometimes there’s snow on them anyways.

Brad Crowell 9:46
Okay, now let’s talk about JJ DiGeronimo, an empowering award winning author and passionate advocate for women’s self efficacy. JJ champions the power of saying no, to help women step into what life is calling them to do instead.

Lesley Logan 11:06
Yeah, so loved her. Because she’s like, such a Be It Till You See It kind of person, like everything she coaches on people doing is acting before they’re ready. So we talked a lot about self efficacy. And I think that’s really, it’s a cool thing to think about. I don’t think people think about that they think about competence. And, and that’s up, but like self efficacy, is learned.

Brad Crowell 11:26
Yeah, and I just wanted to find self efficacy. So it’s an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce the performance, like the results, right? So it’s your belief in yourself, effectively, confidence, like that concrete ability to know, I got this.

Lesley Logan 11:48
Yeah. So she said it is learned. And it’s having a vision for where you want to go and believing you can achieve it. But the catch is, you can only grow your self efficacy if you take opportunities before you’re ready. So you’re going to have to believe you can do the thing before you’re ready to do the things that you can do the things.

Brad Crowell 12:07
Somebody told me about a podcast that talks all about that…(Lesley Oh, is that is that this one?) Oh? Is that Be It Till You See It?

Lesley Logan 12:13
Ding ding ding, you’re a winner. So, she said, if you are waiting to be 100% prepared or 120% prepared, you’re actually hurting yourself. You’re not doing anything for that competence. Bucket baby. You’re not doing anything for your Be It bucket. You’re not doing anything for your self efficacy bucket. Listen to that, and see how many times it took me to get that one. So she said take the leap. She said, Go for it. Go make the call. Do the Google Search. She encourages women to step into their potential even when they only feel 60 to 70%. (…)

Brad Crowell 13:28
That’s her 70% rule. Yeah, I think it’s cool.

Lesley Logan 13:31
So I was gonna say something. I was walking with Jenny Shatel. Shout out to my baby. She is episode 68.

Brad Crowell 13:41
What? Hello, I’m looking now.

Lesley Logan 13:43
Look it up. Look it up. I might be really off because I really just guessed. I really guess. However, we had her on the podcast totally early on. So that was kind of my thing.

Brad Crowell 13:53
Episode 95.

Lesley Logan 13:54
Okay. Not even close. At any rate. So she and I were talking about how like, women will see a job available, and they’ll have nine of the 10 requirements. And they’ll go Oh, I gotta wait that 10 thing then I can apply. But a dude we’ll have four or five and go yep, applying for that. I got this. And so like, I like, I love that she’s like getting people to 60 or 70% ready, because I don’t think that women would do it at 50% ready, but like, ladies, we are missing out on changing lives, on feeling seen, on doing the thing that we feel worthy doing because we’re waiting to have 100 to have all I’ve heard people have all of the things and go, Yeah, but like, I’ve only been doing it for a couple of years. And sure maybe if all the things that’s all things they wanted all those things. They didn’t say how many years, right? There’s all these things. And so I just get really annoyed when I see that because I don’t know who fucking taught that to us. But we got to stop and thank you for JJ going 70% Ready, roll.

Brad Crowell 14:59
(…) We talk about it all the time with Profitable Pilates. And, you know, you’re totally right. I think that there’s another, you know, a clear indicator of self efficacy that needs to be learned and worked on would be if you’re constantly trying to get new certifications for new things. Why? Yeah, right. And I’m not saying that there’s a valid reason. But there, well, there might be a valid reason. Or maybe the valid reason is that you’re not confident in yourself.

Lesley Logan 15:30
Oh, one of our Agency members is like, Hey, there’s this like, opportunity to this training and like, what do you think? And I said, Is this something your clients are asking you more information on? Do you need more information on this topic to affect the clients you currently have? Or is this because you want to nerd out? Which is totally fine. Sure. But if you think it’s going to make you more famous, it’s not.

Brad Crowell 15:58
Or if you think it’s going to bring you more clients, it’s not.

Lesley Logan 16:01
No, you get more clients by going out and getting more clients and telling them how you can help them. So unless you need this thing, because of all the clients are trying to help, like, for example, I had a couple of people I was coaching who had one Parkinson patient come through, they did some research, but then that doctor was like, Hey, can you take more, then yes, she needs to go get more training. I have like, I’m not a pre postnatal teacher, I can teach my clients who get pregnant. But if I was to be someone who wanted to teach pre postnatal clients, as a majority, I would want to get that training. So like it’s like (…)

Brad Crowell 16:34
For you, for example, you know, certified in Pilates forever, right? And you were like, huh, I am looking at my offering of what I want to work with my clients on and I don’t need another movement certification, but I could get a breathwork certification. Or I could get a habits mindfulness mindset certification. Yeah. Right. And so these are the kind of the different pillars of the overall product that you’re offering. Yes, in the long term. And so supporting those things, gives you more qualifications towards your ultimate gold. That makes total sense. But you don’t need to do another Pilates certification.

Lesley Logan 17:10
No, I also, this is really a hilarious I remember I had moved one of my clients had him for like 12 years, and I had to move him to take a session to take a workshop with my teacher, Jay. And he goes, you know, if you are taking this workshop, so you can just raise your rates again, like we don’t really care what you’re learning their. We’re good. And I said, Thank you, I will continue to raise your rates every year. However, it’s not because I’m getting this this workshop. And that’s when we actually talked about with our Agency members just like do not write because of our continued education we’re raising our rates. No, because everything goes up every year, we’re raising our rates.

Brad Crowell 17:50
Because my coffee is $1 more now, I’m raising your rates.

Lesley Logan 17:54
Because my rent went up. I’m raising your rates like you going and getting more certificates and more education needs to have a valid reason and not be because I need to be 100% ready for something you’re more than ready than you think. And it’s going to help that self efficacy when you go for it sooner than you’re ready. All right, Brad, your turn. Okay. I just wanted to point out, I said it right that time.

Brad Crowell 18:15
You did, nailed it. All right. Okay, so she said, to create things that are going to act as a catapult. Right. And specifically, what she was talking about was prioritizing yourself by saying no. And this is really interesting, because she said she, you know, was a single working in tech startups through her 20s and 30s. And it wasn’t until her 30s That she decided to start saying yes to things like getting married, moving to the suburbs, procreating, having kids, you know, and so she, but in that, she said, it’s so easy for me to understand how women get lost in their 30s and 40s. Because of all the things that we pile on that we think, Oh, this is the normal course of things. Maybe we’ll just buy a house or maybe we’ll just have a kid or have another kid or whatever, get a dog. I mean, when you start saying yes to all that stuff, you’re you know, no, no problem with those things. But you also have to remember that you have the power to say no, as well, because you need to make sure you can prioritize yourself, and when you’re prioritizing yourself, that can act as a catapult to help move you forward. Right. So especially when it comes to confidence, she said, she asserts that one must prioritize or believe in what you’re pursuing, and confidently allocate time to create things that will act as that catapult and so the power of saying no aligns with that. And then you you know, it allows you to be when you say no, it allows you to focus on the things that you did say yes to

Lesley Logan 19:59
Yeah. I just was sitting here thinking we need a mug that says no. And on the back, it says…(Brad: me first) me first. I’m saying yes to something else. Meridith. Yeah, yeah. I really love this. It’s actually really funny when people have asked, and they probably never asked you, but they always ask me, like, Oh, are you and Brad gonna have kids? And I say no. And they like, look, and I’m like, I really enjoy the time I have with him. I really enjoy the things that we do in this life. And if we had kids, that would change and people go well, yeah, but she’d be like, No, yeah, I really enjoy this. Yeah, I don’t need to figure it out.

Brad Crowell 20:42
I love traveling. Like, I don’t I don’t want to mess that up.

Lesley Logan 20:46
No, we already have three dogs that already mess it up. Yeah, so I’m solid. And they’re like, their psyche is not going to be so fucked up. That’s gonna affect the rest of the world. So like, it’s too much pressure for me.

Brad Crowell 20:58
Yeah, so I mean, you know, we’ve talked about this before in the past, boundaries, prioritizing yourself. But I think that the difference here with JJ is she’s really talking about, you know, being conscientious. What you’re saying yes to? And you are allowed to say no. Because when you say no, you’re, it’s giving you the focus to make the yeses even more powerful.

Lesley Logan 21:28
JJ, love you. That’s great.

Brad Crowell 21:33
All right. So finally, let’s talk about those Be it action items, what bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items. Can we take away from your convo with JJ DiGeronimo. She said being conscious of what you’re saying yes and no to. We just talked about that. But she said there’s she’s got a helpful, you know, action item that you can take right now you can download her Power For No bundle, okay. It’s available in the show notes, which is on our website. And she named it the Power of No, because once you really start being conscious of what you’re saying yes and no to you, you’ll start feeling more confident in yourself. Right? So when you’re conscious of what you’re saying yes and no to, you’re going to feel more confident in yourself, you’re going to get a little bit more power back. And just like we were talking about with the takeaways, you know, that the saying no, you’re actually practicing. Hold on, what was it was practicing the efficacy? (…) You’re practicing self efficacy when you say no, and her handy little chart is going to help you kind of map that out. So check out the show notes below, go download her Power for No bundle.

Lesley Logan 22:43
Yeah. So I think that’s a fun bundle. I’m excited about that. So she said, there’s many people out there who want to help people, but ya have to be asked in the right like you’ve to be asked in the right way. So one of the ways I’m gonna tell you, you’re not gonna ask anyone is can I pick your brain? Nobody wants a brain picked. It doesn’t sound pleasant. Just like I listen to that. No one wants it…(Brad: Can I pick your nose?) Can I meet you for coffee and pick your brain? No. But if you she talked about her own personal story, when she wanted to publish her book, she looked at different authors who publish a book, she did some research on the posts that she did. And then she was very specific, when she was like, Okay, I think I have an idea what I need to do. But I’m gonna reach out to these influencers and ask specific questions, and ask her if she can have a 20 minute call with them to ask these questions. So you, you have to understand that people do want to, I love helping people. And I will tell you this, when people ask me a very specific question, I am more likely to answer a specific question, even if it is I love this question. And I answered all the time in my coaching group, and here’s how you can do that. Right? But if you’re just like, hey, I’ve been doing memberships, like, what do you think I need to know? It’s like, yeah, I don’t even want to tell you like I like my response now to you to be my coaching group is going to sound like I’m being vague.

Brad Crowell 23:59
Or like, what do you think I should do? I think you should google it.

Lesley Logan 24:02
Yeah. So like, you and I understand when you’re in the beginning of things, you’re not really sure. But this is what is so much different than like our lives versus women in their 40s. In the 80s lives, y’all, they did not have the Google that we have today. So like they had to go to the library, they had to like, climb the ladders of like, hit the glass ceiling. So we had this opportunity to like look at people who are a little bit further ahead than us more further ahead than us, like, all the different levels ahead and kind of go okay, this person is two steps ahead. What did they do when I when they did this? Okay, cool. I can do that. Oh, this person, okay. And then also ask them do you have this as a resource? Because then you’re giving them permission to give you resources if they’re very busy, and they don’t have to feel like an asshole as well. So I’m, I’m big on that. So um, but I also want to also she said, like cultivating these conversations with different people. That’s how networks are built up. If you’re not meant to do this alone, you do need to put yourself in rooms where people are doing things at 70%, you do need to be in rooms where people are a little bit I’ve talked about this before plus, minus and equals, you need to be you need to have someone who’s in front of you. You have someone who’s at your level, and you have someone that is behind you, because then you’ll actually get competence by helping the person who’s behind you, you’ll have someone who, who lets you feel like you’re like, Oh, we’re doing it like today, as I call it, Lauren, we’re we are at equal. We’re both like trying to kick some fucking ass to get our businesses to this next level. We’ve had great success, we want another level. We know the people who are plus, and I’d love to be on a walk and talk with them. But I like we got to get there for or I need to pay them for their time. So worth anyways.

Brad Crowell 25:44
But I think what the cultivating you know, those relationships, you know, she actually led by example here a couple years ago, she started a group for moms in tech. And it started with like, 14 ladies and they didn’t even talk about work. They just talked about life. And that group has grown to 8000 people. It’s insane. Yeah, pretty banana. So anyway, love that, you know, being in community. We’re all about that.

Lesley Logan 26:12
Yeah. Well, how are you going to use these tips in your life?

Brad Crowell 26:15
Yeah, we want to know.

Lesley Logan 26:16
I’m Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell 26:17
And I’m Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 26:18
Make sure you share this with someone who needs to learn the word now. Make sure you share this someone who needs to apply before they’re ready. Sometimes they don’t, you know, you’re like I’ve already told them so then have someone else tell them.

Brad Crowell 26:27
Yeah, send this podcast.

Lesley Logan 26:28
Yeah. And until next time, Be It Till You See It.

Brad Crowell
Bye for now.

Lesley Logan
That’s all I’ve got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate this show and leave a review. And, follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over on IG at the @be_it_pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us help others to BE IT TILL YOU SEE IT. Have an awesome day!

Lesley Logan
‘Be It Till You See It’ is a production of ‘Bloom Podcast Network’.

Brad Crowell
It’s written, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan
It is produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.

Brad Crowell
Our theme music is by Ali at APEX Production Music. And our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan
Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals and Ximena Velasquez for our transcriptions.

Brad Crowell
Also to Angelina Herico for adding all the content to our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.

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